12: Chūnin Exam Part I

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I quickly shut off my alarm as I walk back into my room, I've been awake since four A.M. practicing shorthand seals. 

"Yuki you up?" I nod as I wash my plate and tell her I've been up since four this morning.

"Okay, well make sure you got your scrolls ready and don't want to forget anything," I nod and tell her I'll double check everything before leaving.

"Good luck Yuki," I smile and tell her thanks, "I'll let you know how it goes."

I rush out and run to the Academy, "Yuki!" Ryko and Eiji were waiting for me by the Academy.

"We came to wish you luck, Yuki. Right, Eiji." Ryko nudges Eiji who mutters yes.

"Thanks, guys," I turn and walk off, "hey Yuki!" I stop and look at Eiji.

"Don't fail. It'll make our team look bad." I nod before I run off and join Shisui and Koga at the entrance.

"Come on you two let's get this over with." We listen to Koga and walk inside, a man was waiting by the entrance.

"Names." He didn't even bother to look up from his stack of papers.

"Koga Hyūga." Koga walks past the man once he checks Koga in.

"Shisui Uchiha." The man checks him in and nods at Shisui to go on.

"Yuki Uzumaki." He motions for me to pass and tells us to head upstairs to room three A. We walk into a room full of people. Apparently, we are late so we quickly find spots at the back.

Two more groups walk in before a man walks in, "I am Moshimo and I will be the written exams proctor. You must complete this exam within an hour and a half if you fail to complete you fail the Chūnin exam. You will be told an hour after the exam ends if you passed or failed. If you pass the written exam then you will proceed to the second portion of the Chūnin exam. I shall pass the exams now."

He walks around leaving the exam papers facing down before he steps back up to the podium. "Your hour and a half begin now." I flip the page and quickly get through the exam. I spend the leftover time napping.

Koga wakes me up and tells us time is up. Proctor Moshimo comes and picks up our papers and dismisses us to the courtyard. I pull out my lunch and eat while we wait for the results. "How can you eat at a time like this Yuki?" I look at Shisui and offer him a rice ball.

"Don't tell me you're actually worried Shisui?" He smiles at me and takes it as I offer one to Koga.

"Of course not." Koga eats it calmly, he's never been one to worry.

"Neither am I so that's why I can eat. What about you Koga? You worried?" He smirks at me.

"Not in the slightest." Koga bites down on the rice ball he takes from my plate.

We finish eating as Proctor Moshimo walks out and calls two-thirds of the people who took the written exam. The rest were asked to go home.

Moshimo leads us to the edge of the village. "I am Saki Watanabe, I'm the proctor for the second part of the Chūnin exam."

Watanabe? Like Ryko Watanabe, the long I look at Saki Watanabe the more resemblance I see between her and Ryko, maybe she his mother?

A woman with long brown hair comments, "the second part of the exam is a maze." She points to the large dirt wall that's covered in moss and vines

She walks over to the tent, "you will come up and collect A scroll, before heading to your assigned entrance. You have three days to make it to the other side. You must make it across the Maze with your whole team and with two scrolls, the second scroll must match the one you already have, if you have a moon you find a sun, if you have a sun you find a moon." She picks up a clipboard as she closes the tent opening, she starts calling out teams.

We we're one of the first groups to be called and assigned to gate eight. "There's twelve teams, that means six teams at most will make it through." Saki speaks up.

"What do you think lays inside?" I say as I stare at the opening.

"Traps most likely, we just have to weed through the other teams to find the one who has our scrolls pair." Koga says and we nod.

"Alright you have till the day after tomorrow to get to the end with your scrolls pair. Please note you don't have to make it to the end with your given scroll, as long as you have matching pair of scrolls you'll make it to the third portion of the exam."

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