45: The Little Things

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I rush over to the Uchiha estate and knock on Shisui's front door, "hi, mama Uchiha," Shisui's mom smiles at me. "Is Shisui home?"

"In his room, just got back from a mission." I thank her and run upstairs.

"Shisui!" I jump on his bed and he's startled away.

"Wake up!" He rubs his eyes and a small smile slips past his annoying poster.

"Yuki how happy I am for your good mood, I just got in and I'm exhausted." He sits up and moves and aira on my lap, "Shisui. Hey wake up."

"Let me sleep Yuki." I roll my eyes.

"Never mind that Shisui. I found other Uzumaki!" He looks at me as the exhaustion leaves his expression.

"What?" I nod as my smile broadens as he sits up to look at me.

"Yes it's a village by the Land of Waves and they're all Uzumaki. Their clan head has been searching and rescuing Uzumaki for a while now. I offered my help to find more." I smile and he smiles back at me.

"I'm happy you found regiments of your clan Yuki. You're not the only one anymore." I nod and he asks if he can go to sleep now. I nod and tell him yes. He lays back down.

"Hey Yuki?" I stop from leaving, "yeah?"

"Just make sure you're not being used. I wouldn't want to see you  get hurt. Not physically, we both know that's impossible, but emotionally."

You're not just a civilia you're a ninja. A highly trained ninja, please be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you?" He asks as warmth fills me, this is why I love Shisui. I walk up to him and I kiss him.

"Idiot next time say it while you're fully awake." I mess up his already messy hair and teleport out.

I make my way to the cemetery.

"Kushina. Minato. I found some of my clan mates. Kushina I'm not the only one anymore." I stay a while before walking over to Eiji's and Ryko's grave.

"Sorry, you guys still no hobby. But maybe if this pans out and I find my clan and help it back together I'll try and get one."

I stay there by their graves a while before walking over to Koga's grave. "It's sad how many people I come to visit here."

"Just because we're no longer on the same sinking boat doesn't mean you can't tell me stuff." I turn and watch Kakashi walk up to me.

"Me not telling you anything has nothing to do with our shared impending doom but with you never being here." I look up and see Kakashi walking up to me.

He looks at me, "who do you think leaves you all the food? We may not be in the same sinking ship anymore doesn't mean I'm going to let you go under."

I turn to walk away, ruffling his hair on way out. I wait for Kakashi at his place to tell him everything that's been going on.

I was halfway home when I realize I was being followed, I teleport to the rooftops and behind the one following me. "Who are you and why are you here?"

The cloaked man lowers his hood to reveal his face. "You're the man from the estate."

"My name is Ichiru. And a part of me wanted to see how you live the other was doing as Ma'ze asked and made sure you arrived home safely."

I look at him skeptically, "yeah I don't believe you."

He smiles at me, "I don't mean any harm, I'm telling the truth Ma'ze sent me. I think he too wants to know the life you live here."

I sit down and look at him, "why?" Ichiru sits down and explains like Ma'ze he's was a hermit for so long.

"My parents died that day and I was taken in by villagers by a village nearby the Uzushiogakure Village. The village quickly went under during the war that's when Ma'ze found me and a few other Uzumaki children. I've been with Ma'ze ever since."

I look at him before looking at the Leaf, "I was stationed in a makeshift camp near the edge of the Land of Fire by the Uzushiogakure Village I'm surprised we didn't cross paths."

"You were in the war?" I look at him and nod.

"I lost people who were dear to me. Unlike you, I've been here at the Leaf since day one. After the Village was destroyed, Leaf Shinobi found me and brought me here. A woman pertaining to the Uzumaki clan took me in. To me, the Leaf is my home and there's nothing I wouldn't do for the leaf." I lay down and look up at the sky.

"That's why I'm here the clan Ma'ze built is precious to me. I wish to protect it at all costs." I tell him I understand.

"Yuki what are you doing up there? Come on we're meeting up for barbeque!" Inori shouts, I sit up and tell Ichiru I have to go.

"Coming!" I jump down and follow Inori and Shiori.

I rush over to the barbeque place with Inori and Shiori, to find Shisui walking out, "hey what's wrong?"

He looks up and his expression changes, "nothing just work, I'll talk to you later Yuki." I nod and he walks away. That's weird. He flickers back in front of me.

"Shisui?" He kisses me.

"That was for earlier." I laugh.

"You just realized I kissed you?" He hugs me, "no I came looking for you but I got called in before I could find you."

I roll my eyes, "so then we're a thing?" I ask him.

He looks at me, "I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember, I'll take any and all moments with you I can get." He kisses my forehead.

I hug him as I get the sense of him saying goodbye, "I love you too Shisui, after all these years you've been a light in my very dim life."

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