Disagreements and Unwilling Hiding

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I decided to take a break from training to focus on some more important details, like how the humans are going to be able to build a throne big enough for me and with enough heat-resistance to survive my home. As I thought about it, I started to feel something tickling my thigh. I looked down and saw exactly what I expected: a flame staring at me. It doesn't take a genius to know what it wanted; they always wanted the safety of the humans, so they were completely against enslaving them.

"Why do you side with them, anyways?" I asked it, knowing I wouldn't get an answer back, "Have the humans ever done anything to deserve your respect? I'm sure you guys couldn't name ONE thing they've done for you if you could talk." The flame just stared at me, unable to talk like previously stated, but had a disapproving look on its face. For the first time in my second life, I couldn't understand the flame's motives.

"Okay, fine. If you love the humans so much that you're willing to forgive them for neglecting us, torturing me for being different, and committing MASS GENOCIDE OF YOUR SPECIES, then I'll try not to kill as many as I can when I get to Earth. Now, will you stop looking at me like that?" But the flame wouldn't stop; in fact, it looked as disappointed as ever!

"Come on... What is it going to take to make you happy? You don't honestly expect me to just go and pretend that all of that was okay, do you? I mean, what they did was unforgivable! I need to do this, or else it's gonna keep happening! I wouldn't be surprised if they were on their way right now! If I don't stop them, who will?"

The flame just flickered there for a few seconds before finally leaving, but something tells me that it still doesn't approve of what I plan to do.

I trained my abilities for a couple more hours before I heard the all-too-familiar sound of ships flying in my direction. I prepared myself for combat, but the flames began to pull me into the surface of the sun before I could move in to attack them! I struggled with them for as long as I could, but for such small beings, they were quite strong! Eventually, I gave up, laying on the ground beneath me.

As the flames began to shield me from the humans' eyes, I heard one of them give an order to the others. However, I couldn't understand what that human said; it sounded more like gibberish than anything else! I remembered back to when Pruitt said that humans from other countries would come to attack me; perhaps these people from other countries had different languages, too?

After their leader gave the order, the others immediately split up and began searching for me. After what seemed like hours, the humans still showed no signs of giving up the search. I was growing tired. They had to give up sometime! After MORE hours, however, I began to doubt that they would ever leave. Of course, according to their speech, they wanted to give up, but I guess the leader refused to let them.

In the midst of their complaining, one of them said a word that heavily sounded like a certain word the humans that spoke my language used to describe me. I had a feeling that he was referring to me when he said that, too.

He called me a monster...

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