Hayley Meets Zayn!

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(Taylor's POV)

As I'm at home in my bed I hear a knock on my door. Yes if you are wondering I am home from the hospital. I reach the door to open it to a bouquet of white roses, they slowly move down and I see harry.

I laugh at his cheesy remark and now that I can some what speak I say "Hazza I know that you were worried, but I didn't need flowers." He chuckles and comes in my house to put them in water and speaks "absolutely, the most beautiful girl in the world deserves flowers right?"

I blush and look down and say "I'm not that beautiful Hazza" he comes over to me and puts a finger under my chin to lift my gaze and says"yes, Tay you are...and I guarantee that Zayn character doesn't tell you enough."

I look up again and he leans in. I start to lean in to, then I realize that Harry is my friend.....WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?!?, I quickly pull away, he looks down and says "I.....uh I'm sorry, Tay lets just forget it."

He starts to leave but I stop him by saying "NO!!!, Harry I'm sorry...I just don't feel the same. Can we still be friends or do you hate me?"

He runs over and wraps me in a gentle hug and whispers in my hair "I could never hate you Tay, I love you...and yes we can be friends, ofcourse." I smile and ask "do you promise me Hazza bear that we will be friends?"

He laughs and then says "yes, you dork, we can." I giggle the mumble "good...because I kinda need you, you know that?" He nods and says "yeah I know, because I need you too Tay." then he decides to leave and I am glad we settled that because I didn't want to lead him on.

A little while later it's like 8:30 and I'm bored. I decide to call Zayn to see if he wanted to hang out and I'll call Hayley to so that they can meet. I think they will become great friends.

(Phone conversation with Zayn)

Z: hello?
T:hey, Zayn I was wondering if you wanted to come over and meet a friend of mine?
Z: ok ....sure what is this friend like?
T: well I guess you will have to show up to find out, huh?
Z: haha yeah I guess I will, how about I'll be there in......10minutes, is that cool?
T: yeah that is perfect!, I'll see you then, bye zayn
Z: bye, love
(End of call)

I now decide to call Hayley and see what she is up to, and if she wants to hang out.

(Start of call)

H:Hey, Tay what is up why are you calling at this time?
T: hey girl, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me and Zayn?
H:yeah sure, I would like to meet him.
T: ok cool, can you come over in like 5 minutes?
H: yeah I'll see you soon bye girl.
T: byyyyyeeee
(End of call)

By now Hayley has showed up and Zayn is on his way. Hayley and I are watching a movie when there is a knock on the door.

I go answer it and open the door not to see Zayn but a man with bright blue eyes and light brown hair and that is when I remember......this is the man from my vision!!

He looks up and says "hello, my name is Louis I am new to the neighborhood and decided to come say hi...so hi" and then he chuckles I giggle nervously and say "well hello Louis, I'm Taylor and I must go now because I have guests but it was nice meeting you."

He smirks eerily and says "it was nice meeting you as well, and don't worry you'll be seeing a lot more of me."

Then he walks away, now I'm just gonna close this here door,and never open it again.....also I'm gonna quote a song 'you little stupid ass bitch I ain't fucking with you!'

Ok anyway as soon as I close the damn door, there is another knock. Son of a bitch what does he not understand about guests?!?

I open it slowly to see Zayn looking scared, pissed, and releived. He quickly enters and drags me to my room.

He opens the door and closes it behind him then shouts, "who the hell was at your door?!?, and answer me honestly, please I need to protect you!"

I look up and say "he said his name was Louis, and that I'll be seeing him a lot more often." Now Zayn looks pissed and scared.

Next thing I know is Hayley is in my room and looks at Zayn then flips the fuck out, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE YOU STUPID LITTLE BLOOD SUCKER?!?" Zayn looks at her then shouts "LISTEN BITCH, I AM ALOUD TO BE HERE OK?, WHAT ABOUT YOU?... DID YOU FORGET THE FLEA COLLAR?!?"

Hayley pounces on him and starts to punch and kick him and then he throws her across the room and gets up and chokes her to the wall.

I run over to Zayn to get him off of Hayley and I put a hand on him while shaking him rapidly to free his grip only for him to grip my arm harshly.

I scream in pain, and try to yank it back. He notices and let's me go as I fall to the ground Hayley catches me. She examines my arm and asks "are you ok?, Tay where does it hurt?"

I point to the middle of my fore arm and she lifts my sleeve to see a bruise but it wasn't broken, thank God. Zayn immediately comes to me and rapidly apologizes to me and beg for forgiveness.

I slowly nod at him and he hugs me and whispers sweet words in my ear along with apologies to me as well as Hayley. We both accept his apologies and he helps me off the floor.I get up to take a shower and Hayley comes to me and asks "did you know that he was a vampire?!?"

I nod and say "yes he told me before we became friends because he didn't want to lie to me about himself." She nods and says "why didn't you tell me?" I shrug and tell her, "it wasn't my place or secret to tell."

The New Kid (A ZAYN MALIK FANFIC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora