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Between healing and getting the okay to return to training three weeks went by fast.

Shisui has become my partner in training when he's free. He has been on a mission for the last two weeks and I'm not sure when he'll return.

He says sparing with another person helps you understand how you could use your abilities in quick calls. His usual training partner is his best friend Asoko Uchiha.

Asoko has been on a mission for the last eight months, so he's been training alone lately.

"Yuki you ready to go? You don't have to Yuki but I know your parents would be proud of this step you're taking," I smile softly at my grandmother.

"I believe they would be, we can go," I say and lead the way out the front door.

It turns out that if I want a chance to participate in the war I must be a shinobi of the Leaf and for that, I must graduate from the Acadamy. So today I start my first day. I have yet to train with the group for I've been too concerned about getting used to my new eyes.

Training with Shisui has helped me understand the fighting style of Uchihas but even that won't be enough to gauge the others' styles and strengths.

I hold onto my lunch and follow quietly behind my grandparents. Living life here is similar to living back in Uzushiogakure, I still find it strange but I feel alright here.

"Yuki well come for you after school by the same gate we leave you at, alright," Mt grandfather looks back to make sure I'm listening.

I catch his eye and nod, "I'll look for you two," he smiles at me.

"Try and make some new friends Yuki. You might enjoy yourself at school," he says after a bit and I nod going quiet.

I rather pretend I don't exist. I follow the instructor who greets my grandparents at the gate.

"Students if you'll settle down I'd like to introduce to you all a new student. This is Yuki Uzumaki she will be with our class from here on," I walk in and face the class of eleven-year-olds.

They've known each other their whole lives, I'm a stranger. I make my way to the seat Sensei Izuko assigned me and zone in and out on shadow clone jutsus.

The morning breezes by and the next thing I know we are being released for lunch.

"Hey Yuki," a girl with light pink hair and eyes pulls me from my daydream, "I'm Etsuko Inoskie. I sit way up top." She smiles and points to her desk.

"My friends and I eat on the roof. Would you like to join us?" she smiles softly at me, so I agree.

"Hey everyone I invited Yuki," a group of three girls and two boys circle a blue blanket behind the staircase wall.

They all introduce themselves to me and I greet them before doing the same.

"I'm originally from the Uzushiogakure but it was attacked so I'm here now," I say to them.

"Oh, are you with family here?" Akio asks me and I nod before clarifying.

"I have my dad's side of the family here, they weren't civilians of Uzushiogakure. My parents met when my mom came to the Leaf for vacation one summer when she was in her early twenties. Dad always said it was love at first sight," I smile sadly.

"My father was a Uchiha, I live with them now," I add and their eyes go wide.

"You're a Uchiha?" Kigo asks and I nod.

"Yes, I am. But because we were going to live in Uzushiogakure he took my mom's last name, so I go by Uzumaki, not Uchiha," I state.

"Well, it's good you still have family. No one should be alone in this world," Etsuko speaks up and I agree.

We eat lunch, exchanging foods with each other and talking small talk.

The second part of the day goes by quickly as well. Already knowing how to create a clone helps me not need to pay attention. I zone back in when the class is released for the day.

After waving goodbye to the girls that I ate lunch with, I rush over to my grandfather.

"Your grandma couldn't leave the kitchen without the food paying the price," I smile at his words and we walk home with me telling him how my day went.

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