29/10/2021-A perfect birthday

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Y/F/B- your fav band :)
"Y/N, you're late to your own birthday dinner!" My mum laughed; she ran up to me with welcoming arms then pulled me into a tight hug. "Happy birthday sweetie!" She added, her voice muffled in my hair. I pulled away giving her a bright smile, my dad walked over and gave me a gentle hug before asking "what took you two so long?". I blushed faintly when I saw a grin appear on Noah's face, "lanterns" I burst out with a giggle. Noah's grin traveled further up his face; both my parents exchanged puzzled looks between them.

"Pierre!" I yelled once I hugged him softly, "lanterns?" He asked curiously whilst wiggling his eyebrows. "I will tell you about it in a bit!" I urged, all the guests and I exchanged messages and hugs then we finally sat around the table. "I think we should do presents!" Millie squealed forcing a large purple parcel into my hands, "okay, thank you Mills" I exclaimed. I frantically untied the ribbon and the packaging, my eyes gleamed as I saw the contents. "I had tons spere" Millie said, "thank you, I love Florence" I spoke. I watched as Millie sat proudly at the table with a smug expression plastered on her face, "beat that!" She boasted to the rest of the guests.

Pierre rolled his eyes, "Happy birthday bestie!" He yelled once I opened the small blue box. My eyes widened and my eyebrows raised, "Thankyou so much!" I shouted laying my hand on top of his. Pierre had bought me a new journal with a picture of Paris on it, also inside he had a collaged page of pictures from stranger con. Noah leaned over my shoulder; I felt his breath touch the back of my neck causing my skin to tingle. "Great minds think alike" he said to Pierre, passing me a golden envelope. He coughed slightly, "uh happy birthday baby" he said nervously- scratching the back of his neck with his eyes locked on the envelope.

I awkwardly opened the envelope; I hated the feeling of everyone's eyes pinned on me; I gulped before pulling out a long yellow ticket. It was a plane ticket for my birthday next year to New York, "I thought you could spend some time with me and my family in Scarsdale" He explained. We locked eyes as a smile appeared on my face, "thank you!" I exclaimed. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly, Noah pulled away quickly "wait that's not the best one!" He laughed. I lifted an eyebrow before he gestured me to the envelope, I opened it wider and saw a small white ticket that blended into the inside of the envelope.

"What is it Y/N!" Sadie yelled from the other end of the table; I lifted the ticket up to my eyes carefully scanning the words. "Tickets to see the Rangers in NYC and Y/F/B!" I yelled; I felt my heart beat out of my chest as I gleamed at Noah. I shook my head sarcastically, "Is that it Schnapp" I mocked. I pulled him into another hug, "I know you love that band" His voice felt raspy against my shoulder. I pulled away, "seriously though, this is too much Noah" I spoke whilst nudging his shoulder, Noah shrugged as his cheeks blush pink. "You deserve the world Y/N" he said softly, gazing into my eyes. We locked eyes, I felt my stomach drop and my cheeks burn then Noah leaned in unaware of the audience. "Mhm" A shallow cough came from the background, I pursed my lips as Noah pecked me on the cheek instead.

A couple hours had passed, we had finished eating our food and had now moved onto deserts. Before I had decided on what I was having a harmony of voices approached us, it happened to be the restaurant staff bringing me my birthday cake whilst singing. Suddenly all the guests stood up and joined in singing, I sat there awkwardly as they towered above me. "Come on Y/N!" Pierre nudged whilst Noah grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet. I blushed nervously and flashed a smile, "Happy Birthday Y/N!" Everyone cheered as the waiters put the cake down and clapped frantically. I leaned down to the cake, my eyelids fluttered closed whilst I slowly blew out the candles. Everyone cheered again, then Noah passed me the knife and laid his hand on mine as he helped me cut the cake.

Time skip-end of the party

"Wait Y/N, there's one more surprise!" Noah signaled, he rushed towards the door, grabbing my hand before I could take one last bite of the cake. I chuckled as he pulled me out into the winter breeze, the cold air bit my fingertips and a shiver scaled my spine. Noah wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, "look" he exclaimed as he pointed to sky. My eyes caught sight of a traveling flame piecing through the dark sky, "Bang!" a firework exploded, illuminating the atmosphere. "Oh my gosh!" I yelled, I smile lit up my face as Noah rubbed my arm gently. The fireworks continued to explode, one after the other, vividly enhancing the dark and blanketing a layer of mist in the sky.

The mist began to vanish, I looked across at Noah who grinned intensely. He avoided my gaze and instead leaned his head on top of mine, I smiled helplessly. Out of nowhere another firework penetrated the sky, but it took on another form. Instead, a bright pink heart exploded perfectly, casting a pink shimmer onto both our faces. I felt Noah's eyes on my mine, I watched as our initials sparkled in the center of the heart. I gasped, the cold air clogging the back of my throat "omg!" I screamed, turning abruptly to Noah. He sniggered; his eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes as he placed wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me in closer. My stomach fluttered, dropped, and turned once he pressed his lips gently on mine. I kissed him back passionately, trailing my arms up to his shoulders. I felt a grin travel up his face, he pulled away slowly and stared into my eyes, "I love you" he said breathlessly. I bit my lip and locked eyes with him, "I love you too!" I exclaimed.

"I had to capture that!" Chloe squealed as she ran towards me, handing a polaroid into my hands, I giggled as I watched the blurred photo appear. It was perfect, this moment was perfect.

He was my perfect, and I was his


-hey guys! I am back, sorry for not posting I had to take a bit of a break :)

-I hope you enjoyed <3

-see you soon


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