40: Life Goes On

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Three and a half years pass with me going from mission to mission and listening to Lord Danzo's every order and sending clones to visit my father, I told him I couldn't always be around but I'd at least make it to weekend dinners.

Wanting to travel some more and expand my time with my father I trade in my Bear mask for a Falcon mask. Lord Danzo's belief in me seeing other Village jutsus might be beneficial for me decides to let me move divisions.

In the past two years I've learned to use more than three Kekkei Genki Chakra thanks to the Rinnegan. I want to use the Falcon Division tasks to my advantage and see what I could do with the Rinnegan.

I walk into the pale, unnoticeable building and make my way down. I head to the gear room and ask for my new gear and mask.

"Quitting the main Divisions and going rogue?" I look at the man inside the gear cage and nod.

"Good luck Yuki, not that you need it." I look at him.

"I'll be spending most of the time developing my ninjutsu." He smiles sheepishly and says that's a terrifying arsenal to be against.

I smirk as I take the gear from him and walk off to the changing area and put my new things in my cubby.

"Earth to Yuki." I snap out of my daydream and follow the voice.

"Shisui." He smiles at me.

"Want to grab lunch? Your missions isn't till tonight." I accept his invitation.

"Sure. I could go for some ramen." We change before heading into town.

I change into my black body suit and red dress that has an opening on the right and it goes up to the belt I use to keep the dress on and closed. I lower the mask as I make sure the metal plate with the Leaf symbol is facing forward in the belt

I grab my short grey hoodie, that has no sleeves over my shoulders and keep the turtle neck of my under suit down as to not cover my face. I grab my black boots and join Shisui outside.

We stop walking when we hear someone call Shisui. "Itachi! Back already?" A small Uchiha nods.

"Yuki this is Itachi Uchiha. Itachi this is Yuki Uzumkai." We exchange hello's before another Uchiha joins us.

"Hi Shisui-kun." Shisui smiles and tells me the girl is Izumi Uchiha.

"We're about to get something to eat want to join us?" He asks them and they nod, I look behind me as I sense Kakahsi return.

We are hardly home at the same time, usually he gets here just after my departure. Or I'm leaving as he's scheduled to return. We'll meet up every once and a while, I'll probably get him something to eat before I leave.

"Yuki?" I snap out of my daydream when I realize I was lagging behind, I apologise and catch up to them.

"So Yuki-sama. How did you and Shisui-kun meet?" I look at Izumi.

"We took the Chunin Exam together. And now we work together on occasion."

She smiles and ask if I'm in the Anbu like them and I nod. She continues to ask questions as we continue walking, k give vague replies, I'm not in much of a mood to talk. We make our way to Ichiraku's Ramen shop.

We take the stools at the end to leave the rest of the bar free. "The usual Ichiraku." He nods and goes down the line.

After dinner Shisui and I part ways and I return to the Anbu building and get ready for my first Bingo Book mission. "Here you go." I take my gear and book from the man behind the gear storage. I nod and walk off to the change room. After a quick briefing with Lord Danzo and a dinner plate left on the table for Kakashi I'm on my way to the last location of a Rogue Ninja with a ninja from the Frog Division, and a ninja from the Cat Division.

We follow the directions to the rogue ninjas last known location. "This ninja is trained in Lighting Style and Fire Style. Keep your eyes peeled and use Earth Style jutsus to throw him off his game." I tell them as we make our way through the trees.

We arrive to the village the rogue ninja was last seen. I pull out the scroll and look at the drawing of our target. "There. He's walking out of the store at the end of the street. Let's follow him until he's alone." They nod and we go around the village, I keep track of him by his chakra signature.

"Earth Style: Earth Wall!" I protect us from a lightening attack.

"They sent more ninja's to come hunt me down. Well come on then." I jump down and join him on the ground.

"Fire Style: Fire ball Jutsu!" I counter with a water Jutsu to extinguish his flames.

"Earth Style: Earth mold." The ground starts pulling him in.

"Wind Style: Wind cutter." He cuts the ground around him and breaks free.

"Water Style: Ice needles!" The girl from the Cat division manages to get behind him and lands a hit on his back. He goes flying forward.

His red hair falls out of his cloaks hood. "Red hair." I stare baffled at him, he spits out blood and looks at me.

"And?" He gets up as I stare at him.

"Uzumaki." I mutter and he glares at me, "I get it, you were one of the ones who killed my-" Cat division ninja drives her Tanto through his chest.

"No!" I step forward as he stares at me.

I pull off my hood so he can see my red hair, his eyes go wide as he realizes what I just put together. "So there is others." He falls to his knees. He's bleed out before his body even touches the ground.

"Why the hesitation?" I loodok at them.

"He was an Uzumaki. Go on ahead, give me a minute. I want to be the one to burn the body." They nod and they take off. I walk up to him and quickly seal bks body.

I take the scroll to the Uzushiogakure Village and unseal the you get Uzumkai and I burry his body.

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