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(Taylor's POV)

It is finally the end of the day and I am exhausted. As I head out to my car I spot a very deep in thought Zayn leaning aginst the hood of it. As I approach him he looks up and tries to look happy but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

I frown and ask him "Zayn, what's wrong with you?, why do you look like that?" He shakes his head and gets in my car. Oh yeah its cool bro, just get all up in my car like you asked permission, DAMN!!

I get in my car despite my confusion as to why he is and I say to him, "don't you want to drive your car?" He gives me a dumbfounded look and says, "shit...yeah I will just meet you at your house."

He gets out and I drive to my house. We hadn't made plans to hang out at all today. He was looking worried and sad. It breaks my heart so I stop at my house and get out, I watch him pull up behind me and I smile at him but he doesn't return it.

As we enter my house I see my mom and Red watching T.V. so I decide to introduce them to Zayn, "Hey guys, this is my friend Zayn, Zayn this is my mom Sunny, and her boyfriend Red." Zayn snaps out of his daydream and shakes their hands saying "it is a pleasure to meet you both."

They say their 'hellos and goodbyes' before Zayn and I decide to go up stairs to hang out in my room. We enter and Zayn sits down on my bed and let's out a loud sigh so I ask "what's on your mind buddy?" As I lay down beside him while staring at him.

Zayn looks over at me and says "you, I have to tell you something very important and........I don't think that you will want to be my friend after that." He says while sitting up and playing with his fingers looking down in shame.

I sit up and say "Zayn, you can tell me anything and nothing will change the fact that you are my friend....honestly it can't be that murder someone?" I widen my eyes and laugh. He let's out a slight smile but quickly shows another sad face before letting out yet again another sigh.

He looks up at me and says "you promise that you won't scream or freak out and shit like that?" He asks cautiously. I hold out my pinky and say "I promise Zayn, pinky swear?" He chuckles nervously and shakes my pinky and says" ok......i... uhhh ......I'm...a....vampire."

I shoot up out of my spot which causes Zayn to come forward and place his hand on my mouth and say "you promised REMEMBER?"

I slowly nod and he releases his grip and says again, "ok now, I know you probably don't believe me but I got turned in 1805, by an evil vampire named Louis and he is now looking for me somewhere and he will eventually find me and try and kill me....but I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you because I care about you and if any harm comes to you I don't know what I'll do."

I stare at him in awe then say "you know this makes sense why your so good damn attractive, no one human can look that good!" I say as we laugh and he hugs me and says "so do you still wanna be my friend?"

I giggle and say "yeah as long as you don't eat me!" He sighs and says "I'll admit it is a challenge because your blood smells amazing, but I care about you and can't loose you so I promise love, you're safe with me."

He was serious as I look up at him while still in his arms as he looks right back I see his eye color change from their usual hazel colour to a greenish-brown colour.

As he leans in I don't realize that I lean in as well and finally our lips meet. HOLY SHIT, he is a really good kisser, and as cliche as it sounds I felt sparks in the pit of my stomach.

As we part he looks at me and smiles and let's me go while heavily breathing from the kiss only to say "in all my life I have never had a kiss that damn good!" I laugh and say, "me neither Zayn, me neither."

It's now late, probably about midnight and Zayn has filled me in about him and his vampire powers like speed and mind reading and feeling emotions and mind control, how fucking cool is that. He rolls over on his side to look at me and asks "do you like me?"

I giggle and say "why yes I do, Zaynie poo!" He laughs and says "Zaynie poo?!? What the fuck is that?" And I laughed as well then explain "it's your nickname now, and I do really like you." He looks at me and says "well that's good because I don't think I can be just friends with you after that amazing kiss."

I agree, I hope it won't be awkward but I don't think it will, maybe he will ask me out? Nononono, he won't he probably doesn't like me like that- "yes I do, that's why I asked if you liked me." FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THE MIND READING..."yes you did"....God damn bro get the hell out of my head... "you know Zayn, you suck asshole." He laughs and says "well we are going on a date tomorrow"

I look at him in astonishment I have never been on a date before. What do I wear?.......what time is he taking me?........where are we going??

My thoughts were cut short by Zayn saying "don't worry love, I will take care of everything just dress casually and I'll pick you up at eight, ok?"

I giggle and say "yeah sure, I'll see you tomorrow." I say as he jumped out of my window........dork..."HEY I HEARD THAT LOVE!!" I shout back "OF COURSE YOU FUCKING DID!!"

Then I have the best sleep ever thinking about how great tomorrow will be...

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