Special Surprises

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(Taylor's POV)

It is now Friday, the day after Zayn told me his secret and honestly, I don't see him any differently. I'm walking down the hall when all of a sudden I feel two hands on my waist and I'm being pulled in to an empty class room.

Very confused I turn around to face a very angry Andrew. I look at him and say "what do you want now, Andrew?!?" He looks scary as fuck, but oh well I don't care about him I just want him to leave me the hell alone.

"why the hell are you hanging around with that new kid, Taylor?!?" He spits harshly to which I counter back, with alot of sass may I mention..."you know what Andrew?, Zayn is a really nice guy...a lot better than you are, he is my friend and I frankly don't give a fuck what you think...so if you don't mind I'll be leaving now, thanks!"

I leave the room leaving a pissed off Andrew, but whatever. I stop at my locker to go to the lounge and hang with Kk for a while, as I'm walking there I hear giggling and I choose to ignore it till I hear my name involved.

As I follow the sound of the giggling I see Zayn and the school slut laughing and...kissing?!?....I took everything I had not to punch that whore right in her dick, because we all know she's got one..but here is what really killed me.

I look at them and see Zayn hovering over her and she says "wait..... what about that girl your always hanging out with?" At least someone gives a fuck about how I feel....but Zayn says back with a knowing smirk on his face "who Taylor??, eh who cares about her."

And that ladies and gentlemen is where my heart completely broke, and 'the asshole of the year' award goes to (pauses for effect) ZAAAAAAYYYYYNNNNN MAAALIKKK!, and I didn't realized that I was now in plain sight.

I turn around and I hear a gasp and then a mumbled 'oh shit'....then I turn slowly back around to say something when I realize, they aren't even worth my words, so I begin to walk away. only to have Zayn call my name and I hear his foot steps follow me.

I turn the corner to run into harry, he looks down and noticed my slightly puffy eyes and asks "what's wrong, Tay?" I was going to reply when I'm cut of by zayn speeding around the corner and say "Taylor can I talk to you for a minute, please?"

I look up at Harry with pleading eyes not completely trusting my voice at the moment. He replies "I don't think so, mate" and takes me with him and walks off to lounge with his arm wrapped around me. I finish the day ignoring Zayn.

After Harry rescued me from Zayn, I ignored him for the rest of the day. I'm still really upset that Zayn lied to me when he said he liked me, if he liked me he wouldn't have said those things, he wouldn't have kissed me either.

Harry and I are currently sitting on my bed while I sniffle silently in his arms, he soon speaks up "are you feeling better now love?" I slowly shake me head and start to ramble "whywouldhesaythataboutmeanditjustreally-"

I got cut off by Harry rubbing my back soothing and cooeing comforting words in my hair before there was a knock on my door and I look at Harry we both knowing who it is.

I go down stairs to open the door and what I see on the other side is no surprise, it's Zayn....He looks sad but I don't think he should be. I mean it's not like he walked in on me making out with a jock and saying that he doesn't matter right?, oh wait that was him doing that to me!

I open the door and he looks up at me and says "hey Tay, uh...you mind if I come in?" He askes in a hopeful tone, but instead I look at him and say with no emotion, "no you can't come in Zayn, because if you care so little about me then don't bother trying to apologize."

He tries to look clueless as to what I'm talking about but it's no use I saw and heard everything I needed to hear. "Ok look, I know what I said was hurtful and I want you to know that I didn't mean it. I'm sorry and I was hoping on still continuing with our date?"

Is he fucking serious?!? "WHAT?!?...oh hell no, I am not going anywhere with you nor do I want to, frankly I just want you the fuck out of my face!"

He looks really pissed now, before I know it he picked me and shoved me into a wall with his hands on either side of me so I can't escape...damn vampire speed.

I completely forgot what I was going to say when he crashed his lips to mine, and when I didn't kiss back he pulled away only for me to grab him and kiss him again but this time more gentle.

When we pull apart I am about to say something when he speaks first "Tay, I am so sorry I really didn't mean what I said and I do care about you, do you believe me?" I do believe that he cares about me but why did he kiss her?

"Zayn?" I say quietly to which he replies by saying "yeah, love?" I say after a pause "Why do you keep kissing me Zayn?, you say that you care about me and stuff but you kissed her too?" and look down at the ground in defeat.

He lifts my head with his finger under my chin and softly speaks "I only did it so she would leave me alone I promise I never meant to hurt you...seeing you cry was the most heartbreaking sight ever...And knowing that I am the reason just kills me."

I look up to find him looking down at me with a sad smile and I say "I am willing to give you a second chance...but if you do this again I won't be so forgiving." He nods rapidly before going down to kiss me again but is interrupted by Harry.

I look into Zayn's eyes to see them flicker red for a minute before go they back to normal and I get a little scared, he takes notice and his face softens and comes to embrace me in a hug but I'm to scared so I just go to my room.

As I'm about to close my door there is a foot in it and I open the door all they way to see a scared Zayn and he says "are you okay, Tay?"

I nod looking at the floor knowing that if I look up he can tell that I lied "I can already tell that your lying Tay...I can read minds you know."....shit I forgot about that!

"Taylor, are-are you scared of me??" He asked looking at me with caution, and before I can answer he says "and please tell the truth....I don't want to have to read your mind to tell, just look at me."

I look up and say "I was scared, your eyes changed color and your face looked scary, I was just caught off guard that's all Zayn, I promise I'm not scared of you." He takes a breath of relief and explains

"I'm sorry about what happened but you need to know that only happens when I'm angry, my face only changes when I'm angry, but my eyes change color depending apon my emotion."

After a few hours I'm all alone and bored the guys left a while ago, and mom and Red are out of town for a couple months...so yeah I'm chilling...chillin like a villan.

That is until I here a crash down stairs. So I grab a bat that is in the corner of my room and slowly creep down stairs and I see a tall figure.

I slowly creep up behind it and swing as hard as I could at the back of its head then the person shouts "OWWWW SON OF A FUCKING BITCH THAT HURT!,WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I scream and the person turns around and I'm met with the most beautiful blue eyes ever.

He looks me up and down with no shame and says "well hey there....you should know it's not nice to hit people when they are your new neighbors." I scowl at him and shout.

"OH MY GOD!,you scared the fuck out of me you just barged in my house!" It wasn't till just now that I realized that the hit didn't knock him out or even faze him, what is he?! And how the fuck did he get in my house?!?

Then he says "it was easy I just broke the glass and stepped in and oh I am a vampire if you must know, love." Zayn if you can hear me help me PLEASE?!? as if on cue Zayn burst through the door and speeds over to me to check for damage but I am fine.

And just like that he launches over and is ready to attack but stops when he sees who it is and laughs a deep laugh and speaks "Niall, what the hell are you doing scaring my girl huh?" My girl what does that mean?... and as if taking notice to what he said he looked at me in worry, but I don't know what to feel.

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