Cold and Painful

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What am I doing here? There's nothing around me except the tickling fire and the dark matter. What should I do here? What am I? Why am I immune to this flame? My mind was clouded with questions. I've nothing to do here except wonder and hope. So I decide to stand up and take a walk.

When I stood, the flames reached up to my waist, brushing against my legs and hips like feathers as I took each step. Honestly, it felt wonderful; every time they touched my legs, a sense of unexplainable pleasure shot throughout my body. I'd be able to enjoy the sensation more if it weren't for all the unanswerable questions clouding my mind.

How could something normally so painful feel so wonderful? How am I able to survive without air, without a beating heart, without a single drop of water to be found anywhere in my body? Why am I even here? How do I get off?

As I walked upon the surface of the sun (the thought alone bewildering to me) I noticed any part of me that the flames couldn't reach were getting colder and colder. The flames were only a metre away from my face; shouldn't I still be able to feel their heat, even if they weren't touching every part of me? I shrugged the thought off, treating it as another question I'd have to answer.

Big mistake.

My little stroll was cut short when, eventually, the cold air (or lack thereof) got so unbearable, that it shot something throughout the upper half of my body, something I haven't felt since I woke up 7 hours ago: pain. I collapsed down to the inferno below me, screaming in pain. Then, in a matter of seconds, I felt completely fine. Whatever it was that was hurting me, even if it WAS just the cold emptiness of space, it's like the flames were protecting me. But... how?

I looked at myself again. My skin, my hair - I looked exactly like the individual flames. I thought about that earlier, but I couldn't find any logical reason for it. But after what just happened, I started to reconsider one of the possibilities I thought of then. If I look like a flame, I can't be hurt by flames, and I start dying if even a part of me leaves the source of the flames...

...then maybe I am, or used to be, a flame as well?

Then how am I going to survive here? All alone, in this empty universe. I can't even feel anything cold or I will collapse and die.

I'm going to have to find these answers on my own, and I won't stop looking until I've found them.

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