29/10/2023-Back to where it all began

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Time skip to next year

"So, uh where are we going?" I asked nervously. Me and Noah were walking hand in hand along the airport corridors. "To the duty-free section" Noah smirked, I rolled my eyes and playfully punched his shoulder. "Why won't you tell me!" I groaned, Noah looked down at me and smiled gently. "It would ruin the surprise" he mocked. "Fine" I sighed.

We went shopping for a while, bought a few snacks and magazines before sitting down in a little café. I dumped my carry-on bag by my seat and sat down before gazing out the window. "Which plane, is it?" I asked Noah, he followed my gaze and furrowed his eyebrows. We both stared at the multitude of planes scattered around. "No idea babe" he chuckled. "Hey, you will love it there don't worry!" Noah said softly, I turned my attention to him and smiled "ok".  "I'm going to get us some drinks" he exclaimed, he stood up and went to the bar. I took out my phone and took a selfie of me in front of the planes. I sent it to Pierre.

Y/N and Pierre's texts


Heyy look at this!

(pic of you)


Omg! Where are you going? And why didn't you tell me?!


Sorry, it's kind of a surprise from Noah

Idk where we are going ☹


Ugh, I want to knowwww




Well, it's really cute of him to surprise you for your birthday tomorrow


Yea ig, but I will miss u


or will you?






Answer meeee


I hate u


Back to pov

"Who do you hate?" Noah asked over my shoulder, I jumped slightly and laughed "you scared me!". Noah smirked and kissed my neck softly before taking a seat opposite me, he placed our drinks down and raised his eyebrow. "Oh, yea uh, Pierre" I explained. Noah flashed a puzzled look. "here" I said as I passed him my phone. Noah read through all the messages and blushed, he coughed slightly before returning my phone back to me "yea he's being a right jerk" he said. There was something off about the way he said that... kind of sarcastic?

I cleared my throat and sipped my drink, "Shall we check the board?" Noah asked. He was fidgeting with his nails and looked super stressed. I nodded and placed my drink down. We walked over to the departure board, I scanned all the destinations and immediately felt excited. "As a treat I will eliminate two of the destinations on the board" Noah exclaimed as If we were on a game show. I laughed, "okay". Noah cleared his throat, "we are not going to Iceland or Finland" He declared. "Darn it! I bought my snow suit" I said sarcastically.

On the flight

Noah insisted I wore my air pods at the start and end of the flight, so I didn't hear the destination, I giggled but nevertheless agreed. "Okay you can take them of now" Noah said calmly, I took them out and stared out the window. It was getting late, so the sun was setting, creating a beautiful blend of colors. "Wow the sky is so pretty" I gasped, taking a quick pic and sending it to Pierre as well as putting it on Instagram. "Just like you" Noah mumbled under his breath, I looked at him and watched his face turn red. I pursed my lips, holding back a grin.

"Hey, can you take a pic of me?" I asked Noah, he nodded as I passed him my phone. I posed awkwardly leaning against the window- trying to not get in the way of the sunset. "Aww you look adorable" Noah smiled, he sent the picture to himself and passed the phone back to me. "Can I post this on my story babe?" he asked shyly, I looked at the picture "yeah as long as I can post a pic of you" I exclaimed. Noah nodded and passed me his phone, I took a picture of him and immediately put it on Instagram. We spent the next hour taking cute couple pics and trying out random filters, "I'm just going to spam my story with pictures of us" I giggled. Noah agreed, "same".

For the rest of the flight, we watched a movie whilst eating all the snacks we bought. I laid my head on his shoulder and Noah wrapped his arm around me. He combed his hands through my hair and kissed my head. He whispered, "nearly there" into my hair. A swarm of butterflies entered my stomach as I was automatically overwhelmed with questions. Where was he taking me?

Skip to arrival

"It's nearly my birthday!!!" I squealed while we strolled hand in hand to collect the suitcases. "I know right? Only an hour to go!" He exclaimed. Noah had chosen the latest flight possible which arrived nearest to my birthday, meaning whenever we arrived at the mystery place, I would be turning 20! "Hey can you get the suitcase while I call a taxi?" Noah asked. I nodded and rushed over to baggage collection, I watched as a various bags traveled around on a conveyor belt. Noah's was a small black suitcase and mine was rose gold. Once the bags came through, I awkwardly picked them, losing my balance and nearly collapsing on the conveyer belt. I managed to regain my balance and dragged them back to Noah. "Nearly got taken away by a conveyor belt, how are you doing?" I joked as I gave Noah his bag. He chuckled and kissed my head softly, "can't take you anywhere" he mocked. "Okay the taxis waiting, can you take your bag?" Noah mocked, I rolled my eyes and began walking.

We got into the taxi, we both sat in the back seat and Noah instructed the driver on where to go. He was very good at not giving the location away, "you're going to have to wear a blindfold" Noah said. I gave him an annoyed look but reluctantly put the blind fold on. "Okay so how long till we get to... wherever?" I asked, whilst holding Noah's hand. "Soon" He said.

Soon enough we arrived at the destination and Noah got out the car, opened my side door and guided me out. He paid the driver whilst I shivered and stood in complete darkness, the blindfold still on. "Okay so I'm going to hold your hand and guide you there, it won't take long" he reassured me as we began strolling.

A few seconds later we came to a halt, a haze of lights peaked through my blindfold. Wherever we were felt familiar and comforting. "It's your birthday babe" Noah whispered into my ear which sent shivers down my spine, my face felt warm, and I could practically sense the smirk on his face.

"Happy Birthday Y/N!" a loud rumble of voices screamed suddenly, causing me to slightly jump. "Hey, can I see now!" I pleaded, feeling Noah's warm hands covering my eyes even though I was wearing a blindfold. Noah chuckled and I felt his breathe tickle the back of my neck, "fine, in 3,2,1!" Noah exclaimed. He lifted the blindfold over my head and gently guided me further. My eyes finally adjusted to the bright lights and my vision began to clear. "Omg!" I gasped, as my breathe slightly caught in my throat.

"Paris" I gasped, "where it all began" Noah continued.

- I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, I loved writing it so much ;)

-so just a heads up this story is nearly over :(

-I will be writing a Noah Schnapp images book after this and maybe a Timothee Chalamet X reader, comment if you guys would be interested

-Thankyou for all the reads so far!

-Steph <3

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢-𝗡𝗼𝗮𝗵𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗫𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now