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I began to formulate my plan. The flames are simplistic life forms, unable to create speech, but I fell how they feel. We are one body existing together, able to understand without speech. I soon found out I alone couldn't make a flare big enough. To increase my chances of being noticed  I would need my warm bodied friends to assist me. The plan was simple. I would start the flare and my friends would help me to enlarge it. It was a full proof plan!

Except... some of them would die. Could I really do that to my friends who comfort me when I need it the most? I'm these days I have began to live with them, and they have become my friends. More than that, they are now a part of me.

The question came to me just yesterday. Living on the sun doesn't make it easy to tell time, but I have learned by looking at a blue and green planet and noticing which continents are showing, I can tell time. Yesterday as I laid down with my friends i wondered: Do i really want to be noticed?

I don't wanna go, but as i stare up  at the sky days on end, isolation sets in. Sure, I have the flames, but I wish there was someone to talk to. I want some one to talk to. I can probably count the words I have said here on my fingertips, and probably Not fill them up. I love the flames, but I can't help but feel I am even more than one of them. I am intelligent.

     I've noticed, as the day go past, that strange things fly above the sum. I know I have seen one before , but cannot remember the name. They glide through the sky with burst of flames that don't have eyes like my friends. They don't even look like real flames they look.....fake.

The huge things really are tiny compared to the sun, hell, compared to ME, but somehow their sleek shiny exteriors protect them from the pain I felt in space. I wonder if they're a people like me, or what ever I am inside. I Have to know.

I felt a slight tickle at my leg, and immediately knew that it was one of the flames. I looked down to see what it wanted. It wasn't easy to tell, but it looked like it was trying to mimick the motions I go through when creating a solar flare. I knew exactly what it was trying to tell me, but I didn't want to get noticed at the cost of these things' lives! I tried to tell it no, but then more and more flames stood behind them, mimicking my "solar flare" in unison. I couldn't believe they really wanted to do this! Didn't they know that they would die if we went through with this? Did they even know what death was?

They obviously wouldn't take "no" for an answer, so I gave in to their pleas. I needed two groups of flames for this plan; one to fly me away from the sun, and another to fuel the flare. Luckily, more than enough showed up to convince me that we had to do this. We went through the motions: the first group covered me head-to-toe with their bodies, lifted me into the sky, and we set out to find a suitable location for the flare.

Throughout the entire trip, I was trying to think of a different plan than this one. However, as hard as I tried, every possible plan I came up with would still kill the flames. It seemed like this was the safest option.

It seemed like it took hours to make it to the best place I could think of to make this flare: The other side of the blue and green planet. If a solar flare goes off during nighttime hours, they'll know something isn't right, and they'll come and investigate. When they arrive, they'll find me floating in the area and try to make contact with me. Then, I'll tell them my story and (hopefully) get a clue on how I became what I am now!

But... I didn't want to do any of this. I looked at the flames that were going to fuel the flare, who would soon be victims of a plan that would only benefit myself. I tried to tell them to go back, that disclosure wasn't worth mass suicide! None of them would listen, and so I had no choice. I brought my hands together, and made a solar flare.

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