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(Zayns POV)

It has been two weeks.......two fucking weeks I've been without seeing Tay. Next to me in bed, smiling, or having her in my arms while looking down at her beautiful face, and I also haven't been able to kiss those perfect pink lips of hers.

I haven't left the hospital since that night. That night was on my list of nights that I dread.

(Flash back)

I'm laying here with Tay, limp in my arms crying on the kitchen floor begging her to wake up. I can't even process what happened to her and the fact that I killed Louis isn't settling well either, but he deserves it he did this to Tay..the love of my life.

I look down at her lifeless body, and I see her eyes closed softly I kiss her on the lips lightly and I pray that she will wake up for me.

Hayley bursts through the door, "ZAYN?!?" I look down at my baby and start to cry again, "HAYLEY, I'M IN THE KITCHEN!" She comes running in and sees Tay's blood running out of her mouth and all over my shirt and hands. She starts to cry and says, "Zayn....oh my god, ok come on we need to get her help...NOW"

I nod and stand up with Tay in my arms and we exit the house and run to the car. Hayley opens the door for me and I carefully but quickly slide in the back of the car with Tay. Hayley slams the door shut and runs to the driver seat. I still cradle Tay in my arms not wanting to let go ever.

Hayley is speeding down the road and she looks in the mirror and sees me crying and broken rocking back and forth and starts to cry a little, "Zayn..She will be ok." I look up and sob loudly and let out a shaky breath. "how do you know for sure Hayley, anytime anything goes finally right for me something bad happens!"

Hayley frowns, "just trust her heart Zayn, she will come back to you and you will be together forever....Happily." I look up at her and she offers me a small smile and I return one, " did you call Kaylin, and Baylee?" I shake my head and pull my phone out and call Kaylin.

K:Zayn what's wrong...why are you calling so late?'s Tay she is dying I need you to meet Hayley and I at the hospital.
K:WHAT..OH MY GOD I'M ON MY WAY, please don't let her die Zayn, she is my best friend!
Z:I'll do my best, GOD I love her so much, I'll see you at the hospital
K:bye Zayn
(End call)

I try not to sob loudly while explaining to Kaylin what happened over the phone and when she breaks down I had to get off the call and call baylee.

B:hello?, Zayn what's up
Z:Baylee I don't have time to explain until I see you at the hospital, Tay got hurt really bad and I need you to meet me there.
Z:I'll tell you when I see you at the hospital.
B: ok I'm coming as fast as I can bye.
(End call)

I broke down as soon as I ended the call and we pulled up at the hospital. I open the door and pull Tay out carefully. I hold her bridal style and carry her through the doors as Hayley follows close behind me. I bust through the door and shout, "PLEASE HELP ME, MY GIRLFRIEND NEEDS HELP...PLEASE?!?"

Doctors and nurses start to flow out in front of me and they put Tay on a stretcher. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. They take her away and they wouldn't let me go with her I try to fight them off.

I start to flail around and yell and try to push them away "NOOOO!!! I LOVE HER, LET ME GO WITH HER, SHE NEEDS ME, PLEASE I CAN'T LET HER GO, NO! GET OFF ME...FUCKING HELL!!!"

They sit me down in a chair and I buried my face in my hands. I sit there and think about what happened before the hospital, and if I'll ever get to see the love of my life again.

Then I hear two voices and squeaking shoes on the floor I look up and see Baylee and Kaylin both with puffy eyes and they both run up to me and give me a brief hug.

Baylee asks me, "Zayn...was-was this l-louis?" I look at her and nod, "yes, it was and um....I-I killed him...I'm sorry I know you loved him." she looks up at me and falls to the ground crying and I want to comfort her but she probably hates me now so Kaylin leans down and gives her a hug and she cries into Kaylin chest.

Then she looks at me and says"I really loved him, but he hurt Taylor, she is one of my best friends and I can't blame you because I would've done the same." I nod and ask, "do you hate me?" She shakes her head and I hug her. "No Zayn, I don't... you got to Tay in time hopefully and she will be ok."

We let go and Kaylin comes up to me and says, "I'm so sorry for last time, but just know that if she survives this, do not let her go." I nod and say, "I wouldn't dream of it."

Kaylin let's out a sigh and says, "good, because I've never seen her happier with anyone like she is with you.....youre good for her Zayn, she's had a rough time."

I look over at Hayley and she is sitting there silently crying. I walk over and sit by her, "I know it's scary, because God knows I'm freaking out on the inside but trying to be calm on the outside, its not really working I'm going to be crying for the entire night I know that now.....but if we try and stay positive good things will come to us."

She looks up at me and sighs, "this fucking sucks...I hate crying, and I hate Tay for making me cry, even though I love her so much, I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now." I nod and give her a side hug, "I just try and think positive."

(End of flash back)

I am currently sitting down on a chair next to Tay. Even in a coma she still manages to look beautiful. I stare at her in awe. Kaylin, Hayley and Baylee tried to get me to go home but I refused to leave Tay for even a second.

I have stayed  here in this room for the past two weeks without sleep, I can't sleep because if she wakes up I want to be here.

I'm not going to lie, I look like hell...but I don't even care because all that matters to me is Tay and if she is alive. I just need answers, and I'll be fine.

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