Feelings for John

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I poured Luke's ashes out of my hand as John laid on the floor in agonizing pain. Who would've thought I would actually save the life of someone I hated? I didn't understand what motivated me to change my feelings about him, so I could only assume that it was the flames.

At first, he stared in awe, but when he finally started to speak, I quickly interrupted, "Just get me out of here before I do the same to you." Scared by my threat, he obliged, somehow finding the strength to crawl to the control panel and finish the sequence to open the roof of this oversized freezer. Before I left, he stopped me, asking if she finally I a name after all this. I only spoke one word to him before I left, "Amy."

I stared back down upon the small planet known as Earth as I flew away from it. Up here, the facility might as well be a speck. Everything is so tiny. I've seen earth, and it is huge. So huge, that I'm pretty sure no one except a few people would miss Luke, and even fewer probably missed me.

Somewhere down below, two kids are probably wondering where there dad is at, they may even be visiting the grave of their mother, hell, I don't know what humans do. Their dad is bleeding out on the floor, and I know there is absolutely nothing I can do to save him. I feel a faint tug somewhere in my body. I have no idea what is happening to me, but if I dont keep going, I'm going to die at the hands of those bastards at the base.

I eventually gave in to the feeling inside of me and turned around. I braced myself, preparing to be fired upon, but as I drew closer to Earth, not a single shot was fired. Was I flying into a trap? I flew in closer and closer until I made it into the base, where a crowd of people were around the dying body of John. Was this normal? What were they doing?

I quickly caught the attention of one of them, "Amy, is it really you?" Immediately, the others followed:

"Amy, you're back!"

"How'd you survive that crash?"

"Do you remember me?"

"What's it like on the sun?"

"How are you still alive?"

"What happened to you?"

"Guys, one at a time!" I finally interrupted. The person who first noticed me spoke first, "S-Sorry for doing those things to you. We were just trying to find out who you were." I didn't know what to say. This was the first time someone besides John treated me like a living being.

"Amy," he spoke again, "do you remember me, or any of us?"

"N-No. Sorry."

"I'm Alex. We were friends before the accident. We had lunch together back at the academy. Does this ring any bells?"

"Nothing. I just don't remember any of it."

"Not even th-"

"What part of 'I don't remember anything' is so hard to understand!?"

He slowly backed away in fear. "Do you, at least, know what happened to Luke?"

"He's that pile of ashes over there."

"Really?" Alex ran back to Luke's ashes, and asked, "Amy, how could you?"

"I was protecting John! Besides, he tried to kill me first!"

"You killed him, you... you MONSTER!"

I couldn't believe it! After everything Luke had done, I'M the monster for ending it all?! For killing a person to save another? Slowly, a familiar rage began building up inside of me, and I raised my hand...

''No, Amy. Stop.'' John suddenly choked out, ''You should just go. We aren't important; we're just normal, boring humans.'' He stopped to cough, every word seemingly harder to say than the last. ''But you, you are a beautiful being. There is no one like you, and if you stay, you'll die.''

I stare down at John, and the strange feeling returns. I know what it is now: sadness. This man after all that has happened and all I have done does not see me as a monster, and now, he's dying. I can feel the warmth leaving his body from where I stand, and there us nothing I can do except...

The vial that turned me into a piece of the sun, turned me into who I am, sits on the counter, it's blue contents glowing. I could save John, but turning him into the sun, is that really saving him?

I realised that we either had to turn him into the sun, or leave him to die. I wasn't sure the first option was really saving him, but I WAS sure that the second option was out of the question. The flames retracted up my arm, exposing my skin to air similar to the air before Plan B, grabbed the vial with my index and middle finger, and tried to hand it to Alex.

"Here, it's the only thing that will save him."

"How do I know you're not trying to kill HIM?"

I felt myself getting angrier. "Just take the g*ddamn vial!"

He quickly grabbed the vial with both of his hands, and I released my two-finger grasp on the tiny thing. Alex rushed through the crowd and handed it to the person tending to John's wounds.

"This is just going to turn him into the thing Amy is."

"She's not a 'thing,'" John somehow managed to say.

"Okay, then it'll turn you into a flame. Better?"

"It's that or maggot food," Alex spoke up.

The man took the vial and slowly poured the liquid from the vial into John's mouth. Moments later, John stopped breathing. "Amy, take him home," the wound-tender said, backing away from John's body, "You'll see if it worked in a year. After all, that's how long it took you."

I grabbed John's body, and the flames returned to my exposed skin. Even when surrounded by the flames of the sun itself, he wasn't even sweating. That was most likely a sign that it was going to work. Closing my hand around his seemingly half-inch body, I took off for my only true home.

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