Global News

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I don't know how much time passed before I heard Pruitt's little spaceship fly back to the star I call "home," but I know it hasn't been more than a day. Maybe it was time for another talk wih that Rebecca lady already? I hadn't really given it much thought; I've mainly kept myself distracted with John. He's growing more and more each day, and his skin is also becoming more like mine. I honestly can't wait for him to wake up in 8 months.

After assembling the "flame-suit," I floated up to the ship. Inside, I saw Pruitt, but not Rebecca. Something bad must've happened. Worried, I asked Pruitt if Rebecca was with him. He hesitated to answer, but the ship's speakers eventually crackled to life. Pruitt's voice followed,

"No, Amy. It's just me today. Sorry, but there's some thing important I have to tell you..." he paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before continuing, "The public... the public knows you're still alive."

This took me by suprise. Didn't they already know about me? I tried speaking up, only to be interrupted, "I don't know how it happened. It must've happened overnight, though, because we're sure the secret wasn't out before toda--"

"Pruitt, wait..." I finally managed to say, "I thought, you know, they already knew about me? When they tortured me?"

"No, Amy, that was just NASA. You were kept a secret by the government. Now, everyone in America knows about you! Before you know it, you'll be global news, and then... God knows what the other countries' governments will do to you!"

Oh, sh*t. Other governments? Meaning the tragedy that made me have these dark thoughts in the first place could happen again? This wasn't good; I was already on the brink of becoming the bane of humanity, and if this happens again...

"Okay... what do I do, then?"

"Personally," Pruitt began, "I think you should just hide. You blend in well with the sun, so it should be easy to camouflage yourself. Meanwhile, I'll try to correct the press. You're not the threat that they think you are."

I agreed to his plan, and he left. But, after he left, I began doubting whether or not it would work. Sure, I could easily hide, but if they DO actually come, who's to say I won't snap and attack them? Or, if they find me, what if they attack me first and make me fight back?

Then I realized I never fought multiple humans at once. If they do find me, I'm a goner! I decided to train myself so I can be ready for the other humans' inevitable attack...

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