26/06/2021-Many firsts

98 3 1

Y/F/F: Your favorite food

Y/F/D: Your favorite food

"He's here!" Pierre jumped from his seat with excitement, "Come on Y/N you don't want to keep him waiting" Pierre squealed as he knelt down and shook my shoulders. "Huh?" I replied as I blinked harshly and shivered slightly. "I am going on a date with Noah" I said emotionless as I sat on the sofa frozen with my eyes focused on the door. "Yes, did you only just realize that!" Pierre chuckled as he pulled me up to me my feet, "I guess it never really clocked in" I smiled as my eyesight blurred slightly. "Y/N the door!" Pierre yelled as he guided me over to it, I shuddered as I retraced my steps back "Nope I'm not going!" I stated determined. "Oh, seriously Y/N! You have been fantasizing about this for months, make it a reality" Pierre whispered into my ear softly. I took a deep breath and nodded "thanks" I said, I guess Pierre is a supportive friend.

I made my way over to the door as I softly placed each foot down, almost tiptoed until I reached the old, wooden, rusted door. "Well open it!" Pierre whispered as he lifted up my wrist and delicately placed my hand on the golden brass handle. I gulped and started to feel flustered but neither the less I unlocked the door and swung it open confidently.

There he was, he stood there nervously with a small smile upon his face combined with rosy, red cheeks. His deep hazel eyes glistened in the light, in one hand he held his phone and in another bouquet of roses. He was wearing a navy-blue shirt with the top button unclipped, some beige jeans and of course his signature red Jordan's. We both stood there for a moment or two as we got lost in each other's eyes and I felt incapable of speaking. In the corner of my eye, I witnessed Pierre wave his hand intensely in front of our faces, Noah coughed slightly and passed me the roses. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as I gripped onto the flowers and walked over to the coffee table to place them in a vase. I strolled back over and hugged Pierre goodbye, "Bring her back by 10!" Pierre shouted at Noah and I as we walked down the corridor awkwardly, "Ok!" Noah shouted back.

"So, where is this mysterious restaurant?" I giggled as we walked out the hotel doors, the street down towards the Arc de Triomphe was angelic. The lights illuminated the arch and the bright yellow taxis shone vividly through the puddles. Noah paused slightly and turned towards me; I came to a halt as he stepped away from me to admire me. "I didn't get a chance to say in there, you look beautiful" he said softly, my stomach dropped, and a swarm of butterflies entered my stomach. "T-thank y-you" I managed to say, "You look quite good yourself!" I exclaimed as gazed into his eyes. "Jordan twinning!" Noah laughed as he pointed at my trainers, "yea I bought heals incase" I giggled. "No, I love them!" Noah smiled as he showed off his bright red shoes. He scratched the back of his neck nervously "Oh, yea sorry you asked, the restaurant is just here!" He spoke as we turned a corner and arrived.

"Its perfect!" I spoke excitably, the restaurant was smaller than expected and had multiple fairy lights decorated around the exterior. It was in a quiet area with little to no noise, the building had a luxurious outside area with a small swing and a multitude of vines crawling up either side of the building. Noah gently held my hand and we walked over to the waiter, "Hey, table for two in the name of Schnapp" Noah spoke confidently, and we followed the waiter over to our seats. We were in the corner of the area and positioned right next to the basket swing, the tables where white and glossy, the seats had decorative pink pillows lent against them with white ribbons attaching them to the chair. "This place is so cute!" I said as Noah pulled my chair out "Ladies first" he chuckled as I smiled and sat down "Thanks" I replied.

I stared down at the cute little pink menus and read everything over and over, I couldn't decide. "What are you having?" Noah questioned as I saw him look up at me, I locked eyes with him "I think I will have Y/F/F" I said unsurely but determined not to change my mind, "That's what I was thinking too!" Noah chuckled as he caught the attention of the waiter. "Can I start you off with any drinks?" The waiter asked politely as he rushed over, Noah signed for me to answer first "Uh yes, can I have a Y/F/D" I said. Noah smiled "I will take a glass of coke, for food can we have two off Y/F/F" Noah asked kindly. The waiter nodded as he scribbled down our orders and strolled away hesitantly.

"So, Y/N, tell me something about yourself" Noah questioned fascinated, "Uh there's nothing special about me" I replied with a slight chuckle. "You seem pretty special to me" Noah replied gently, those words replayed in my mind over and over like a movie. "Thank you, I guess I have always wanted to be an actress" I said while my cheeks blushed intensely, "Are you any good?" Noah asked, "not as good as you" I replied nervously. "Well, who is" Noah stated sarcastically, I laughed and continued to get lost in his deep hazel eyes. "Well, there is a spot open for Stranger Things 5! You could audition, I could help you if you like?" Noah said happily, my jaw dropped "You would really do that for me?" I replied, "sure anything for you" he said dreamily.

We both blushed lightly and looked into each other's eyes again, "here is your drinks" the waiter stated as he placed down the drinks in front of us which disconnected our gazes. I gracefully took a sip of my drink before Noah said, "How about you come over to my hotel tomorrow sometime and I could help you send an audition tape in". I choked on my drink slightly before placing it down firmly on the table "I would love too, thank you! Also, I am free tomorrow as my parents are going to some work thing" I spoke, Noah nodded "It's a date!" He exclaimed as the waiter arrived with our foods. He placed them down on the table before rushing off. "Is 10am ok?" Noah asked, I nodded as I started digging into my food.

Time skip

The food was immaculate, and the venue was just incredible, Noah had been so sweet and generous the whole time it almost seemed like it was meant to be. We stood outside the restaurant as Noah had planned a surprise, I was slightly worried however I felt I could trust him. "So how come there was no dessert" I giggled as I strolled by the side of him down the street, "I thought we would get dessert someplace else" He stated slyly and grabbed my hand. We ran down the pavement as the streetlamps lit up the buildings and reflected vividly from the puddles. Suddenly Noah paused and I slowed my pace, we crossed the busy road hand in hand and made it to a large open field. Noah went behind me and put his hands over my eyes, my stomach fluttered gently. "Just turn a bit this way" he muttered as he guided me in the correct direction, he gently took his hands away from my face and watched my face light up.

"A Picnic next to the Eiffel tower! What! How did you do this we were-" I yelled at the top off my lungs unable of understanding how he pulled this all off. Noah cut me off as he chuckled "I lied the reservation was for us too, Chloe was never coming in fact she set this up" He spoke calmly. I shook my head slowly and exhaled, "I'm lost for words, this is amazing!" I stuttered as I was still in complete shock. "Maybe this will help?" Noah stated with a deep calming tone. I turned to face him as I watched his eyes look down at my lips, I smiled as he hesitantly leaned in, and I followed. His lips landed on mine gently and I felt him smirk which made my stomach flutter evermore, I kissed back eagerly as I gently smiled too. He placed his arms on my hips and pulled me in closer respectfully, I wrapped my arms around his neck as we both pulled back slowly, I placed my head on his and we staid like this for a moment. My cheeks blushed as he placed his hand on my chin and moved my head up towards his, our eyes locked.

-Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I think it's so cute!

-The picture of Noah sleeping omg

-Its called many firsts because of a first date and first kiss, just to clarify lol

-I hope you enjoyed it and I will post again maybe later because I have already wrote the next one!

-Make sure to vote and comment what you think, thank you :)

-Steph <3

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