29/10/2021-birthday girl

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"Sorry" I questioned with a dazzled expression; Noah flicked through the script frantically "Oh god!" He shouted. I furrowed my brows whilst peering over his shoulder, I let out a deep sigh whilst rubbing my forehead. "I forgot about that" I muttered. A sinking feeling in my stomach began, my heart pounding to the beat of my own breathing, "It's only acting" I added. Noah nodded, he eyed Finn deathly before complaining, "normally I wouldn't care but look at his smug expression". Finn wiped the grin off his face, "Oh shut up!" Finn chuckled. "Places, hurry up you lot!" Shawn ordered; we all hurried to our places and got into character. "Right so in this scene, Will is going to see Mike kissing Sarah! So, we need to see some passionate anger from you Noah" The Duffers explained. Noah clenched his jaw, "trust me you will" He spoke seriously.

"3,2,1! Action!" Shawn yelled.

Dear diary, ITS MY BIRTHDAY! sorry I forgot to write to you earlier, these weeks have been pure chaos! Firstly, I had to kiss Finn, it went ok I guess. I mean the actual kiss was awful, but Noah didn't get too annoyed, and the Duffers liked it, so we didn't have to re shoot. We also have finished filming an episode of the show so that's good. The duffers said we have another year left as this series is going to be extra-long process than usual, due to the graphics and stuff. Yea I definitely am not educated on the tech stuff! So, I will write to you soon, probably after a date me and Noah are going on today. He's taking me to one of his favorite places in Atlanta. It's a surprise for my birthday! The whole cast is celebrating with me in the evening and my parents are coming later as well, so most of the day is just me and Noah. He told me to meet him by his car so I should probably get going!

"Hey birthday girl!" Noah squealed whilst charging towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist, picking me up and swirling me around. We both giggled in harmony, the cold autumn air filled my lungs as the wind traveled through my hair. It was as if I was flying, Noah placed me down and looked into my eyes "So how do you feel" he said with an eyebrow raised. A puzzled expression painted across my face, "what do you mean?" I questioned. "Do you feel any different now your 18!" Noah chuckled, "oh" I laughed. "Nope" I exclaimed, Noah smiled and walked me over to his car. He opened the passenger door and bowed In front of me. "Ladies first" he spoke, deliberately in a posh accent. I smiled brightly as I got inside the car, Noah got in the driver's side and reversed out of the parking lot.

The sun beamed off the bonnet of the car, the sky crowded with clouds as hints of blue peeked through. The sun hung in the sky, playing peek a boo through the clouds and the air felt crisp on my face. The frost bit my cheeks making them turn red, Noah pressed a Button to close the car roof. "Sorry, it's a bit cold" He smiled, I nodded while staring at the mesmerizing views of the city. "I love Autumn" I declared, "You know the whole atmosphere, the fall colors, clothes and that it's super close to Halloween" I explained watching Noah's hand change gear. He glanced over at me and nodded, "me too, in fact there's a bookshop I thought you would want to go to, to complete the fall look" He spoke eying my outfit. I wore a white knitted jumper which reveled one shoulder, a light brown velvet skirt with tights and boots.

After we parked in a nearby neighborhood, we strolled down the busy streets of Atlanta with a coffee in hand. Noah bought me one of my favorite fall drinks, a pumpkin spiced late. The liquid warmed my body as my taste buds tingled. Once we got closer to our final destination, Noah moved his hands over my eyes. "I want it to be a surprise" he chuckled. I walked clumsily, trying to listen to Noah's directions with his hands still covering my eyes. "Are we nearly there" I chuckled, worrying I would spill my coffee.  Noah kissed me softly on the cheek before taking his hands away from my face, "wallah" He shouted. My eyes widened, my heart thudded, I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. "You didn't!" I screamed excitably; Noah's face lit up with a smile "Yes I did" he said softly whispering in my ear.

Our hands intertwined as he pulled me away towards the giant Ferris wheel which was illuminated with fall colors. The entrance doorway was decorated with happy birthday banners and as soon as we walked through one of the workers threw confetti over us. I giggled cheerfully; Noah wrapped his arm around my shoulder while we walked into one of the pods. It too was decorated with birthday items, such as banners and party hats. Noah and I sat down opposite each other, he put on a party hat and handed one to me. "It's a requirement to wear a party hat" he said seriously, "Yes, boss!" I exclaimed as I put on the bright pink party hat which had the number 18 decorated on it.

The wheel started to slowly move, I held Noah's hand whilst feeling the sharp winds bite the tip of my nose. I blushed as Noah combed a piece of my hair behind my ear, "You are so beautiful" he said in a croaky voice. I beamed and turned my attention to the city skyline which was emerging from above the trees. I exhaled deeply, "wow, it's so pretty" I mumbled. Noah nodded and squeezed my hand; suddenly the wheel stopped at the peak. Fear crept into my lungs, I turned sharply towards Noah "What's happening" I said with a concerned expression. Noah sniggered and placed his hand on my face, "I paid them extra, to see the view" he said. I shook my head with a sarcastic expression, "you really are something, Schnapp" I said with my eyebrows raised. "Shut up!" He chuckled, leaning in slowly he connected our lips whilst cupping my face with him hands.

Couple hours later

We went round and round on the Ferris wheel till we felt dizzy, then after a couple of hours we finally set off to the next destination. "So, what's next Schnapp?" I asked impatiently; we were walking down the vivid city streets until we came across a convert, dainty, isolated book shop. It had a thatched roof and was covered in many plants, a hint of light peered through the fogged-up glass. "The book shop I was telling you about" Noah said calmly, he opened the door and guided me through. The shop was filled with every genre you could possibly think of some stacks were even toppling over. The air was warm as a hint of cinnamon wafted through the air; many candles lit up the shop occasionally being blew out by the gushing winds though the open window.

"Pick out any books you want, darling" Noah said gently whilst stroking my hair. My face lit up with a smile as I ran over to the fiction section, "are you sure" I asked. Noah furrowed his eyebrows, "yeah! It's your birthday!" Noah laughed. I blushed softly as I searched through the section, feeling the soft, velvet covers of the books on my fingertips whilst the new book scent intoxicated me. I wobbled over to the till after an hour or so, with a pile of books in my hand and another pile in Noah's. "I don't want you to buy all of this, it's too much! Let's go half and half" I suggested once I dumped the books onto the cashiers desk. Noah shook his head, taking out his credit card "no can do, it's your birthday!" He spoke once he paid. The lady packed up the books into a large brown tote bag, we thanked her and exited the shop back out into the cold autumn air. "Thankyou!" I exclaimed, standing up on my tiptoes as I gave Noah a small kiss on the cheek. He blushed tenderly and flashed a gentle smile, "your welcome".

After lunch

"Right then it's getting dark soon, so I think it's time for your next surprise" Noah spoke with a gleaming smile, "yay!" I squealed. We were in the car and traveling further away from the city until the only thing visible was flashes of lights piercing through the trees. "We're in the middle of nowhere" I laughed, holding Noah's hand. "Be patient" He giggled.

-Hey guys I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter!

-As I promised I am trying to keep on schedule, so my next update will be next weekend or earlier :)
- If you don't like pumpkin spiced lattes you can change it lmao
-Steph <3

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