Giving In

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Over the last few days, I've trained myself well. I can now create a fireball with one hand instead of two, and if I DO decide to throw a two-handed ball, it's strong enough to demolish an asteroid! ...Of course, using it on a human or its ship is DEFINITELY last-resort.

Besides my improvement in the creation of fireballs, I've also learned that I can mold any ball I make into any shape or form I want. However, any object I create is still just a mere flame; if I make a sword, it won't cut anything, it'll just burn whatever it touches. Maybe with more practice, I can get it right...

On non-fire related subjects, I can now fly only a few miles per hour under the speed of light! Ironic, since I technically AM light. It actually makes me wonder why I couldn't travel that quickly already. I can think about that later, though; just a little under a day to go, and I can make a trip to Earth in about 8 minutes! Maybe I can strike them first...

No, I'm doing it again! I need to stop thinking like that; this is all for self-defense!

Am I seriously believing that lie? I'm obviously training myself to kill humans! Why do I still tell myself that I mean no harm?!

I DON'T want to hurt anybody! Killing people is wrong!

Yeah, to THEM. I'm more than a human; why should I obey their moral codes? I'll make a new rule for them to follow: worship me and you'll live; don't, and you'll die.

What would John say if he knew I was talking like this?! He'd never approve of this!

When he wakes up, he won't remember being a human in the first place. We can share ownership of the little insects known as humans; I don't mind sharing power with someone who's my equal! We can rule together as the god and goddess of Earth!

No matter what I try to do, the dark thoughts keep finding a way to seem like they're right. Maybe... they ARE right. Maybe it's the HUMANS that are wrong. Maybe I'm supposed to right the humans' wrongs!

It's settled. In order to make the humans respect me, I have to enslave them. For as long as I can remember, I've tried to avoid it, but I suppose the only way to bring peace between us is through tyranny. I don't like it, but there's no other choice; the Sun-Goddess must start acting like a goddess. I'll start by making an example of their governments - if they have the guts to show up.

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