29/10/2023-memory lane

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Dear diary,

It's currently 7am, on my birthday. When me and Noah arrived at the Eiffel tower all my family and friends were there, but everyone agreed that I needed some sleep before we started celebrating. Noah hasn't woken up yet but when he does, we will head straight back to celebrate. Everyone set out tables and picnic blankets, just like mine and Noah's first date. Something tells me this is going to be the best birthday ever. However, there is on something on my mind, Noah, he's acting weird. By weird I mean super nervous and fidgety. I don't know why, but I want to find out. I don't want to ruin my birthday though so I might just see what happens but if he keeps acting up. I'm going to confront him, nicely, of course. Anyway, I will update later.

Aww he looks so cute when he's sleeping, I brushed away a piece of stray brown hair which lay on his face. I placed my hand on his back and felt his body rise up and down with his breathing. I sat up slowly from the bed, untangling the blanket from around me and walking slowly to my suitcase. The hotel room is gorgeous, gold finishes, chandeliers, fluffy carpets and a king-sized bed. The white fluffy carpet tickled my feet as I rummaged through my suitcase. I picked out a cute dress, oversized leather jacket and some converse. I quickly got ready in the bathroom. .

As I walked out the bathroom Noah was up and getting changed, I covered my eyes and squeaked, "sorry". Noah chuckled and lifted my hands of my face, "it's fine. You look beautiful by the way" He whispered. He placed his hand on my cheek and stroked my face with his thumb, he had a pair of light brown trousers on and an unbuttoned navy-blue shirt on. I stared at his abs and pursed my lips to hide my smile. He lifted my chin up and smirked, "eye's up here". I rolled my eyes, "Put your shirt on" I said. "Oh, I thought you liked it off" he mocked, "I mean I do-" Noah cut me off by his smirk. I frowned, "oh shut up" I said, annoyed. "I'm not wrong" He chuckled. He combed his hands through his fluffy brown hair, "Shall we go". 

Back at the Eiffel tower

"Do I really need to close my eye's again" I giggled. I felt the heat from Noah's fingers against my eye lids as he chuckled slightly. "No, I guess" He laughed. "Okay, here goes nothing" He lifted his hands over my head, my vision blurred, and my eyes tingled as they readjusted to the bright lights. My eyes widened and I squealed whilst slightly jumping up and down. Noah held my hand and dragged me closer to the party, everyone was there, Pierre ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I told you, you wouldn't miss me" he chuckled. I smiled gently and gave Chloe a gentle hug before running over to my parents.  "Mum, Dad! I missed you both" I yelled, they threw their arms around me, hugging me softly.

Fairy lights hung across the trees, the sun sparkled against the metal of the Eiffel tower and the tartan picnic blanket was covered all the way around with my favourite foods. "Let's party!" Noah yelled, he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the picnic blanket. Everyone sat down and began eating the food, I ate a slice of Pizza whilst Noah rambled on about the Ny rangers' game and the concert. I stared at him, studying his features until my eyes landed on his lips. He caught my gaze and smirked slightly; I immediately turned my attention back to the pizza.  Before I knew it Noah hand dabbed some ice cream on my nose, I glared at him and smeared some on his face. We giggled loudly as I leaned into Noah's shoulder, he whispered in my ear "We did this last time".

"So, Y/N how has New York been?" My Dad asked whilst he ate some cheesecake, I nodded as I finished eating the pizza. "Yeah, I loved it!" I exclaimed. "How was the game, I wish I was there!" Pierre yelled then pulled me in a tight hug. I playfully hit his shoulder and turned to Noah, "Pierre is a huge fan of the Rangers" I chuckled. Pierre rolled his eyes and tugged my arm, "ok I am but they are pretty awesome!" He continued, like a fangirl.

"Okay so cake!" My mum said, once she walked over holding a beautiful three-tiered cake. It was Ombre with my favourite colours and topped with cream and strawberries. In the middle there was a 20 candle which was sparkling, everyone sung happy birthday whilst I grinned awkwardly. Everyone counted down from three and I blew out my candle, closing my eyes firmly and making a wish. Noah kissed me on the top of my head as he placed his arm around me. "So now we have finished eating, do you want to go on a walk Y/N. Just you and me" He asked me shyly. Pierre winked weirdly at Noah and then stuffed his face with cake to cover it up. My Parents shockingly said, "Y/N, go ahead", I furrowed my brows and took Noah's hand. My Dad patted Noah on the back and my mother gave him a sort of smile...a reassuring smile. We began walking, I turned my head back and saw Pierre and Chloe giggling. What's going on?

I turned my head to face Noah, "Where are we going?" I said with a hint of confusion. "Uh, down memory lane" he stated and smirked at me. I chuckled slightly and followed him towards the Eiffel tower, we climbed the stairs all the way to the top and went over to the handrail. The wind blew through me hair as Noah combed a piece of my hair behind my ear. He smiled at me then stared at into the distance, overlooking the beauty of Paris.

"Remember when we were here" Noah asked. I looked at him and gleamed, "yea". He nodded before saying "This is the third place I fell in love with you" as his breath caught in his throat. "Third?" I giggled but he ignored it.  "I know it was only our first date, but something clicked. I watched your hair blow in the wind, your cheeks flare up pink, your eyes sparkle and your smile... it got me" He continued, avoiding my eye contact as he stared into the distance. I couldn't help grin; it was out of my control. I placed my hand on top of his. He turned to me and cupped my face with his hands, passionately kissing me. I smiled in the kiss and kissed him back, ruffling his hair with my hands. He stroked my face and pulled away, "ready to go to the second place where I fell in love with you?" He asked. "Okay?" I chuckled nervously.

We climbed down quickly, the wind battled against us causing me to wobble slightly, Noah placed is arm around my waist and pulled me closer towards him. We reached the bottom and followed a brick layer path. In the distance I could still hear the muffled voices and cheers from the party, I could help but feel like I was missing out. "Were missing the party" I mumbled, Noah looked down at me and smiled "trust me it will be worth it" he said slowly. I looked at him with a confused expression, but before I could say anything, he began pulling my arm.

We ran across the road and down a small street, fairy lights decorated a row of quaint little restaurants which loud voice echoed from. We slowed down and strolled along hand in hand, "This street is so cute" I said, Noah nodded in agreement. He bit his lip nervously and fidgety with his fingers, "Are you okay?" I carefully asked. He looked at me with a stunned expression and offendedly shouted "Yeah why?". I raised my eyebrows "You seem a bit... tense" I said. He suddenly smiled as if being transformed, "I'm great, now hurry up!" He squealed. We ran further down the street and took a sharp corner. The lights from the cars lit up our faces, Noah grinned happily as he exclaimed "Surprise!". I covered my mouth with my hands as I let out a squeal, "Oh my God, the restaurant" I yelled.

Noah had taken me to the restaurant he took me to on our first date, we went inside, and I immediately felt a sense of de ja vu. Memories filled my head, forcing me to smile brightly. We were escorted to the same table as last time, with a swinging chair behind and vines climbing up the wall. Noah pulled out my chair then I sat down, he sat across from me and intertwined our hands on the table. We ordered some drinks and chatted until they arrived, once the drinks arrived, we sipped them peace fully. "I can't wait for the last place" I exclaimed; Noah smiled awkwardly "Yeah" he nodded. What was up with him?

I noticed something I hadn't noticed before; Noah was carrying a small belt bag. "Hey what's the bag for" I asked, Noah's eyes slightly widened, "Uh... I have a cold so um tissues" He hesitated. I nodded awkwardly; he's lying. We finished our drinks off and got ready to go, "So onto the last place!" I said, Noah stood up straight and breathed in heavily. "Yeah, let's go!" He spoke.

-hey guys, I'm back :)

-Hope you enjoyed this long chapter, mind any grammar mistakes lol I wanted to get this chapter out

-sad news, only one more chapter to go :(

-I will update soon <3


𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢-𝗡𝗼𝗮𝗵𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗫𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat