26/06/2021-Shopping spree

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Dear diary,

I physically cannot breathe; I am so scared and excited at the same time! I am trying not to look like a complete fool In front of Pierre, so I guess I am spilling all the news to you. Pierre is staying with me until Noah comes, I needed him for emotional support and probably physical support if I faint before I make it out the door! Mum and Dad left for dinner so It's just me and him. I am sort of worried, Pierre isn't exactly the most supportive friend in the world, and he often creates huge disasters, but I guess without him I wouldn't have clicked with Noah. I owe it all to him, but that doesn't mean I will tell him that. He made me throw a book at Noah for goodness' sake-

"Hold up! If I didn't make you do that you wouldn't be in this fantastic opportunity" Pierre gloated as he sat next to me on the sofa and pulled the pen away from my hands. "Hey! I technically said thank you!" I shouted as I tried to get the pen off him, "true but I want you to say it to my face" Pierre chuckled as he reluctantly passed the pen back to me. I rolled my eyes as I faced towards him "Thank you!" I said softly as I opened my arms for a hug, "your welcome! I don't do hugs" Pierre groaned as he grabbed my hand and fist bumped me instead. I smiled as I closed my diary and placed it on the coffee table.

"So is the princess ready to meet the prince?" Pierre asked as he shuffled closer toward me, I looked down at my watch "We should go shopping its nearly 6!" I yelled. "We have 2 hours" Pierre shouted as he flopped onto the bed. "Yea 2 hours to find an outfit and get ready!" I screamed as I frantically rushed around the room packing my bag. "Fair enough!" Pierre yelled as he grabbed his bag and strolled over to the door, "You coming?" He groaned from boredom, I nodded as I rushed out the door.

At the Champs-Elysée's

"Okay so Gucci, Louis Vuitton or-" Pierre babbled before I cut him off, "I'm not a millionaire" I yelled as I frowned at him. "Okay but it's either this or Nike" Pierre chuckled; I rubbed my face as I sighed "We are never going to find any where with a reasonable price!" I spoke with an angry tone. "We will, come on!" Pierre shouted as he tugged my arm as we made our way down the street.

"Levi's!" I yelled as I grabbed Pierre's hand and dragged him into the store. The shop was lowly lit with multiple fairy lights which made the room sparkle and had retro music playing in the background, it was so pretty. "Omg look at those jeans!" Pierre screamed as he pointed at them excitably and rushed off, "I didn't need your help anyway" I sighed under my breath "Ok so I want something fancy but not too fancy" I muttered under my breath as a tall lady asked kindly "would you like any assistance?". I scanned my eyes around the busy shop "yes please" I stated as I realized I would be much quicker with some help. "So, what are we looking for today" The woman questioned calmly, "Something fancy but not to outgoing" I chuckled. "I see, is this outfit for a special occasion?" The lady inquired, I nodded "Yes actually, I am going on a date to an expensive French restaurant" I said happily. The lady smiled "well then we must find you something perfect to impress the young man" she smiled happily as she guided me over to the women's section.

"Would you like to go for jeans, skirts or dresses?" The woman asked, I thought to my self for a moment before I replied "Lets try skirts first" I stated. The woman nodded and rushed around the store before she came back over to me and handed me four skirts. "Any of these to your liking?" she questioned, they were all denim obviously, but they seemed too casual. "Not really I am afraid" I nervously replied, "No worries" The lady stated as she picked out the only leather skirt in the store and handed it to me. "How about this" She offered, I examined it and nodded "It's ok, have you got a size (your size)?" I asked. "Oh, dear that's the only size we don't have!" The lady replied sadly. "It's ok I will look for something else, have you got any dresses?" I asked curiously, the lady frowned and rushed off towards the back of the room, she came storming back with a beautiful floral, brown pattered dress "What about this?" She asked hopefully. My eyes lit up "It's perfect!" I shouted as she passed it towards me, "And it's in your size Miss" she said happily before walking away to help another customer.

"Y/N, what have you found?" Pierre asked fascinated as he tumbled up too me with a handful of clothes "I am buying all this, don't judge!" He yelled as he dropped them down lazily onto the floor. "Wow the dress is perfect! You should add a black denim jacket!" He squealed as he ran over and grabbed me one in my size. "Okay let's pay!" I yelled as we all made our way to the till.

Next shop

I was in Tiffany and co to look for some jewelry, I strolled around the room peacefully before setting my eyes on a beautiful Saturn necklace. I picked it up and also grabbed a simple pearl necklace to go with it. The shop was super chic it was brightly lit with multiple golden chandeliers dangling down from the marble ceiling. I made my way to the till and paid for the necklaces with my own birthday money before I walked out the shop and strolled to Louis Vuitton where Pierre was.

He came strutting out the golden plated doors, "okay so, I bought my mum a bag, but you could use it for tonight." Pierre regretfully stated. My jaw dropped "are you serious! How much was that thing?" I screamed; Pierre clenched his teeth "let's just say a lot" He blushed. I shook my head slightly "are you sure I can borrow it?" I asked, Pierre nodded "Yep, now let's get back to the hotel" He insisted as he could barely carry all of his purchases. I giggled "Sure".

At the Hotel

"Standing in front of the mirror, won't make you any prettier!" Pierre yelled from in the bathroom. "Hey!" I shouted as I rolled my eyes but continued to accessorize my outfit. I wore my two necklaces with some sunglasses and the cute white Louis Vuitton handbag. I curled my hair and had applied some natural makeup, I felt quite confident until Pierre made that accusation. "Jordan's or heals?" I shouted to ask Pierre as he was in the bathroom changing, Pierre came out of the room in his new jeans and shirt, "What do you think?" He said as he walked up to the mirror and fiddled with his shirt collar. "Nice but you are not the one going out tonight" I groaned as I nudged the shoes in his face, "Ask Noah" He said, I nodded "ok" I replied as I sat down on the sofa. "Pierre, you look really good" I calmly said as I realized I might have offended him, Pierre smiled and sat down next to me "so do you" He replied. "I hate being nice to you, ew" Pierre chuckled, I giggled and playfully punched him.

"Ping" went the doorbell!

"Ping" went the doorbell!

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-Here is the outfit btw, you can change it if you want, this is just what i found on the website lol-Hey, here is chapter 4! Posted early :)

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-Here is the outfit btw, you can change it if you want, this is just what i found on the website lol
-Hey, here is chapter 4! Posted early :)

-I hope you all enjoyed, I loved writing it!

-Also if you have any friends who are Noah fans it would mean a lot if you told them to go check this out, no pressure I would just like to get my reads up

- Also go check out my other story Dimensions and help me get to 1K

-Thank you so much

-Steph <3

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