Pruitt's Friend

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"A-Amy?" a terrified Pruitt began, "I-I'm, uh, not sure that I can help you..." That's what I was afraid the response was going to be. I began to speak up, only for him to continue, "Wait-wait-wait-wait-WAIT!! I wasn't finished! I know someone who might be able to help! So, uh... please don't hurt me?"

Wha-- I wasn't going to hurt him! Was I that intimidating? Great, as if my power wasn't enough of a curse already! "So," I began, trying to hide the fact that I was offended, "are you going to bring him over, then?"

"I'd bring HER, but... I don't know... if I... should...oh, God..."

'Oh, God' was right! "What do you mean, 'you don't know if you should'? Didn't you hear what I was going to do?"

"I did, it's just... you're supposed to be a government secret, and she's not part of the government! I'm not supposed to tell her, or anyone else, about you!"

"Why not? Because another human told you not to? Don't you know who I am, and what I'm capable of? Must I remind you of what happened to Luke, how I burned him to ash? What if I told you that I have the ability to do that to every single one of your pathetic race? Don't think that's an empty threat, either; I will do that if you keep disobeying my commands! Now bring her to me, or else!!"

Pruitt began backing away in fear, stopping only when his back hit the wall of his ship's interior. "Amy, I'm sorry! I-I'll do it, okay?! I'll get you the help you need, no matter the cost! Just don't hurt me!!"

I realised what I was doing when I saw the image of Pruitt, the only friend I can talk to, begging for my mercy. God, what have I become?! I needed help now more than ever before! "No, Pruitt, I'm sorry. I never should have said any of that to you. Just go. As quickly as you can, bring your friend over here. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to wait."

As though I was still threatening him, he quickly nodded, got up, practically ran towards the cockpit, and flew his ship as fast as it could back to earth. For a while, I watched as Pruitt's ship left. I returned to the Sun and sat down in the flames. God, I was losing it! I unleashed all the anger of what the other humans did to me onto him, and all he wanted to do was help! Even though he's still going to help me, now it's out of fear!

What was wrong with that? I may be like this because of an accident, but now I'm stronger than any of those runts would ever be! They made me like this, and I ought to teach them not to toy with things they can't handle! Forget just having one pet; I'll enslave the whole planet!

Agh! This is exactly why I asked for help, if you could even call that 'asking'! These thoughts weren't healthy. I will not let myself turn into the monster Luke and Alex believed I was!

I looked over to see John's peaceful form, and my shoulders slumped with a sigh. Why did I save him? He was the reason this whole thing began. At the same time, however, he was the first to respect me in this form. It was almost as if he accepted me, too.

God knows I'll need that unconditional affection soon.

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