29/10/2023-Will you marry me?

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I shivered slightly, Noah immediately noticed and took off his hoodie leaving himself in just a thin shirt. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself, like a hug. Noah insisted and forced the hoodie into my hands. I frowned and pouted slightly in annoyance. He smiled gently, "for me?". Those words would make me do anything. I automatically pulled the hoodie over my head and intertwined my hands with his.

"So where is this final destination?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't tell me. He shrugged and smirked slightly before pointing and shouting "there". My eyes widened once we approached it. "Why here?" I giggled, stepping back to take in the old, dusty, grey convention centre. "It's where we met" Noah stated.  I could feel his eyes pinned on me, watching my face for some sort of reaction. A smile crept across my face, "Yeah, I know. But you couldn't have fallen in love with me here" I said, sort of confused. Noah shrugged and combed his hands through his perfectly messy hair, "love at first sight" he blushed. I looked up at him as my lips parted slightly, we locked eyes and just gazed at each other for a moment. I got lost in his deep hazel eyes again, they were mesmerising.

"Really?" I said breathlessly, still hypnotised by his gaze. My stomach twisted and turned when a swarm of butterflies entered my stomach. Noah nodded and pursed his lips, forcing his grin away. Just then the atmosphere changed, Noah stared at me seriously and bit down on his lip nervously, he stepped forwards and held my hands in his. "Y/N, I have loved you from the beginning, those places I took you only confirmed my love from you. I knew from the start you were the one." Noah spoke passionately.

My lower lip trembled as I tried to search for something to say, instead Noah placed his hand on my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I really do love you" he said breathlessly, his eyes searching my face. "I- I love you too Noah" I croaked out, feeling slightly overwhelmed with everything. He grinned happily and joined our lips together softly, I closed my eyes and kissed him back eagerly. He pulled away just as my eyelids fluttered open, and before I knew it, he was standing Infront of me. Down on one knee and holding a ring. "Will you marry me?" he asked

I let out a sharp gasp, and immediately threw my hand over my mouth. I became overloaded with so many thoughts and feelings that I couldn't coordinate them. I opened my mouth to say something, but no words could describe what was happening. Noah knelt there for a few seconds with a hopeful look plastered across his face. He was so perfect and adorable how could I possibly say no? I nodded quickly as I couldn't find the words. Noah chuckled and raised an eyebrow, "is that a, yes?" he asked nervously. His smile twitching with fear as he waited for my response.

Tears started overflowing out of my eyes, he stood up worriedly then I lunged forwards throwing my arms around his neck. "Yes!" I sobbed, "Yes, yes, yes and yes" I repeated, fighting through the tears. "If there was anything more than a yes, I would say it!" I yelled, stepping away and throwing my arms up in the air. Noah laughed happily, "thank god, I was worried then" he said, relieved. I shook my head, "I'm so sorry! I was just shocked and lost for words" I mumbled. Noah also shook his head as tears escaped from his eyes, "no, it's ok" He muttered. He pulled me into another hug, pushing my head closer to his chest. He knelt his head on top of mine and stroked my hair softly. "I made you speechless" he whispered in my ear.  I chuckled whilst nestling my head into the crook of his neck then he kissed me head softly.

We pulled away from the hug, Noah clasped my hand and took the ring out from the box. He gently slid it on my ring finger and grinned excitably. My smile broke free as I stood there, gleaming at the ring. It was more beautiful than I ever could have imagined, it sparkled against the now setting sun and twinkled perfectly. Everything about this moment was perfect, Noah, the ring, the sunset. It just felt like a dream.

I touched the ring delicately and traced my fingers along the embedded diamonds, "I love it Noah, how did you choose it!" I asked whilst still admiring the ring. He shrugged and lifted my chin up with his hands, "I was browsing and this one just seemed perfect" he said. I grinned and pulled him into another hug, "I can't believe it, you're my fiancé!" I exclaimed. "Oh, I'll have to get used to that" I giggled, saying fiancé sounded weird but it was something I could get used to. "I may have another surprise" Noah said slowly, he watched my hair blow over my face and combed a piece of stray hair behind my ear. "This way love" he said, whilst pulling me towards the convention centre.

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