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(Zayn POV)

I woke up about an hour later after Tay and I fell asleep. I look down at her as she sleeps....God I love her so much I would do anything for her, and will do anything to protect her. She looks so peacefully when she I thought.

I look at her again and I see her red ring glowing an even brighter red and she twitches her face a few times. I start to get worried, she mumbles a few words I couldn't understand at first, but now it's more clear she is saying, no! stay away don't hurt him, I won't let you, you!!...NO!

At this point I am shaking her awake but she won't wake up so I do the only thing I could think of I kiss her. After about a minute she kisses back, but I pull away and she is still asleep. I think till she whispers my name Zayn?.....Zayn? Help me please!!

"Tay are you ok, please wake up if you hear me." She starts to shake and says "Zayn, I can't open my eyes, what is happening help me PLEASE!!!"

I nod and say "it's gonna be ok darling, it's okay I got you I promise!" Just as I'm about to give up hope I notice the only thing that it could be so I take off her ring and she collapses to the bed.

"TAY?!? TAY ARE YOU ALRIGHT ANSWER ME BABY PLEASE?!?" I shake her vigorously and she starts to move a little and she opens her eyes.

She is so weak I don't even know what to do till she says, "Zayn....I'm....I'm....okay, it was Louis not my ring he was using my ring against me."

I am so fucking done with this bastard it's one thing if he messes with me but no one fucks with the girl I one.

"I am going to fucking kill him, I swear he can mess with me I don't fucking care but he pushed it way to far with the car, and now this?!?, I'm going to end him for good!"

Taylor looks up at me with sorrowful eyes and says, "maybe you should leave me." I look at her confused and a little pissed that she would says that.

"what?!? Why the hell would I do that I won't ever leave you, and I don't plan on you leaving me if I can help it....what would you say something like that?......don't you love me?"

She looks as if she is about to cry but damn so am I, "NO, Zayn of course I love you and I always will I just don't want you to get hurt and I figure that with me around Louis will hurt you too and I can't I just can't have him hurting you Zayn, I will die before he hurts you!"

I feel relief knowing that she doesnt want us to be over, "ok, well don't say that again ever because there is no way I am ever leaving you, you are to important to me to let you go so easily. I won't let you go till we die, and that hopefully won't happens for awhile seeing as we are both immortal."

She gigles and says "well now that is over with, maybe we can do something fun?" I have an idea of fun I'd like to do with you..."what do you have in mind?" I ask knowing very well what I want to do, and she is damn fine..."well we could go out somewhere seeing as we fell asleep at noon and it's like 3:30."

I nod and say "cool where to?" Her eyes light up in excitement and she says "lets go to the go-kart track and arcade I love it there." I smile at her child like love for games and go-karts and say "sure thing babe, but let's get ready first."

She shoots out of bed and starts to giggle and does this weird dance that I find highly adorable. "what the hell is that?!?" She laughs and says "it's my excited dance!"

I laugh again and say "is that what that was?,  It looked more like you broke a leg but we're trying to run a marathon."

She immediately stops her dance and frowns and I can't help but laugh at how fucking cute she is. I wrap her up in a hug and she tries to deny me but fails "but it was really fucking cute." She laughs in my chest and say "whatever I am going to shower."

"We should shower together, you know to save water?" She laughs and comes up to me and whispers in my ear "nice try Malik, but you aren't slick!" She turns away and I smack her ass and it makes her squeal and I say "oh yes I am babe."


(Taylor's POV)

After I get out of the shower I leave the bathroom expecting for there to be a Zayn laying on the bed or something. Instead he is no where to be found. I head down stares and I smell something off, unsettling, I turn the corner to see a pair of feet.

And slowly my eyes travel upwards to the laying body on the floor and I see that it's....WHAT ZAYN, OH MY GOD NOOOO!!!! I rush to aid him because there is a pool of blood surrounding him....OH MY GOD PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!

I try and lift him up but he is to heavy "ZAYN....ZAYN DON'T YOU LEAVE ME YOU JUST TOLD ME LIKE 20 MINUETS AGO YOU WOULDNT LEAVE ME!!!!" I need to get him out of here and to the hospital now!!!, I call Hayley to come help me.

(Beginning of call)
H: hello? Tay what's wrong?!?
T: oh my god Hayley I need your help..please Zayn isn't waking up and there is blood...and....and help!!!!!
H:oh my god okay I'm on my way, just wait are you at his house, txt me the address!
T:okay, I will just hurry!

(End of call)

As I wait for Hayley I can't cry I just can't, and I just cradle Zayn in my arms hoping that he will be ok. I texted Hayley the address she will be here soon....oh god don't leave me Zayn, please...I love you.

I look down at the love of my life and say "hey better not leave me because you promised you wouldn't and you know that we don't break promises right? just come back to me babe."

I wait a few more minuets and his eyes flutter open just slightly. He doesn't notice me holding him and looks around frantically and then shouts my name as loud as he can. "TAYLOR, WHERE ARE YOU, ARE YOU OK..oh god where is she!!!"

I take his hand in mine "Zayn, Zayn I'm right're gonna be ok!" He looks at me and sighs in relief and says "god it bad but I'll hopefully be ok, I love you so much and I just want one last kiss if I don't make it." He can't be doing that to me not now...."no, no, no Zayn you're coming home ok don't think like that!"

He looks at me in sorrow "I'm so sorry you have to go through this Tay...I love you." I nod with tears in my eyes and say "it's ok, I'm fine just as long as you don't leave me."

He slowly starts to tear up "I won't babe, I won't I'll fight it through." I lean down and he reaches his hands to my face and pulls me down all the way and our lips meet.

We kiss for a while, and eventually we had to come up for some damn air. I tried to keep him awake but he said he was tired and couldn't stay awake anylonger. Before he fell asleep he said "I promise I will see you when I come back darling...I love you, so much."

I told him I loved him too but Hayley came through the door. "ok, ok I'm here we need to get him some help let's gooo!!!!!!"

We flee to the car as fast as possible and speed to the hospital. We arrive after about 10 minuets and I rush Zayn through the door with Hayleys help.

I shout over everybody "HELP ME PLEASE, WE NEED A DOCTOR!!" A doctor comes rushing up to me and says "ok ma'am we'll take it from can have a seat over there." And starts pushing me towards a seat "NO,WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM I'M GOING IN WITH HIM!!!"

The doctor says "no you can't Miss I'm sorry." I am so over this shit. "you know what?, I'm done get the fuck off of me, thanks!" The doctor nods and apologizes "I'm sorry miss, I shouldn't have touched you but you can't go in there."

I nod and say "no, I'm sorry I'm just worried because I love him so much and I don't want to lose him!" He nods and says "it's ok I you need anything?"

Right now I just want to be left the fuck alone. "no thanks I'm....uh.....fine." He nods and leaves and as soon as I sit in that chair I lose all of my shit and cry....and cry....and cry till I physically can't anymore.

The New Kid (A ZAYN MALIK FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now