Happy Days

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(Zayn's POV)

Taylor and I headed home after the grocery shopping and she seemed pissed off by the fact that Louis was there. I can't really blame her he is a little asshole.

After I unlocked the door to our house she leaves me at the door with all the shit and goes upstairs. Great, leave me with all the groceries it's not like I need help...no your fine I'm fine, we're all fucking fine! I carry the food to the kitchen and place everything in the correct spot, then head upstairs to comfort her.

I slowly open the door and see her on the bed face down mumbling profanities into the pillow, while screaming here and there. I honestly can't help but chuckle at her childish ways and sit next to her.

I place my hand on her back and rub slow circles and she relaxs instantly and looks up at me and smiles "Hi Zayn, I'm sorry I left you with all the food to put away." I smile at her and shrug "It's no problem at all babe, I just wanted to see that your okay."

She nods and sits up and pulls me close for a hug and I wrap my arms around her waist and she puts her face into my neck. I breath in her scent which smells of vanilla and brown sugar she always smells so good.

We stay like that for a while till I speak up "Hey babe?" She kisses my neck and says "yeah?" I smile and ask "do you hear that?"

She gives me a confused look and says "uh, no?" I smirk and say, "Oh it's just the sound of me starving."

She laughs that beautiful laugh and gets up but I pull her back down and she falls on top of me.

I smile and she leans in and so do I till our lips meet. She is an amazing kisser every time I kiss her I feel fire works.

She pulls away and to my disappointment gets off of me. I frown deeply and say, "awww, why did you get up you were warm!" I playfully pout she laughs and says,

"do you hear that?" I give her a confused look "no, what do you hear?" She smirks and says, "its the sound of me not caring." And then walks away.

I'm not gonna lie she has a nice butt so I watch her walk away with a smile and use hear her shout. "stop staring at my ass Zayn."

I laugh and chase her out of the room and grab her by the waist and carry her to the couch to tickle her.

She starts to laugh uncontrollably and I laugh as well "ZAYN.....S-STOP.....AHHHHHH.....OH MY GOD.....NO!!, HAHAHAHAHAH!" I smile and say "no I dont think I will, I'm enjoying this." She laughs and asks"PLEASE??"

I laugh again and say "ok fine but not until you say 'zayn malik is the sexiest man alive and I love him with all my heart'" she laughs and says, "F-FINE, ZAYN MALIK I-IS THE DORKIEST MAN ALIVE....AND I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART!"

I laugh and stop tickling her, "well, close enough!" She smiles and we kiss and then go to the kitchen where she cooks and I watch because she is the greatest view ever.

After we finish our delicious pasta that Tay made, we sat down and decided to watch a movie.

Eventually she fell asleep and I carried her to the room after I put her in one of my t-shirts and no pants because I know she hates sleeping in pants.

Then I get my self situated and changed then lay down next to her and fall asleep thinking...how did I get so lucky to get a girl who loves me for me?, and isn't afraid of me?, god I love you Tay, I'm going to make you mine forever one day...that's a promise darling.

(Taylor's POV)

I wake up from my awesome slumber to feel an arm loosely hanging around my waist. I roll over to see a sleeping Zayn, aww he looks so peaceful and adorable, on a scale from 1-10 I just can't even with his cuteness.

I start to kiss his cheek then his forehead and I move on to his nose then his chin. I stop and stare at him and then go to get out of bed till his arm tightens and I'm pulled back to his chest and he mumbles in his husky morning voice "I know that you don't think you going anywhere without kissing me first."

I laugh and give him a peck but he doesn't care and pulls me back for a longer kiss. I pull away and say "okay, now let me go I have to shower and then you can shower then I'll make breakfast." He nods and then says. "that plan is awful where's the part where we shower together?"

I laugh and say, "oh honey, you misunderstood there is no we in the shower, only a naked me!" Zayn frowns and then kisses me, "aww but I like the naked you, actually I just like you in general." I smile and giggle "good answer, now release me!"

He sighs then lets go and we both get ready after each of our showers. I finished my shower and I got dressed now Zayn is getting cleaned up and getting dressed while I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I get to the kitchen and decide on banana foster's waffles.

I take the waffles and put them in the toaster. Then get the peanut butter and powdered sugar and syrup out, then make the plates.

Zayn comes down the stairs and wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses my cheek as I get the drinks ready.

He hums as I put the sweet breakfast on the table "are those bfw's?!?" I laugh at his excitement and nod. "They sure are, anything for my Zayn." He smiles and says, "I like when you call me your Zayn" I smile and peck his cheek. "I like it too, Zayn."

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