Flames of Life

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I finally decide to give up on the solar flares. There is no way even if I spent hours trying that I would be noticed. Giving up on the flares, I decide I want to learn more about the solar body I am on. Maybe, just maybe I can figure out what I am and why I am here.

So, for the next several days, I start to walk with no company but the flames that lick my thighs, which give me a constant comfort. As I walk, I try to make sense of everything; the biggest question being: Who or what am I?

What seems like hours pass by and I grow frustrated, unable to answer any questions with something more certain than a theory, and let myself slowly become in cased in the flames that offer me so much comfort. Starring up at the stars and can't help but wonder if there are others like me out there somewhere looking up at the same stars.

I soon grow tired looking at the stars. Being clueless doesn't give you much to think about. As I turn to get up, I see something that nearly makes me scream. Staring back at me is a pair of red eyes. As I look around I notice, in bedded in the surface of the sun, there are dozens of other eyes, all of which stare back at me.

"Um, hello?" I tried talking to them, but they didn't answer. I slowly walked up to one, and it started moving towards me as well. I lifted my arm and carefully reached out, trying to touch it. My hand was centimetres away from it when it gently latched itself onto my knuckles. Slowly, it crawled up my arm and curled itself around my forearm like a snake would to a branch. It snuggled against my skin, practically kissing my arm as the flame flickered.

The others quickly joined, each flame hugging a different part of my body. Soon, I was covered head-to-toe in flames that were practically alive, each one cuddling and kissing my arms and hands, my legs and feet, my back and waist, my breasts and stomach, my neck and scalp, and there was even one against my face, caressing my cheek, tickling my nose, and kissing my lips. For the first time, I actually laughed.

It was then when I realised that I wasn't alone after all. These flames made me laugh when I wanted to cry. They brought me comfort when I thought I was lost. They healed my wounds that only the emptiness of space could cause. I DID have a family, and it was them all along!

My happiest moment quickly turned into the scariest as, without warning, they lifted me up off the surface of the sun and into the empty abyss. Previous experiences proved that even if I just stood above the sun's flames, I would wither up and die if I didn't retreat into the sun quickly. I just had the best experience of my life with these flames; were they really about to kill me?! I braced for the crippling pain that was surely about to come.

Nothing happened. As they lifted me higher and higher, they made sure to protect every inch of my body. I was flying, with a suit of fire to protect me from the abyss around me! I kept going further and further into the dark emptiness of space, and not a single part of me was starting to get cold. Eventually they stopped and turned me around, allowing me to see the Sun in its entirety.

It was magnificient. Just a fortnight ago, I was literally born out of the flames of this majestic ball of fire, and I finally get to see the whole thing. I couldn't help but stare in awe; hundreds of billions, possibly TRILLIONS of life forms wouldn't exist without its glorious blaze, including me - the only one that can actually survive on its surface.

When I floated back to the sun's surface, the flames retreated to the core. As I laid down with them, all of us slowly falling sleep, I got an idea. A solar flare on the sun may be a natural phenomenon, ...

... but a solar flare far away from the sun would be impossible in the natural world! Someone would HAVE to notice my existence then!

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