NO,dont talk to me

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(Zayn's POV)

I slowly walked over to the door, I can't believe I'm going to break her heart...I'm going to lose my one and only love...forever. I take a deep breath and put my hand on the knob of the door and twist it slowly while pushing it open.

I enter the room and what I see next breaks my heart..oh my god, I hate myself. Tay is covered in bruises and scratches, she has a cast on her foot, and a bandage wrapped around her beautiful head.

There is dry blood on her face, and her lips pull up into a ghost of a smile when she sees me, but only to wince from the pain, letting out a hissing noise.

I slowly walked over to her and sit in the chair by her bed. Take a deep breath, and tell her.... she looks over to me and reaches out her left hand for me to grab.

"Hi Zayn, I-I'm sorry you have to see this." Oh no don't be sorry it's me who should be sorry baby. Her voice is raspy, most likely from the pain she endured.

"Please don't be sorry, it's not your fault." She looks own and sighs, "I thought you would find me if I  screamed your name, didn't."
I look down and she says, "it's ok Zayn, I'm not mad....I love you so much. I'm just glad your here." She smiles as best she could and I couldn't take it anymore knowing that I'm lying to her.

I started to cry and let go of her hand and stood up and started pacing. She looks over at me worried, " what's wrong, Zayn?" It's now or never...I stop and sigh looking at her.

"This is hard for me to tell you..but I ummmm h-haven't been the best person, this past week." She looked at me and cracks a tiny smile "what did you do kill some one?"

I look at her and notice her tiny giggle and smile a little to myself knowing this will be the last time she will enjoy my presence. "No....I did something far, far worse." She looked over at me a little scared, "Taylor,I-I'm so, so, so, so sorry...I have broken your trust and your heart...I slept with another woman...for this entire week...and I hate myself for it and I know that you hate me for it and I want you to know that I love you so much and I don't want to lose you ever."

She looks at me with wide eyes and doesn't say anything for a little bit. Then her eyes tear up, and she looks down at her hands then looks at me and her eyes are bright red, and she says, "get out." Fuck, I knew it she doesn't want me anymore...I've fucked up to many times! " Tay, please I'm sorr-" she cuts me off "NO!!, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT ZAYN,Y-YOU CHEATED ON ME, I DONT KNOW IF I CAN FORGIVE YOU.....YOU TOOK MY TWO MOST PRECIOUS THINGS...I-I TRUSTED YOU, AND YOU PISSED IT ALL AWAY.... was I not good enough for you?, do you not even love me?, WAS THAT A LIE TOO ZAYN, HUH?!? WAS IT?!?.....get the fuck out of this room and don't come back."

I have never seen her so...hurt or betrayed before...and knowing that it was me that did that to her, makes me feel like my whole world just crumbled down.

"I'm so sorry, and I know that doesn't mean anythng but.....I love you so much I really do and I understand if you don't want me around anymore but promise me one thing...please?"

She scowles at me, "why should I promise you anything, if you broke all of yours!" Ouch..that one hurt...."Because your a good person." She snorts and glares, "a good person wouldn't be planning your death in a million different ways in one second like I am right now would they?"

I smile "no, I guess not but I just want you to promise that you'll still stay at our house with me...I don't want you back at your house...with your parents or Louis...I don't want to see you hurt anymore." She looks at me with a look of heartbreak. "well it's a little to late for that now, isn't it Zayn?"

I frown and say, "I know darling and I'm so sorry I want you to know that it was only this one time it won't ever happen again, I promise!" She smirks a little. "Don't make promises you can't keep get out!"

I nod sadly and go over to kiss her and she moves away from my touch then says, "don't touch me, don't come near me unless it's necessary, and Dont talk to me."

I stop frozen in my spot, in sadness then nod and walk away. Wow, she really doesn't want me...but what did I expect for her to leap in my arms after I told her and kiss me?!, I knew that she didn't want me..well of course she doesn't want me I fucking cheated on her.

I will get her back if it's the last thing I do, I need her...... I love her.

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