27/10/2022-skate date

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We arrived at the ice-skating rink a couple of minutes later, "You know I am a pro at ice skating" Noah boasted. I giggled slightly, "really?". Noah sighed dramatically, "yeah! How come you don't believe me". He got out the car and opened my door, I stepped out "prove it" I muttered. Noah nodded before taking my hand and guiding me to the ice ring, "two tickets please" he asked kindly to the ticket seller. The woman gave us our tickets and our skates, "ice is getting cleaned in a bit so you might want to head on" she instructed. "Ok will do, thanks" Noah spoke. We sat down on one of the benches, it was an outdoor ice-skating ring so I could feel the cold air bite at my fingertips as I tried desperately to tie my laces. "Here let me" Noah asked, he bent down and tied my shoelaces carefully.

"I forgot ice skating was outside" I laughed; I was wearing a dress with tights, so I was very cold. "Here" he persuaded, he shoved his hoodie towards me. "Please Y/N, I don't want you getting sick" Noah said sweetly. I smiled gently before pulling the jumper over my head. It smelled just like him, a sweet smell of cinnamon and cologne. "What about you?" I pouted. "don't worry about me baby, I will warm up once I get skating" Noah explained.

I held his hand as he helped me onto the ice, "ok once I get warmed up can we race?" I asked. Noah's mouth twitched up into a smirk, "you're on". It only took me a couple of minutes to get into the rhythm, soon enough I was doing laps around Noah. "Hey!" I breathed out restlessly and crashed into the barrier, Noah giggled "you, okay?" he asked. I nodded as I tried to catch my breath. "Let's race!" I shouted.

Noah smirked at me before shouting "3,2!", he didn't even get to one before he sped off. "Hey!" I yelled, I narrowed my eyes at him and tried to catch up. My skates cut through the ice like a knife and shredded the surface of the ice. The cold wind talked through my hair and brushed past my cheeks. I kept my eyes on Noah, he was half the ring In front of me and clumsily speeding. Eventually I caught up with him and raced in front. I came to a halt back where we started and stared up at the lights. A beautiful array of fair lights was hung up on the towering trees and reflected onto the ice, twinkling like stars in the night sky. A smile lit up my face as I saw Noah slowly approach me, "He-hey! Ho-how are y-you so goo-d" Noah stuttered through his raspy breaths. He held his chest and tried to slow down his breathing. I shrugged before intertwining our hands "lets skate around together" I said.

We skated slowly around the ring, "This is so much fun" I yelled. I threw my arms up and before I could stop him Noah skidded to the floor. "Sorry! Are you okay?" I asked with a slight giggle, Noah nodded and clambered back to his feet. He cupped his cold hands around my face, "ahh you're so cold" I squealed. Noah laughed, "serves you right, you knocked me down!" he chuckled. I smiled gently "can we stay here forever" I asked. Noah looked around before nodding, "yea it would be nice, we don't have to go back yet though" he said gently. He traced his finger over my nose and around my lips before rubbing my chin gently with his thumb, he lifted my head up so our eyes were locked together. "You're so beautiful" he said, his breath catching in his throat as he leaned forwards. Our lips connected softly whilst Noah pulled me towards him, his hand rested on the back of my neck as mine wrapped around his neck. I let a smile escape and felt Noah smirk.

"Hey love birds! Off the ice, now!" A booming voice pounded, we both pulled away quickly. I scanned the empty ring with my eyes. Noah pursed his lips as he pulled me off the ice, he chuckled nervously before muttering a quiet "sorry" to the worker. "The ice had to get cleaned just then, didn't it?" I groaned. Noah nodded and wiped his hand over his forehead. I felt the crowd's eyes pinned on us, "lets go and get a drink" I said.

We walked into the tent and up to the bar, "what would you like darling?" Noah asked sweetly. "Just a water please" I asked the bar tender, "and for you sir?" he asked. Noah stared at the drink board for a few seconds before deciding, "just a coke please" he asked kindly. The bartender nodded and went off to make our drinks, "you didn't want anything nicer?" Noah asked before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "No, I just wanted to come in here to get away from the crowd" I admitted.

When the drinks were ready Noah took them both and wandered over to a spere table. It was overlooking the ice rink and had high up stools. I climbed up onto the chair and knelt my chin on my hand, I stared out the window watching the figures gather back onto the ice. Noah coughed lightly to get my attention, "I think I'm done skating for today" I announced when my eyes locked with his. He cleared his throat and nodded, "yea it's getting late we should get back after this". I took a sip of my water and felt his hand lay on top of mine, "are you okay?" he questioned. I took another sip of my drink before replying, "yea, just doubly embarrassed" I chuckled. "Yea I guess we just attract embarrassment" Noah giggled.

He drank his cola and placed it down with a thud, "what do you want to do for your birthday?" he asked randomly. I took a second before answering, "be with you" I muttered. Noah smiled brightly "ok yea does that also include Pierre? He is your best friend" Noah spoke, I nodded "yea he can tag along". Noah smiled, "but seriously what do you want to do? In the afternoon me, you, Pierre and Chloe are going out for dinner but apart from that I don't know" he spoke. "Surprise me" I said finally. "Okay" Noah agreed, I finished up my water and then we headed back to his car.

He opened the side door for me, and closed it once I got in. He got in the driver's side and set the directions back to his house. "One thing before we go"  he said with a smirk. I grinned, "kiss me then" I said. He placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in, a phone buzzed with startled us. "Ugg!" Noah shouted as he picked up his phone and put it on speaker, "Hello!" He said aggressively into the phone.

"Noah there is no need to shout!" His mother yelled from the other end of the line. Noah rubbed his face and gave me an apologetic look, "sorry mum, what's up?" his said. "What's with the rush, and where are you!" She yelled sternly. "Nothing, uh we're on our way back" Noah explained, "but the concert finished ages ago, where have you been!" She shouted. "We went ice skating" Noah blurted out, "ice skating?" she said puzzled. "Yea, but we're on our way now" Noah spoke whilst he reversed out the parking lot, "Is Y/N, okay?" she asked. "Hi Mrs. Schnapp, I'm fine thanks" I said calmly, "Hello dear, how was the concert?" She questioned. "It was amazing!" I beamed, "yea it was so good, now mum I can't really talk while driving" Noah said quickly. "Noah why are you in so much of a hurry to get me off the phone, just put me on speaker" she said in a confused tone. "No reason, we will see you soon" Noah said, his mother sighed down the other end before speaking again, "ok well, no detours! Come straight home" she ordered before ending the call. Noah slumped back in his seat as we turned onto the highway, "sorry about that babe" he apologized.

"It's fine, it's sweet how protective she is of you" I said, Noah looked at me and slightly rolled his eyes. "Yea I guess, it feels like I can never kiss you without getting interrupted" Noah groaned. I laughed "Yea I know", he placed his hand on top of mine and intertwined our fingers. "Thank you for the ranger's game, the concert and the ice skating by the way. It was perfect" I exclaimed. "You deserve it, I love being with you" Noah muttered before turning the music up slightly.

"Hey Y/N?" Noah asked, he was trying to get my attention as I was staring out the window. I turned sharply and locked eyes with him for a moment, "yea?" I questioned. "I haven't told you this before but when I was younger, I always dreamed of someone like you. However, I would never in a million dreams expect to love someone as much as I love you, Y/N" Noah exclaimed, he blushed lightly and coughed to break the silence. I was lost for words. A swarm of butterflies entered my stomach as I began to feel lightheaded. "Noah... That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I have never related to anything more, I love you" I beamed, my cheeks started to hurt from my wide smile.

-Hey everyone, I wrote a longgggg chapter lmao 

-anyway I hope you enjoyed :)

-Steph <3

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