Fireballs and Alex's Return

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I have to find ways to defend the two of us, first. I know strength alone can't match their technology. I know I have powers to make a solar flare, but blinding them for a few seconds won't do much if they know how to kill a girl like me at the push of a button. I need to teach myself new moves to defend John and me. Maybe I could try throwing a fireball, or catching things on fire from afar, of making weapons out of flames; all I have around me is fire, but what can I do with it?

I stood on the surface of the sun, feeling safer because the humans are gone. I remember back to the days when I first stood on the sun, which seems like an eternity ago. So much has changed since then, but I know it hasn't been longer than a month or two. As I place my palms together, the familiar sensation of creating a solar flare begins, except this time, I rub my hands in a circular motion, slowly moving them outward. I'm overjoyed when I see I've produced a ball of flames, but now what do I do with it? I stop my hands and it just falls to the ground and begins to be absorbed by the sun. I'm going to have to work on being quicker, and propelling the balls, and then I'll have my first line of defense.

I kept training and training until I could make a small ball in an instant and lunge it quickly. It's not as powerful as I hoped, but I don't think I can work on that much longer, as I saw a single ship rush towards me. All I can do is hope that it's strong enough. I realised I never practiced hitting a far away target, so I need him close by, then stalled long enough to make sure he doesn't react in time to see a fireball heading his way. I stood out in the open, and far away from John, so he could clearly see me. Before he got close enough, he fired the first shot.

Whatever it was that was headed towards me, a fireball wasn't going to melt it. I quickly dodged to the right to be greeted by the sun flaring up where it landed. That wasn't a flare from excessive heat, either; it was from the sun's core melting the coldest thing I have ever encountered! Whatever that stuff was, it was going to take more than the surface of the sun to melt it, so I couldn't rely on heat to avoid it! I walked into a fight I wasn't going to win; was this the end? Staring at the ship like a deer trapped in a car's headlights, I was saved only by a voice from behind his ship,

"Alex, stop! It isn't worth it!"

Alex? The guy who said I a monster before I left the base? Was he the only one who thought that?

"I can end this right here, right now!" he yelled back, "She'll kill us all, Pruitt!"

"Alex, stop!" Pruitt responded (weird name), "You'll freeze the sun over!"

Freeze the sun over? Was he crazy enough to do that? I needed to use this Pruitt guy's distraction to make a fireball strong enough to stop him!

"I didn't plan on freezing the sun over," Alex explained, unaware of my actions, "Sure, I packed enough liquid helium to do just that, but I'm not crazy! What would be the point in saving the planet from a monster if I destroy something we can't survive without?"

"What monster?" Pruitt asked, obviously rhetorically and unaware as well, "All I see is a girl that's been abused since we first discovered her!"

"That thing killed Luke! It's not Amy anymore! In a heartbeat, she'd kill all of us if I don't do something!"

"That's because people like you and Luke keep pissing her off! Constantly exposing her to sub-zero temperatures and liquid helium, I'd want to kill people that did that to me, too!"

It was ready, and I lunged it right at his ship as another voice yelled, "Amy, don't--!" But it was too late; I had already thrown the fireball and smothered his ship in flames. However, the ship's exterior was made out of the same materials as those metal flame-resistant suits, so he was safe inside it, but with the ship immobile and the guns destroyed, he was a sitting duck.

As disappointing as the fact that he didn't die was, I was more than willing to settle for having him at my mercy. Quickly putting on the "flame suit", I flew to his ship giving him a nice view of the so-called "monster" that now controlled his fate. But he wouldn't look at me, he just kept looking at some sort of vaselike object and murmuring about he was sorry for failing Luke.

"Was that what this was about? Because I killed Luke?" He clenched his fist when I said that, but still didn't look at me. I continued, "Deep down, I didn't want to do that. But he was going to kill John, so I took the lesser of two evils."

"No," he said, still not looking at me, "you took the GREATER of two evils. You might not remember, but he was your mentor. MY mentor. Hell, he mentored half the base. But John? He was just some guy with a thing for you, and it didn't even stop him from handing you over to us."

"That wasn't the same man that mentored you and I. He was derranged, stopping at nothing to kill me before I even considered laying a finger on him. You may not want to believe me, but HE was the bad guy in that scenario."

He finally turned to me and screamed, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH, YOU C**T!" What did he just call me?! With the rage inside me pulsing faster and stronger than ever, I readied myself to end his existance once and for all...

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