20/9/2021-A long awaited surprise

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"Noah, I love you but maybe Shawn is right" I spoke nervously as I laid back against my pillow, Noah frowned and shuffled away from me, "what" He bellowed, turning his attention towards me. "I am so passionate about acting and maybe we aren't focused enough" I blankly stated whilst staring up at the white, shiny, marble hotel celling. "But I thought we had something special" Noah muttered as he stood up and began rubbing his forehead, "we do, but we aren't even in a relationship really" I groaned. I rolled over to see Noah walking away towards the door with his head drooped and the sound of his shoes shuffling painfully along the cold, wooden floor. "But if we were in a relationship?" He asked whilst he kept his body facing towards the door and his hand placed firmly on the door handle, "Of course I would choose you then" I said trying to hint my desires. Noah chuckled and opened the door "You wait and see" He giggled, he left and shut the door behind him.

2 weeks later

"I was really looking forward to seeing you two" I spoke sadly whilst packing my bag for set, "I know but Chloe didn't come in the first place, and I would barely be able to see you anyway" Pierre explained. "Okay well see you whenever" I spoke as I picked up my phone and turned speakerphone off, then placed my phone by my ear. "Yea, bye" Pierre said as he put the phone down.

It was the first day of filming; we had finished reading the script and it was time to start shooting. I woke up super early this morning so I could call Pierre but also because I couldn't stop overthinking what Noah had said to me. We were perfectly fine in fact he even started calling me baby so I have a feeling he would ask me to be his girlfriend soon. However, I can't keep my hopes up and Shawn is right I need to focus on acting, apart from today's scene wont really feel like acting.

"Ready!" Mills screamed with excitement as she barged through my door, "Yea" I chuckled as I grabbed my bag, put my shoes on and left the room. "So, first day of filming and you have an interesting scene to film" Millie squealed as she wiggled her eyebrows. I playfully pushed her shoulder "Yea I know right" I groaned. "I guess the duffers wanted you and Noah to film the kiss scene as you are already used to it" Millie laughed, I stared at her blankly with one eyebrow raised, "Oh come on you know you want to" Millie continued to annoyingly mock me. I shrugged "Not in front of people" I said as we went down in the elevator. "I guess" Millie said whilst we approached the rest of the cast. "Hurry up guys! lets go!" Shawn yelled.

At the set

We were all waiting on a large, old, dusty sofa to be called for our scenes. We were all in costume and had already been through hair and makeup which meant it was closer to action. "Hey babe, you nervous?" Noah asked as he placed his hand on top of mine and stared me in the eyes, I locked eyes with him. "A bit" I stuttered whilst I read through my script impatiently, Noah snatched it off me "Over rehearsing is bad" he said then placed his hand gently on my chin. He lifted my head up and we both gazed into each other's eyes, a swarm of butterflies entered my stomach as he cupped my face and leaned in. He gently connected our lips as our eyes fluttered closed, I placed my arms around his neck as he slowly pulled away and I knelt my forehead on his. "Practice makes perfect I guess" The duffers laughed as they approached us, I immediately turned my attention to them, and then felt full of embarrassment. The rest of the cast laughed once they witnessed my cheeks transition bright red. "Okay, time to shoot!" Shawn ordered as he signaled me and Noah to our set.

Me and Noah rushed to the set of the byers house whilst a crowd traced our every step, I turned around to see the rest of the cast following us and huddling around the set. "We aren't missing it!" Gaten chuckled as everyone gathered around and laid their eyes on me and Noah. "Right Y/N, I want you stood by Will's bedside table and Noah you sit on the bed" We followed the directors' instructions carefully, "Perfect!" Shawn yelled as he gestured the camera crew to get into position. "You got this babe" Noah whispered into my ear to comfort me, I smiled nervously and took a deep breath in while lowering my shoulders.

"Action" The Director Yelled in a bellowing tone.

"Aw Will this drawing of us to is adorable" I said in Character just as I looked at Will's drawing, "Thanks Sarah" Will replied as he awkwardly looked down at the floor. "Hey, what's wrong" I asked whilst lowering my eyebrows and sitting gently Next to Will, he placed his hand on top of mine and looked up at me. "I need to ask you something, I have been waiting to ask you this for a while but to be honest I was scared it would change things" Will said while still keeping strong eye contact with me, "and you know me, I don't like change" Will continued in a shaky voice. I shuffled closer to him "You can ask me anything" I spoke clearly whilst I squeezed his hand.

"Okay, here goes nothing!" Noah exclaimed in character, I raised my eyebrows and smiled gently as I waited patiently. "I have been in love with you the first time we met, and it feels like we need to take the next step forward" Will said then stood up in front of me and held both of my hands tightly. "Will you be my girlfriend Y/N!" Noah exclaimed as he blurted out my name and broke character, I felt my stomach drop and my expression change, I gulped, and I could feel my pulse rising. I didn't know whether to stay in character or not, so I had no choice but to turn my attention to Shawn and the Duffers, "Cut!" They all yelled in a frustrated tone.

Noah however still stood there as if he was genuinely waiting for an answer, "Y/N, Surprise?" He chuckled as he pulled me up onto my feet. "Oh my gosh! Wait-" I spluttered whilst I stood there in shock, "well?" Noah asked as he stood there hopeful. I grabbed his face as I went up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips on his firmly, He immediately kissed back gently and then I lowered my hands to his shoulders, "does that answer you question?" I chuckled as Noah's cheeks flared up. He threw his arms around my legs and back then swung me into his arms and spun me around, I giggled uncontrollably "Noah!" I squealed as he carried me of set.

"Oh my Gosh!" Millie yelled as she watched Noah place me down, Sadie approached and hugged me tightly "Congrats you two!" She smiled. Millie then hugged me too and soon enough the whole cast were clapping and cheering. "Smoothly done man" Finn applauded as he came over and hugged Noah, Caleb and Gaten followed along too.

"mhm" Shawn coughed as he and the duffers walked up to us, "Well we will have to record again, congratulations you two" Ross chuckled as he high fived Noah. "Very cute, in fact we will keep most of the scene" Matt added as he hugged me softly. In contrast Shawn rolled his eyes "What did I tell you two" he said angrily. I stepped up to him and glared at him, "I choose Noah!" I yelled as some of the cast cheered behind me. The duffers laughed and spoke to Shawn, "There just kids, don't worry we can record again" Matt said genuinely.

"Fine" Shawn chuckled as he relaxed his shoulders and ordered us back to our places, "Action!" he yelled.

-Yes you are finally Noah's girlfriend, took him long enough lmao

-anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed <3

-keep reading and voting, thankyou!

-Steph :)

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