26/06/2021-The night in the park

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-hey guys! Before you start reading I just wanted to say that I am basing this chapter on my current favorite song "What a time" by Julia Michaels, because It resembles this chapter so much and it just brings across such a romantic vibe I had to link it to this story. So if you haven't heard the song before or even if you have, play it in the background, here is the link :)

"How about that for a loss of words" Noah chuckled with a slight smirk, I giggled and hugged him tightly. Noah laid his head on mine; I came out of the hug smoothly before Noah spoke "Shall we start the dessert picnic?" Noah exclaimed happily. I nodded and followed him over to a checkered red picnic blanket which was neatly laid out on the soft grass and positioned to face the Eiffel tower. The night sky was pitch black as the moon hung in the sky, the stars twinkled while the streetlamps lit up the field magically. I sat down next to Noah on the blanket as he discussed all the dessert options. "So, there's cake, ice cream, sweets, what would you like?" Noah asked professionally, I took in all of the many options in front of me "We could make dessert sundae's" I giggled. "Yes!" Noah shouted as he spooned some vanilla ice cream into two bowls and passed one to me, "The ice cream is a bit soupy, sorry" Noah laughed, "It's fine, I like it soupy" I chuckled as I began to decorate my sundae.

After we had finished the food, we both laid down next to each other and stared up at the stars, "I love star gazing, but I can never understand where all the shapes are" I stated calmly. Noah gently raised my hand and moved it to one the stars "that's the north star and that is the big dipper" He spoke professionally, "How do you know all this?" I asked kindly as I dropped my arm down. "My mum has always loved this kind of stuff" He shrugged, I moved my head towards his and just watched him. How is this even happening right now? This boy is so perfect, I thought to myself as I concentrated on the night sky.

Noah sat up and put his finger in some ice cream he then continued to rub it on my nose, "Hey!" I yelled with a slight giggle. I picked up some cake frosting and smeared it across his face, "Wait that's way more than I did!" Noah yelled sarcastically as he rubbed it off his face and did the same to me. I laughed as we both sat there covered with frosting and ice cream, Noah passed me a wipe "Thanks" I said kindly as I wiped my face, and he did the same. "So now that's over, do you want to go up to the top" Noah said as he stood up and pointed to the Eiffel tower, he began to pack away everything and I helped. "I wish but it's closed" I sighed as we picked up the blanket and bags, "I may have pulled some strings" Noah spoke cunningly. "What! You are literally amazing!" I yelled as we walked over to the tower, and we place our bags down in a cubby.

The security guard seemed to recognize Noah and then automatically open the gates, Noah smiled "come on" He giggled as he ran ahead, and I chased after him. We made our way up the millions of copper, grey, noisy stairs until we reached the top. My hair blew into Noah's face as the wind was harsh up here "Sorry!" I apologized as Noah sweetly combed a piece of my hair behind my ears, "It's fine, wow it's windy up here!" Noah shouted as the noises of the wind made it slightly uneasy to hear. "I know right" I shouted too as we walked over to the edge and leant against the barricade.

The Tower was lit up brightly gold and twinkled uncontrollably, the view of Paris was spectacular. The skyline was followed by multiple architectural buildings dotted around and in the center was the majestic Greenland we were in a minute ago. It was lit up with miniscule intensely shining lights which mapped out the paths, it was like I was in a dream. "This is so beautiful" I stated as we both faced forwards admiring the view, "just like you" Noah whispered into my ear which sent shivers up my spine as my stomach tingled. "I never want to leave here" I shouted intensely as I threw my arms up and let the wind run through my hair, Noah watched me and laughed "same" he cheered as he let out his arms too.

Noah's thoughts

The way her beautiful hair blew swiftly in the wind, the way her eyes glistened in the moonlight and her smile lit up her face. Her laugh was contagious and every time she giggled, I felt flutters in my stomach, God why is this girl so perfect!

Back to the park

We then went back to the park and located a bench, we sat side by side as Noah yawned whilst stretching his arm over my shoulder. "Smooth" I laughed as I knelt my head on his shoulder whilst he gently kissed my head. "Well, aren't you two comfy" a voice came from behind the bench, both me and Noah turned around quickly to see. "Pierre!" I shouted as I sprung from the bench and Noah stood up too, "What are you doing here" I asked with an aggressive tone. "I'm on a date!" He yelled, I frowned and looked around the area "With who?" I asked. A small brown-haired girl came out from behind Pierre, "Chloe!" Noah shouted as his jaw dropped.

"We just bumped into each other, and I invited her to get some food, you know her?" Pierre questioned towards Noah. "Uh yea, she's my sister!" Noah angrily shouted, "oh so your allowed to go on a date but I'm not!" Chloe said stubbornly as I turned to Noah, "Of course you can sorry, I was just surprised" Noah muttered as he combed his hands through his hair. Chole nodded "hi Y/N! I have heard so much about you, Noah talks about you all the time" Chloe giggled as she took out her hand, I shook her hand and smiled at Noah "Is that true?" I chuckled as Noah's face turned bright red. "N-no" he lied, I blushed and gave Chloe a quick hug "it's nice to meet you" I told Chloe, "Same here" Chloe spoke kindly.

"We will leave you two alone" Pierre said weirdly whilst he wiggled his eyebrows and walked away, I stuck out my tongue at him and he did the same. "Well, that was interesting" I giggled as Noah and I strolled down the path, "yea, is Pierre going to treat her well?" Noah worriedly asked. "Yes of course he wouldn't hurt I fly he just pretends to be all mean" I stated reassuringly as I could tell he was unsure. Noah smiled at me and watched me happily skip along beside him, the walk back to the hotel was quiet but not in an awkward way we just enjoyed each other's presence. "Thankyou, this was the best night of my life" I stated softly with a huge smile on my face, we had arrived back outside of my hotel where a limbo was waiting for Noah. "You deserve it, see you tomorrow!" He yelled as he stepped into the limbo and waved goodbye before he shut the door. Yet again the vehicle drove away far into the distance as it blended into the chaos, I already missed him.

Noah's Pov at his hotel

"Chloe, where are you!" I yelled as I searched all the rooms, "here, what do you want!" Chloe screamed as she ran out of her room and scowled at me. "Calm down, I just wanted to talk to you" I asked her as I sat down of the velvety red sofa and patted the seat next to me as Chloe went to sit. "What's up?" She asked as she placed her phone down and stared me in the eyes, I didn't want to hurt her, but this had to be said. "I just wanted to say, I want to make sure you are happy, so don't rush into things with Pierre" I said hesitantly, Chloe stared at me blankly "You're allowed to date Y/N, why can't I with Pierre?" She groaned and folded her arms whilst she slumped back on the sofa. "I'm not saying that! I have got to know Y/N, Pierre literally just bumped into you on the street" I said as combed my hands through my hair. Chloe looked down and nodded, I guess she got what I was saying right?

-Or has she? Comment what you think

Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it is definitely my favorite one I have wrote so far!

-Also as you can tell there is some slight drama coming but don't worry it wont last long

-Should i base more chapters on songs? comments pls :)

-Also Noah Schnapp on Shark Week omg!!! (sorry I had to bring it up lmao)

-So yea, make sure you keep reading and voting, I would love to make it to 100 soon! Thankyou! <3

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