35: Destruction and All His Friends

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I walk up to the empty, half lived in house. The living room was covered in baby things, baby things Minato and I bought yesterday. The kitchen had a dirty bowel, Kushina must have gotten up to get something to eat late last night, she went into hidding this morning, at least that's what Lord Third said, something about them being afraid Kushina giving birth would weaken the seal.

"Kushina, Minato. Come back," I beg as I sit in kitchen floor. I hug my knees and cry, they're gone, they're really gone. They're dead, Minato and Kushina are dead, I've lost my family once again.

"Damn it!" I scream into the empty house, I hug myself as I rest my forehead against the floor. Why does this keep happening?

I wake up in the same fetal position as before, "you awake?" I look up and see Kakashi sitting across from me.

"Why did you knock me out?"

"They didn't want the young men and woman of the village to get injured or killed during the attack of the Nine Tails, we we're sealed inside a barrier and when Shisui realized that you weren't in the village you'd sense the Nine Tails chakra you'd come running. So we we're ordered to keep you from endangering your life."

"Everyone I love is dead, do you really think I care if I died too?" I ask him and he looks at me.

He stares at me, "I could have saved them." He stares back and me.

"I could have as well. I had no more control in this than you did." I sit up.

"I can't stay here anymore. It's feels wrong to be here without them. I can't be here. I want to go, but I can't. I can't because it's all gone, and it's all my fault it could all been avoided if I had been here. I've lost everything again. I want to go home." I get up and pull out a Kunai.

Shisui grabs my arm, "Yuki stop," Kakashi leaves as Shisui kneels in front of me.

"Let me go," he grips my hand as he pulls the Kunai from my fingers.

"Letting you run away isn't going to solve anything."

"I'm not trying to solve anything I just want to be somewhere where I can disappear. Somewhere where my emotions match the outside, let me disappear!" I pull myself free and telport to my old home.

I sit at the edge of town and stare at the ruins, it all started here, everything went wrong here.

I began to lose everything here, no not everything. I get up and I make my way to the Senju Village.

My dad was waiting outside, "Ritsku." I start to cry.

"I was alone, I was under a collapsed store when they first tried to kill me, I fell through the ground into the basement. That's what saved me. I was chased down the street and I came across multiple dead Uzumaki. Yuki found me and he lead me out of town. He left me in a tree to hide when they started following us. When I went to go find him, I couldn't, instead a Leaf ninja found me and he told me there was nothing left of my clan." I wipe the tears.

"I evetually found Yuki, but when I did I watched him die, I couldn't forgive myself for that, it was my fault he went to face those ninjas. I was the only one, from all the Uzumaki I was the only one they found, and I wasn't even an Uzumkai, I was a Senju. I told them I was Yuki Uzumaki because I lost my brother and my clan. A woman, an Uzumaki took me in. She finished raising me, she was and Uzumaki like me, and now she's gone and I'm all that's left. Me a half Uzumaki, half Senju. I'm all alone dad." He hugs me as I collapse and cry.

I eventually pass out from the exhaustion, I wake up in my room alone. My father was down stairs talking to someone, he was crying to, I think he believes he failed me.

He didn't, my view of the world just took a releastic negative turn. I close the door and teleport back to the Senju village, here I won't cause anyone pain.

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