26/06/2021- How we met

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this story!

Here is some background information:

Y/N-your name
Y/H/C-your hair colour
You are 17 years old and are currently in Paris on holiday, ok now on with the story :)

Dear Diary,

I am freaking out! Today is the day I either make him hopelessly fall in love with me forever or I make a total fool of myself. To be honest I know option one isn't even possible, but a girl can dream right?  I woke up at 8 am and immediately felt a swarm of butterflies enter my stomach, my whole body feels incapable of functioning so the least I can do is speak to you. I am huddled under the covers of my bed in the Hotel and it is super early in the morning, but I can't contain my excitement. I feel like I might literally explode! I am scared, worried, happy but also sad that I am fantasizing over a celebrity who will never remember me again. Why am I making so much of a deal about this, it's not like he will ever fall for me i-

"Y/N! You are going to be late for the convention if you don't get out of bed!" Mum Screamed

"Sorry mum, just writing in my diary" I answered as I slowly made my way out of bed and placed my diary on the rusted bed side table. I made my bed then entered the bathroom; it wasn't fancy at all, but it was fine. I combed the knots out of my shiny Y/H/C hair, brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly. I applied a small amount of makeup to make myself look presentable then went over to my suitcase to pick out my outfit.  "Ugg" I groaned as I frantically threw multiple pairs of clothes in every possible direction, "I have nothing to wear!" I yelled as my Dad came towards me.

"What about that pink top with a smiley face on it sweetie?" he asked as he rubbed my back, I turned round to him and stared at him blankly. "Okay so maybe not that top" Dad laughed as he wandered over to the bathroom. I finally came up with the perfect choice, it was a simple Stranger Things T-shirt with some jeans and a pair of vans. I decided to have my hair in a half up half down by using a yellow scrunchie like Elevens. I then packed my bag and went to give my mum a hug as she wasn't coming. "Dad are you ready?" I asked impatiently as I lent on the door. "Coming" He shouted as he quickly said goodbye to Mum and then opened the door, "you ready?" He asked, I nodded slightly as I took a deep breath then we were on our way.

At the convention

As if all the bustling and claustrophobia wasn't enough for me on the train here, the convention center was absolutely packed. The problem was Dad had left me as I was supposed to be meeting my friend Pierre, we had known each other ever since we were born, in fact our mothers were best friends even before we came into the picture. Pierre was meant to be waiting by the giant stand of Stranger Things merch, but he must have gotten lost in the oceans of people who were fighting like animals to see the merch. I stood by the stand picking up overpriced pop figures until I overheard a familiar voice coming from within the crowd. "Y/N!" shouted Pierre as he rapidly pushed through the huddle of fans. "Hey bestie, long time no see" I giggled as I went in for a hug, Pierre rolled his eyes. "I don't want any germs from you" He chuckled as he finally gave into the hug. I smiled "haven't changed much" I spoke as I playfully punched him. Pierre laughed "you haven't changed either" he stated as he pointed at my diary which was gripped in my hand. "I needed it for the autograph page!" I yelled; Pierre nodded sarcastically as he took out the tickets from within his pocket.

"We should go to the autograph room; we are due to meet your husband in 20 minutes" Pierre teased. I slapped him softly and followed him into the main seating theatre. We eventually hunted down our seats which were annoyingly right at the back of the room. "The view is so bad!" I groaned as I placed down my bag and diary on the floor. "Yeah I know right" Pierre agreed as he sat down. "So how do you feel about meeting the Noah Schnapp?" Pierre annoyingly questioned as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh, shut up!" I responded as I sat down on the soft, maroon, velvet chairs.

Noah had been my celebrity crush for as long as I can remember, I had reimagined this moment millions of times, so I was determined for it to perfect. "Group A for autographs please make your way down to the west wing corridor" The host ordered into her microphone. I felt paralyzed again, my body lost motion and I could feel my pulse quickening. "Y/N, come on!" Pierre said as he tugged my arm, my train of thought was finally interrupted as I regained my breath and gathered my belongings.

"West wing is this way!" I shouted at Pierre who was distracted by some girls Eleven costume, "Coming, don't worry your husband will wait for you" Pierre joked, but I was not in the mood for being silly, this was the moment I was waiting for my entire life. It had to be perfect. We both showed a small brown-haired woman our tickets before she granted us access, we made our way down the darkened corridor before we came to a pair of doors. "Well go in then" Pierre insisted as he nudged me to open the doors.

The room was brightly lit, and the smell of vanilla wafted through the air, there was a long queue of fans and a giant black cloth which covered the autograph area. We joined the line and I stood up on my tip toes multiple times so that I could see him, but it was no use. As the line progressed further my palms were sweating and my heart rate quickened, every few minutes there was a scream of fan girls coming from behind the black cloth. "That will be you in a minute" Pierre spoke, I smiled gently as I was covering the fact that deep down, I was terrified. "Y/N we are nearly there get your diary out" Pierre said as he jumped up and down from excitement. "Please place your bags on this table" Another woman told us as we followed her instructions a moved closer to the area.

I was third in line and Pierre was behind me, I flicked through the pages of my diary searching for the autograph page, Pierre peered over my shoulder and put his arm over me and slammed his hand down on a certain page. "Omg Y/N! That's so embarrassing, you have a page for shirtless pictures of Noah" He laughed hysterically. "Shut up Pierre!" I shouted at him which must have annoyed him as he restlessly snatched the diary out of my hand as we moved closer down the line. "Give it back! What are you doing" I yelled as I gripped onto the diary and we both tugged back and forth with it. "I want to see that page again" Pierre demanded aggressively as he pulled the book harder, I turned to lean on the barricade as I tried harder to retrieve it back. "Let go!" I screamed as a tear escaped from within my eyes, "OK, suit yourself" Pierre chuckled as he let go instantly. The queue moved forward so that I was next in line however the diary flung out of my hands like a boomerang then "slap". The worst thing imaginable happened, the diary slapped Noah right in the face.

My eyes widened as I stopped breathing, I stood still as an overwhelming number of feelings went through my head, it was like I was frozen as the rest of the room was silenced. What the hell have I done!

-So I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, I loved writing it :)

-I will most likely post every weekend, but I will update you if I can't

-Steph <3

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢-𝗡𝗼𝗮𝗵𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗫𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now