8/9/2021-The choice

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Dear diary,

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Well yesterday was let's just say a win loose situation. On one hand Noah said he loved me, so I was completely and utterly over the moon about that until an unexpected visitor interrupted. Shawn walked in on me and Noah at the wrong moment! I was so embarrassed, and Shawn was clearly frustrated and disappointed, so he made Noah swap rooms with him. When I joined the rest of the cast in the community area, the duffers were talking through the schedule. Basically, today's timetable is costume fittings in the morning and a quick set and trailer tour, then script reading in the afternoon. Right now, I am writing to you in my trailer, it's open spaced with comfy beige sofas, a flat screen Tv and mini bar! Millie already gave me a set tour in the morning, and it was definitely better than I expected. However, it's the first day so I have to act confident and not seem too overwhelmed but with all this on my plate I didn't want to mess it up again- I had to impress Shawn!

"Y/N!" a deep voice shouted from outside my trailer, I sprung up from the sofa and opened the door quickly to see Noah shivering recklessly whilst his teeth chattered uncontrollably. Droplets of water dripped down from his soft brown hair and travelled down his tanned skin and rosy, red cheeks. "Come in, come in!" I spluttered with surprise whilst I moved back to make space. "What are you doing outside, the duffers said to stay in the trailers" I said in a concerned tone. I hurried to assist Noah in taking off his mustard yellow raincoat. Noah hung his jacket up and sat down on the black fluffy sofas, "I came to see you!" He giggled as he patted the seat next to me. I smiled hopelessly and sat down next to him.

"So how did the tour with Millie go?" Noah asked whilst wiping away the cluster of raindrops that gripped onto his spiky for dear life, "It was amazing! I can't believe I am really here, and the sets are incredible" I exclaimed. Noah laughed, he proceeded to place his hand on top of mine, I blushed noticeably as I caught his contagious smile. We gazed into each other's eyes which felt like forever, my ribcage tightened, and I began to lose my breath as I saw him lean closer to me. He pressed his lips against mine both of our eyes fluttered closed as I eagerly kissed him back, I felt his soft lips cling onto mine as he held my waist to pull me in closer. 

"Hello?" A deep and echoey voice called from outside the quaint trailer. I pulled away, exhaled deeply once my eyes decided to jolt wide open. I sprung up from the sofa, Noah stood up after me and rushed over to the back exit door, he sniggered as he looked back at me before opening the door quietly.

Once Noah had left, I opened the front door quickly to see the duffers standing there with matching raincoats and similar cold expressions. "Y/N what took you so long, it's time to go to fittings" They ordered, I grabbed my umbrella and raincoat. "Sorry, I had music playing" I lied terribly then put my raincoat on and walked through the door. Shawn emerged from behind the duffers as he watched me walk down the step ladder, I closed the door behind me and pasted a fake smile on my face. "Remember what I said" Shawn whispered into my ear as we trailed behind the duffers, I gulped as my face turned red as a tomato. "Have you seen Noah" Matt duffer questioned, he turned his head slightly towards me, "She's more than seen him" Shawn spoke confidently with a sly undertone whilst he stared at me and squinted his eyes.

"Hey guys, is it time for my fittings yet?" Noah asked as he came running up to the duffers, I smiled at him and quickly mouthed thank you. "Yes actually, you can come with us" Ross said, Noah walked beside me squeezing my hand. "Here we are!" The duffers announced as we walked into a much larger open spaced trailer. It was chic with white marbled floors and luxurious red carpeting, It had a welcoming atmosphere which allowed me to feel at ease. A small blonde-haired women neared me. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you Y/N, my name is Aubrey!" She explained with a bright smile while another woman guided Noah to the costume cupboard. "Pleasure to meet you too!" I answered excitably as the duffers and Shawn waved goodbye then exited the trailer. "Let's get you measured!" Aubrey spoke as she grabbed a measuring tape.

Time Skip- table reading

"Y/N, it's your line" Matt said as he shuffled his papers, I nodded as I began to feel my cheeks flare up and my palms sweat. Suddenly I felt Noah gently grab my hand, he looked at me and nodded slightly. I inhaled and lowered my shoulders back, once I began to feel my body untense, then delivered the line perfectly. Noah squeezed my hand from under the table and smiled tenderly. "I'm here for you" He whispered into my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

The table reading went on for another 2 hours, I began to feel more confident when speaking my lines. We all were sat in a large room inside one of the set buildings, it had plastic chairs laid out and a large, wooded, polished table that took up half the room. The area was brightly lit, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the reading. For me it was the first time I could explore my characters personality. Ironically, she was very similar to me, quite confident yet awkward and a good sense of humor. I felt as if I had known her forever; Noah's character Will was definitely more outgoing this season and Lucas had some major Character development. It felt quite odd to be in on the action but also made me realize how much of a huge responsibility it was keeping the spoilers in. After the first episode of reading finished the duffers called our driver to take us back to the hotel.

Back at the Hotel

"Hey Y/N, Noah! Can I speak to you two?" Shawn asked whilst everyone else pondered off to their rooms, I nodded nervously as Shawn lead the way. We sat in the community lounge on bright red sofa's which were laid around different brass tables. "What's up" Noah asked with a slight chuckle as he and I sat down; Shawn pulled out a chair and faced it opposite us before joining. "Are we in trouble?" I questioned politely just as I shuffled closer to Noah, "you could say that!" Shawn said while he kept Stern eye contact with the both of us. "Especially you, Noah" He continued, I frowned and turned to face Noah, "What did I do?" Noah asked rather nervously.

"You two are such brilliant actors and I don't want this silly little love interest to stop you both from achieving your full potential!" Shawn complained, my face twitched with anger as I exhaled deeply, I tried to argue back however nothing, but scoffs escaped my mouth. "Look Shawn, it isn't silly! We both really love each other, and we promise for it not to interfere with work" Noah explained perfectly besides his frustration. I smiled dreamily as I begun to lose myself in his exceptional eyes, "I agree" I said sort of zoned out. "You can't really do anything?" Noah said proudly towards Shawn, Shawn leaned forwards and raised an eyebrow "Separation, sacking Y/N, don't underestimate me" he said intimidatingly. Noah gulped and shuffled to the back of the sofa, I looked down and began to feel like I had ruined everything.

"It's your choice Y/N, Noah or your career" Shawn spoke as he left the room with a lingering tension.

what should I choose?

-Hi everyone! I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter and the intense cliffhanger!

-I feel like my writing is a bit bad in this chapter so ignore that lmao

-Anyway, I will update again next week!

-Steph :)

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