28/10/2022 -My other half

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F/A- favorite artist/band

"What would you like for breakfast Y/N?" Karine asked kindly once I took my seat at the table. "Um, I don't mind. What do you have?" I asked. "Well, I have some pancakes in the fridge" She replied, I nodded "Yeah that would be lovely, thank you". "Ooo I'll get the tbh!" Noah exclaimed, he ran towards the fridge and got the jar out. "Hey mum, yay pancakes!" Chloe squealed as she walked in and took a seat next to me. Karine passed everyone a pancake before wandering off to get some drinks. Noah sat down opposite me and started spreading tbh on his pancake. "I never actually told you how proud I am of you for making tbh" I exclaimed before starting to decorate my pancake. "Thanks babe" Noah smiled, we locked eyes for a moment. Chloe cleared her throat and grinned at us, "You two are so cute" She yelled. Me and Noah blushed awkwardly.

Noah's dad came to the table and took a seat next to Noah, Karine sat on the other end of the table. "How was the game Y/N, I was so proud the rangers won!" Mitchell spoke. I nodded as I swallowed my food, "Yea it was amazing, such a great match" I replied. "Yea I saw it all on tv, it was the best one yet" he said. I nodded in agreement as I drank my drink.

"Y/N did you really get noticed by F/A!" Chloe asked excitably. "Yeah! I even got it on camera" I boasted, "Let's see!" She yelled. I scrolled through my camera roll and came across the picture of F/A smiling behind me and Noah. Chloe snatched the phone out my hand and glared at the photo, "Omg, lucky!". She showed her mum and dad, before passing the phone back to me. Her finger skidded along my camera roll to a picture of me and Noah kissing at the concert. "Hahaha and this one!" Chloe chuckled, she pulled the phone back in her hand and showed her parents.

My face turned red, and so did Noah's, "Chloe!" Noah shouted whilst he tried to grab my phone. "Y/N I think you should send that one to Noah" Michelle teased, Noah rolled his eyes and tried to get the phone off Chloe. "Wait, lets see what else there is" She mocked, Chloe scrolled through my photos until she came across another one at the concert.

"Omg, Y/N there's another one, wait uh Noah?" she said seriously, her tone had changed. Noah finally snatched the phone out her hand and then glared at the photo, he raised his head slowly until he locked eyes with me. "What" I said desperately, I could tell from his expression that it wasn't another joke. I turned to Chloe, she sighed and gave me a sincere look "this isn't going to go down well" she said to Noah. He nodded and passed me my phone back. "In the top corner of the photo" he ordered; I followed the direction with my eyes. I furrowed my brows and exchanged a quick glance at Noah before drawing my attention back to the picture.

He was unnoticeable to me at first. Just a small figure blending into the surroundings but now looking at him, I understood. The man was tall and unlike everyone else he wasn't watching the band. He was watching us. His posture was tall because he was holding his phone, like everyone else. However, his was aimed not at the band but at us.

"Oh" was all that I could respond with, Noah nodded in agreement. The three of us left the table after eating and gathered in Noah's room. "So how bad is this exactly" I asked worriedly. Noah brushed his hands through his hair, "very" he sighed. "Basically, you two are public!" Chloe said sarcastically, "Why the sudden change in attitude" I argued. I couldn't help myself but why did she suddenly care. "I don't want you two getting death threats. Look I'm sorry about me, I know I have been super invasive, but I was only really taking the mic. I feel so bad but this, this is terrible" Chloe explained. She gave me a tight hug after, "it's ok but death threats!" I yelled.  "Y/N listen" Noah said, he narrowed his eyes and laid his hands on my shoulders. "I love all my fans so much but being famous comes with a price, you can never do anything without being seen. This guy, weather he intentionally wanted to hurt us or not has probably just posted the picture. Meaning my whole fandom will have seen it, therefore we are in danger as there will be some crazy fan girls out to get you!" Noah yelled; I heard the pain in his voice as he stared in my eyes. "Yea, you must know how hard it's been for him. Hate gets so bad" Chloe added.

"I'm so sorry" Noah whispered as he pulled me close to his chest, I rested my head on his shoulder before I caught his gaze. "Noah. I should be the one saying sorry, I took the picture" I mumbled into his shoulder. He lifted my head with his thumb and stared deeply into my eyes, "I should have known" he said. "Noah! It's no one's fault" Chloe shouted. "It might not even be on social media yet" I said, trying to lighten the mood.  The twins turned to me and exchanged a glance, Noah pulled out his phone and showed me. "Top News on insta" He spoke, "Tiktok, twitter,youtube,facebook and even google news" Noah addressed whilst he flicked through all the apps.  

My jaw dropped and my breathe caught in my throat, "Wh-what!" I stuttered. "How is it even possible for news to spread that fast" I gasped. Noah lifts an eyebrow, "welcome to fame" he says.  I swallow nervously and try to regather my thoughts, "so.." I begin to speak before Noah cuts me off. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips, I blush nervously before he whispers, "let's make it official". Chloe squeals excitably and jumps up and down. I flash a puzzled expression towards the both of them, Noah gently intertwines our hands and says, "we need to let the world know darling". I bite my lip and close my eyes for a second, "everyone will hate me" I whisper. Noah pulled me close to his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning his head on mine. "Some will but there will be fans who will adore you. The ones who don't aren't true fans" he explains. Chloe nods "Yea".   

"Okay!" I exclaim in agreement. For the next couple of hours all three of us sit on Noah's bed scrolling through our camera rolls to find the best couple photos of us. "Aww look at this one!" Chloe giggled; she was showing a picture of the fireworks from my last birthday. Noah blushes slightly before turning his attention back to his photos, "hey remember this?" Noah exclaims. I lean my head on his shoulder and peer at the photo of us on the Ferris wheel.  "And this!" He adds, scrolling through some birthday photos. "Omg!" I gasp, "Guys, I have a picture of us on the Eiffel tower".

"Chloe!" Their mum shouts from downstairs, "sorry love birds, got to go!" she says before running through the door.  We sit in silence for a couple of moments before Noah stutters "I'm sorry". I sit up quickly and stare into his eyes, "sorry for what?" I asked as I trace his expression with my eyes. "It's not going to be easy, there are horrible people on the internet" he explains. I nod and sigh deeply, "Well there just jealous" I said. Noah smiles brightly and leans in slowly, our lips connect, and I feel my face heating up. I kiss back eagerly and move my hands to his shoulders. He cups my face in his hands and strokes my chin with his thumb, "I love you" he says in between kisses.  "I love me too" I joke, I feel the corner of his mouth lift up into a smirk. We pull away slowly and I gaze into his eyes, "but seriously, I am so in love with you" I giggle.   

"Guys, can I come in" Chloe mocks from behind the door, "Chloe!" Noah yelled. She chuckles and strolls through the door, "have you guys decided on the pictures?"  she asks. Noah nods whilst he gestures her over, she takes a seat in between us and looks at the photos. "aww cute!" she shouts, "Okay so insta first?" I ask. Noah nods and begins arranging the post, "we need a caption" He states with a sigh. Chloe jumps up and yells "I got it", me and Noah exchanged a worried glance.

(caption says- my other half )

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(caption says- my other half )

-Hi everyone, sorry for not posting but I had my mock exams. They are over now so I will try to post more :)

-Hope you enjoyed and mind the spelling and grammar mistakes lol

-I know this chapter might be a bit cringe or deep lmao but I just wanted to educate people on how bad social media hate can get

-Steph xx

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢-𝗡𝗼𝗮𝗵𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗫𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now