hospital chats

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(Taylor's POV)

I am currently in the hospital hooked up to these God damn breathing machines because that fuck nut broke two of my ribs. It's hard to breath and talk but at least I'm not alone. Zayn insisted on staying even though I try to tell him I'm fine. I can't fight back with my words. So he seems more than unconvinced at me being fine.

His words were and I quote "I'm not going anywhere babe, and you can't do anything about it because you can't ask me to leave so ha!"...No I can't zayn but you have no idea what I am saying in my head you little fuck tard so HA!.... "really?, fuck tard you forget I read mind mother fucker, so ha!...AGAIN!!"

Shit, whatever I guess I can communicate with you this way then, "well yes I guess that will work, so are your ribs hurting still?" Yes, ugh like hell took over my body for its advantage to burn my fucking insides! "well I'm sorry love, but you can't go home for another two days"

UGH I fucking know, and it sucks because I have less shitty food at home.....unless, you could bring me some? "Love, you know I will go get some what do you want?"

Just my chicken noodle soup please?? "Ok love, I'll make it then bring it here and feed you, then we can watch a movie and sleep." ok bye zayn see you in a bit, and thanks I owe you man.

"No love, you don't just being alive and well is enough for me, I promise" thanks Zayn, and you're the best if I could hug you without crying I would! "it's fine love, I'll see you when I get back."

He came back like ten minutes ago and fed me then fell asleep. Although I'm not doing much sleeping because I'm uncomfortable. I am shifting and I'm hot as hell.

Zayn noticed my shuffling and shot up in panic and asked frantically "oh my god, are you ok? do you need a nurse?, Can you breath?, What's wrong Tay?" Zayn calm down ok, I'm just a bit uncomfortable, and really hot.

"Yes you are........anyways can you scoot over I'll keep you cool." I know you want some of this, but you will get none of this Mr.Malik, do you understand?...

He chuckles then says, "I always get what I want Tay. I like when you take charge, and definitely when you say 'Mr.Malik' such a turn on." he says with a smirk, oh this bitch did not.

"Oh yes, this bitch did." shut the hell up Malik I'm tired, go back to your dream land of naked chicks and food! "Oh love there is only one naked chick and my dream, and no food just the girl, wanna know who?" No bitch not really, you know what I want?.. sleep so shut the fuck up!

"Oh it's just you naked by the way, in my head you look amazing...just as amazing as you do now" I look up at him to find him leaning in.

He kisses me and I kiss back as much as I could with little oxygen, we slowly pull away so say, Zayn we should go to sleep now, I'm tired goodnight "ok love, good night see you in the morning, sleep well" you too Zayn, you too.

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