New Friend

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I'm driving to school and as I pull in to the parking lot I spot a Red Grand Prix zooms past me, DAMN BITCH SLOW YOUR ASS DOWN!!....damn...

I get out to yell at this bitch for almost killing my ass, but instead she gets out and beats me to it "What the fuck is your problem bitch?!?, you can't just fucking sit in the middle of the road!"

"Ex-fucking-scuse me bitch, who the hell do you think you are I will beat your ass hoe!" What the fuck is her problem God damn...."I'd like to see you try you little bitch" I smirk at her and say "your wish is my command, bitch!"

Just as we charge at each other I feel a hand yank me back....fuck you styles..fuck you. "What the hell is going on here, Tay?!?" I are at him in annoyance and anger, "Well more like what was going to happen before your bitch ass showed up!" I say angrily.

I look at this chick and she comes over to me and says "you got sass and I like that, what you up to later we should hang out." I look back skeptically and nod, " yeah ok, I'm Taylor, what's your name girl?" She laughed and says "Hayley I'm Hayley, well I'll see you later, bye."

I wave as she walks off, then look at Harry who looks confused as fuck but also sad and then I realized, "OMG hazza bear I'm soooooooooooooo sorry you know I didn't mean what I said I was just upset, sorry buddy."

He smiles and says "it's ok, Tay..I know the heat of the moment and shit like that, well I got to go. Love you bye!" He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and walks away, I shout back "LOVE YOU TOO, HAZZA!!"

Just as I turn I see Zayn with a sad expression so I walk over and ask him "hey zayn what is wrong with you?, you look sad."

He slowly looks back up at me and asks "you love him?" I nod and then realized what he means by love and I quickly say "OMG NOOOOOOOO NOT LIKE THAT HAHA, NO ONLY AS A FRIEND that why you were sad?"

He slowly nod and says "yeah, but...uh.....never mind, I'll see you later, love." he quickly kisses my other cheek and walks away leaving me wondering, what the fuck just happened?

The New Kid (A ZAYN MALIK FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now