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Dear diary,

It's been a whole week since Noah told me I got the part, but that doesn't mean I am over the excitement. It still feels so surreal like I could jump over the moon! The duffers thought my tape was amazing and they can't wait to start filming with me after the summer break. It's a long wait and not to mention this is my last day in Paris therefore I won't be seeing Noah till after the summer. I am very upset however he arranged to meet me outside my hotel this morning and my parents agreed he could join us for breakfast. So, freaking nervous! Also, Pierre is sadly coming too- he leaves tomorrow, however.

"Sadly! Rude much!" Pierre yelled as he tugged the Diary off me, I smirked and placed it on the table. "Sorry, it's just I don't want you to embarrass me about Noah in front of my mum and dad" I spoke nervously as I patted the seat for Pierre to sit down, "the only embarrassment here is you!" Pierre said sarcastically. "Hey!" I laughed as we playfully fought each other.

"Come on, Noah is waiting!" My mum yelled as she and my dad waited by the door, by that thought I had sprung from the bed and collected my suitcase. "Right have we forgotten anything?" My dad asked all of us as he pulled the family suitcase to the door, "Nope" I said as I ran around the hotel room double checking everything. "Right then let's go, goodbye hotel room!" My dad laughed as he opened the door and let everyone go before him.

At the restaurant

The restaurant was small, quaint, brightly lit and was located a few streets away from the Eiffel tower so it could be seen emerging from within the clouds. The restaurant had a retro vibe with multiple records hung from the rusted, marron, wooden walls. Fairy lights decorated the ceiling like stars in the night sky and the decorative vines climbed up the exterior. Our porcelain table was facing the bar area and I was sat next to Pierre and opposite Noah, my dad sat at one end of the table and my mother at the other.

We were all fully concentrated on the extensive menu that no one noticed the awkward silence we were in, "I went here last week, the croissants are so nice" Noah said as he cleared his throat, I smiled gently as I locked eyes with him. Our eyes met as we fell into a deep gaze, I felt my ribs tighten once I began to lose my breath.

"You love croissants" Pierre yelled as he tried to save me from further embarrassment, I shook my head and took in a deep breath whilst quickly replying "Yea I will go for that". Noah chuckled slightly "Same", we then all agreed with what we were ordering and called the waitress over. The waitress then came over to take our orders and then came back with our drinks. I took an elegant sip from my Y/C and listened to my mum who keeps harassing Noah with questions like, "how much money do you earn? Do you like Y/N, she is obsessed with you!" Mum said brightly whilst I smacked her arm harshly and shook my head.

Finally, our food arrived, and my mum had finished with her truck load of questions. We all began eating "Wow this food is amazing!" I said with my mouth full. "Y/N! Manners!" My Mum shouted as I wiped my face "Sorry" I apologized. Noah laughed "I think it's cute" He blurted out, his cheeks flushed red "I-I mean, anyone want a fill up of juice" He stuttered as he gulped and lifted up his glass. "I'm good" Pierre chuckled, as he gave me an annoying look.

"So, are you excited for Y/N to join the cast Noah?" My dad asked curiously as he sipped his coffee, Noah finished swallowing before stating "Oh yea it's going to be great, she will fit perfectly" Noah smiled. "Yea they will all love her, just like you do! Right Noah?" Pierre sarcastically spoke as he lifted his eyebrows up at me, "Yea" Noah said under his breath. He then realized what he said and blushed intensely, I grinned hopelessly as I placed my hand on top of his. My dad coughed and stood up abruptly and exclaimed "It's getting late we should be on our way, say your goodbye's Y/N" He spoke as he and mum grabbed the suitcases and strolled out the door.

Pierre made a kissy face at us and laughed before rushing out the door, me and Noah stood awkwardly in the café whilst I felt my parent's eyes on me. "So, I was thinking, are you free every night at 9?" Noah asked hopefully, "huh?" I questioned with a confused tone. "I thought we could face time" he stated shyly as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yes, I would love to" I said as I looked up to his eyes and we held each other's hands. Noah leaned in slowly and I followed, "Nock, nock" came a sound from the window. We both awkwardly moved our heads away, I turned to see my mum banging on the window and my dad pointing to his watch. "I have to go!" I said sadly as I went on my tiptoes and landed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Noah grinned and waved as I walked out the restaurant, God I was going to miss that boy!

Day before going to Atlanta- At home

"Hey, you excited to see me tomorrow!" Noah squealed happily, I smiled as I watched him- through my phone screen- jumping up and down with excitement. "Finally, I can see you in person, not just virtually" I exclaimed, "Yea I know right" Noah laughed then turned his led lights on. "You ready for tomorrow" Noah asked whilst he moved closer to towards the screen, "What happens if the rest of the cast don't like me" I pondered staring into his eyes. "Who wouldn't like you, your perfect!" Noah said as he went to lied down on his bed, he hid himself under the covers and continued to smile at me. "Also, I just bought ratatouille for no reason!" Noah groaned as I burst out in laughter, "how did you manage that!" I giggled as Noah shrugged. "You should get some rest" He said, "yea your probably right, see you tomorrow" I said once I waved Noah goodbye and turned my phone off, I set an alarm and placed it by my bedside table.

My phone rang right as I had just got into bed "Uh who could that be" I mumbled under my breath, I lazily rolled out of my bed to fetch my phone. "Pierre, it's 12pm!" I groaned whilst clambering back to the comfort of my warm, cozy, fluffy blankets. "Just called to say I am going to see you next week as me and Chloe are going to visit you lot" Pierre exclaimed, "Cool" I replied whilst my eyelids repeatedly fluttered closed. "Y/N! Wake up!" Pierre yelled which echoed around my room and caused my ears to ring, "sorry, I have been talking to Noah all night" I whispered with a croaky voice. "I see, he is more important than me!" Pierre shouted, "No, I love you both" I said instantly regretting the second sentence.

"Ooooo" Pierre giggled then wiggled his eyebrows, "He is probably going to ask you to be his girlfriend" Pierre continued in his annoying tone. "You think" I asked as I blushed and fiddled with my hair, "duh you are both in love with each other" Pierre spoke. I tried to deny it, but Pierre didn't buy it he could tell it was true and deep down I knew it was true too. "I am tired, see you whenever" I whispered as I ended the call and tossed my phone onto the floor before drifting off to sleep.

-Hey guys, turns out I did post haha

-Hope you enjoyed this chapter and make sure you vote when you read chapters, thank you :)

-Also I am nearly at 1K on Dimensions, so I would really appreciate anyone who checks it out <3


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