Captain John

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I couldn't believe what I had just created. That had to be the biggest solar flare I've ever made; it was at least twice my size! It almost made me forget the sacrifice it cost to make such a flare; the key word being "almost."

While waiting for someone to show up, I couldn't keep myself from feeling depressed. Not very surprising, given the circumstances. What was surprising, however, was how overjoyed the remaining flames were after it was finished. They seemed more energetic and cheerful than ever, trying to make me do backflips and ballerina-twirls while we wait for the reason we did this! Did they not care that so many of them would never come back after this was over, or did they not realise WHY they wouldn't come back?

One of the things I saw flying around the sun was blasting off from the Earth's surface. That must be them. They got here much sooner than I thought, but, with how heavy my nonexistant heart felt after what the flames and I lost, it still seemed like it took an eternity. As they got closer and closer, I noticed that, to fit in something like that, they must've been a lot smaller than me; heck, one of the individual flames was half the size of that thing they came in! They seemed about as small compared to me as the Earth was compared to the Sun!

They came to a stop directly in front of me. I don't think I could be able to imagine what they were seeing from inside that... thing (I still didn't know what they called it). Looking at the shiny exterior of their... whatever it was called, I could see my reflection, which was important to me, because I have never seen my own face before. I had sparkling, orange eyes, with dark yellow freckles underneath them, my nose was very delicate without much bulk, my lips were thin and were a shade darker than the rest of my skin, my cheeks were heart-shaped and full; overall, I'd say I was quite nubile!

But I didn't go through all of this just to look at my reflection. It was time to finally talk to them. Trying to put my feelings for the flames we lost behind me, I spoke to them: "Hello? C-Can you hear me?" When he didn't answer, I got nervous, floated closer to the front of ... still don't know what to call it, and spoke even louder, "Please, you have to help me! I don't know who I am, and I need to find out! Just answer me! PLEASE!"

It took a couple of seconds, but I finally had a reply. It sounded faint and far away, which seems normal given the size difference between the person and I (I'm guessing that I'm over 100x bigger), but I could make out one phrase: "Ma'am, do you copy?"

I couldn't believe it! My first actual conversation with another person! I couldn't control my excitement, and neither could the flames around me! Overjoyed, I nodded my head vigorously and, while inches away from his... I guess I should call it a "ship," passionately cried "YES! YES, I COPY! I HEAR YOU!!"

I was so ecstatic, I almost didn't hear him tell me to calm down. As i relaxed, I realised just how close my face was to his ship. At such a small distance, the sound of my screaming voice had to be deafening! Not only that, but if I was just an inch closer, the flames on my body might have set his ship ablaze! He must've been scared half to death! Feeling guilty for the fear I put him through, I managed to utter out an apology.

He introduced himself as Captain John Henry, and was ordered to investigate a solar flare that occured during night hours, just half an hour ago. I knew exactly what he was talking about, and it was time to explain my actions.

"Uh, Captain," I began, "that was me. I need to find out who, or what, I am, and why I'm like this. I thought you could help me."

"How would I know why you're like that? I just met you!"

"I don't know; you're an astronaut! All I know is that weeks ago, I suddenly came to life on the sun's surface. Flames can't hurt me; in fact, they actually keep me alive, and I need to know how and why this happened. Do you remember anything wierd happening about three weeks ago?"

"Not to my knowledge, no." That wasn't what I wanted to hear.

"Well, can you find out? Like, maybe, from your boss or something?"

"I wish I could. I tried to report me finding you to Earth, but nobody would believe me!"

"We have to find a way to make him believe somehow! I can't stand not knowing where I come from!"

"Wait, we have a sattelite that we use to observe the natural occurrences of outer space! Right now, it should be orbiting above the United Kingdom. If you hurry, I can catch you on video tape at the base, and we'll have proof that I wasn't going crazy! Just float in front of it for about half an hour, and I'll have enough time to get you on camera!"

So, this camera thing Is really small. I don't see how it can somehow show me to earth, b I guess this man, an astronaut does have more memory than me. I Try and smile for the camera like he tells me.

''I can't help notice you staring at me.'' I say to John, who adverts his eyes. ''Its just that you are so....''

''Terrifyingly large?"

''No, Utterly magnificent. I mean look at you! You are so.... Wow, I can't believe life outside of earth exists!''

I notice he acts with the livid enthusiasm as the flames did when they wanted me to be noticed. I smile at him, and look at the camera, wondering if all earth creatures are like him.

Back on the sun, the flames were as energetic as ever, playing so happily and swiftly that I'm surprised that they weren't about to pass out. I'd join them, but I couldn't stop thinking about Earth, about how the people would react to a gigantic, talking, human-like flame, and, most importantly, about Captain John. He seemed to really like me, and, in return, I really warmed up to him, no pun intended. I wish there was a way we could stay together.

Speaking of John, when I looked up, I saw his unmistakable ship heading towards me. Quickly, I stood up, waved my hands in the sky, and called for him, "CAPTAIN JOHN, DOWN HERE!"

He must've saw me, because he adjusted his flight path to head in my direction. My upper body suddenly felt cold, so I crouched down so the sun could still reach me.

"Did they see me?" I eagerly asked, "Do they believe you?"

"Uh, y-yeah! In fact, they, uh, want to meet you in person!"

"REALLY!? WELL, LET'S HURRY THEN!!" As quickly as they could, the flames latched onto my body to make the fire-suit, and we we flew off to Earth!

Throughout the trip, John remained silent. He must've been really nervous about this, and, as I thought about it, I began to feel nervous, too. I started thinking about what I would say.

We were almost there when the flames made me stop in my tracks. "Something wrong?" John asked.

"Nothing," I responded, "it's just that the flames won't move an inch!" What's wrong with them? It's like they sensed danger, but I knew John wouldn't let anything happen t--

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