Pet Humans and Alex's Demise

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After making sure Pruitt knows that I'm joking (though I'm still unsure on whether or not it worked), I go back to playing with poor little Alex. Keeping a tight grip on the toy he rides around in, I begin swaying the thing side-to-side, just to freak him out. But, despite his pleas for mercy and prayers to God, he has yet to look me in the eye once. He keeps looking at Pruitt with scorn, or looking upwards as if there's a sky above him, or sometimes, even that damn vase while talking to it like it's Luke, but not once has he even glanced at me! It's getting annoying; doesn't he realise that I'm the one that can (and possibly will) kill him in an instant? Is he so pathetic that he refuses to look at Death in the face?

Though he hasn't been looking at me, however, I've been keeping a close eye on the little guy. With the liquid helium threat neutralised, I had time to think about the size difference between the humans and I. From my point of view, humans are tiny creatures - almost half of an inch in height - and are very fragile because of it. They are also quite helpless at times, especially when near someone bigger than them (like me), because they always resort to using weapons of some sort for protection, but still end up in the palm of that bigger person's hand. In my honest opinion, their tiny bodies and helpless natures make each one of them look so cute!

As I continue rocking the ship back and forth, I realized just how much fun I could potentially have with a human. Right now, I was barely using any effort at all, but Alex was holding onto the sides of the ship, trying to keep his balance like I was causing a major earthquake! Watching the little thing hang on for dear life (when I'm hardly doing anything) was just too adorable! That's when I begin wondering what it would be like to, maybe, keep one... yeah, like a toy -- better yet, like a pet! Hell, I'll probably keep this one! Alex: my little pet human... the thought alone was making me feel stronger than ever!

As more time passes, I begin to focus less on Alex and more on what having a pet human would be like.  I could take care of him, play with him whenever I felt like it, and make it do tricks just to name a few things! It would also call me 'Master' and do whatever I want... oh... yes...

I began daydreaming about just what it would be like to have such power over a tiny human. Each word that entered my mind about keeping a human as a pet was making me feel more powerful, more overjoyed, more dominant! A warm feeling of pure pleasure was coursing through my body as I fell half-asleep, without knowing, or caring, about anything going on outside of my dreams. The only part that I didn't like was that I knew that it was only a dream. This had to become a reality!

Somewhere in the middle of my dream, I was woken up by a panicking Pruitt: "AMY, LET GO OF THAT THING! IT'S GONNA BLOW!!" I was only half-awake, so I still didn't exactly... wait, "It's gonna blow"... was he... Alex's ship... was it... going to EXPLODE?

When I started to truly wake up, I looked at Alex's ship. The cockpit was now glowing red, with a flashing message saying "SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE ACTIVATED" and a countdown clock that had just passed :07. Self Destruct? He was going to kill himself?! Frightened, I threw his ship as far away from everyone else as I could...

*cue Michael Bay-esque explosion*

Well, I guess that was it. Alex was gone. Even though the explosion wasn't big enough to have caused any more damage than a momentary stinging sensation if I was to keep holding on, there was no trace of the ship (or anything that was inside it). I couldn't believe it... my pet killed itself...

I looked at Pruitt, the man who saved my-- well, not my life, but... he kinda saved my good hand, I guess? Anyways, I looked at Pruitt, and began to notice that he didn't look half-bad, himself. Since there's nothing left of Alex to play with, maybe I could settle...

No, what was I doing?! Pruitt didn't even do anything wrong for me to want to hurt him! What kind of monster keeps a person as a pet, anyways?!


It was getting worse. My desires to be in control have corrupted me to the point where I don't even care who I torture! Pruitt thought he was saving my life; even though the explosion was too weak to harm me, it was still deadly to a person like him, or Alex. And to repay him, I was going to keep him against his will, and use him as some sort of plaything for the rest of his life?

I've taken it too far. Luke and Alex were right, I'm not the same girl I was before the accident. I became more than an ordinary human, and I let that power dictate my thoughts and moral values. I was too dangerous to stay in the lives of ordinary people anymore. I am no longer Amy Blesse, the human girl and astronaut. I'm not sure what I am, anymore.

"Pruitt," I began, each word with more concern for his safety than words could ever explain, "I, uh... I think you need to get out of here. I-It's for your own good."

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