Plan B

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I scowl as he exaggerates the word 'monstrosity.' I do not think I am terrible, but everyone else on this base does. All except John, who now probably is living sweetly off of his prize for turning traitor on me. ''I don't think I'm a monster, Luke.'' I say struggling to sit up. He reaches behind his back and pulls out a strangely shaped object that glistens in the small light that protrudes from my body. ''Do... not... move." he says, raising it out in front of him. Maybe I'd be scared if I knew what it did, but it really looks like another object they used to torture me.

''Why do you think I am a monster? Is it because I am different? Because I don't look like you?" I somehow find the energy to stand and actually laugh. Luke looks tiny down there. He looks smaller than a flame, flailing about the small object like it can save him. ''Stay back!"

Instead of doing what the little prick wants, I lean over him. He points the object at me, an it suddenly explodes. Something flies from its end, but it turns to liquid before it reaches me. ''You really thought that could stop me?"

"A-Amy?" Luke began to plea, "C-Could you, uh, j-just... think about what you're doing?"

Every terror-filled stutter that left his lips made me feel more and more powerful; however, I was actually getting weaker with each passing second as the cold air chipped away at my physical health. I didn't want that bastard to realise the cold had already taken its toll on me, but it was starting to get too hard for me to keep standing! Keeping a sadistic smile to hide the fact that I was in pain, I slowly dropped to one knee and leaned in closer to intimidate him further.

As if by instinct, he pointed that object at my face and it made 5 more explosions. All 5 times, something shot out of it, and all 5 objects smelted before they reach my face, splashing off the bridge of my nose. Afterwards, the object started making a clicking sound, and Luke immediately dropped it and cowered backwards until his back hit the wall. "P-Please, d-don't hurt me, Amy..."

"Are you TRYING to seem more pathetic than you already are?" I rhetorically asked, wiping what was left of the molten metal off my face. When you're so big that a person seems less than 2 centimetres tall, they already seem pitiful, but when one of those pests decide to treat you like YOU'RE inferior to HIM, then beg for mercy when you prove that it's the other way around, that's REALLY shameful! Looking at Luke cowering in the corner like the timid mouse he is, I decided to have some fun at the little twerp's expense.

"So..." I said, crawling on all fours towards my victim, thinking of how I could toy with the tiny bug before putting it out of its misery, "if I were to, let's say, slowly crush you like the pest that you are, would you burn or flatten first?" Luke managed to utter out a weak "don't" before I interrupted him, "Or maybe, since I don't have a stomach, we could find out what would happen if I try eating you!" He didn't get to finish a word before I continued, "Ooh, I know! Get into one of those metal suits the other guys wore, and I'll keep you as a pet!"

I played with Luke's fears for a few more minutes when he screamed, "No, please stop! I don't want to die!!" That one sentence managed to trigger that dark place within me even more, and I told him exactly what I thought of his plea: "You don't want to die? Well, 'Lieutenant F*ckhead,' I didn't want to be captured! I didn't want to be tortured, either! And I CERTAINLY didn't want to be called a 'monstrosity' after everything YOU did to ME!! So, if wanting things never stopped YOU..."

I leaned in close enough to be able to kiss the little insect if I stretch my lips out, and whispered the end of my rhetorical question, "then why would it stop ME?"

I could see it in his eyes, he knew he was about to die.

His knees buckle and he suddenly crashed into the ground. I leaned in closer to the pathetic worm, now on it's hands and knees, and readied myself to plant the 'kiss of death' when he suddenly called out, "PLAN B!"

I was about to make my escspe, or even mess around with the pestly lieutenant, when all of a sudden the walls of the room Begen to exert a fog. I grip Luke's throat between my fingers and yell '''WHAT IS PLAN B!?!?"" He begins to laugh as my vision suddenly begens to blur.

I feel so weak.....

A laugh escapes from in between Luke's blue lips. He thinks he's in the clear? ''What is this...'' I mumble as I watch the swirls of ice bounce in Luke's beard. He grins ''the ice age.''

I lose my grip on the little b*stard as my vision blurs. I hear him laughing, but it sounds even more faint than usual. I know what this is: I'm dying. Unable to move, I close my eyes and accept the fact that this is the end. After all, it would take a miracle to save me.

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