Hands-On Experience with Liquid Helium

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Piece by piece, I began tearing apart Alex's ship. But, somehow, that strange "liquid helium" stuff began leaking out of the ship, and a drop just happened to land on my hand. It brought the same crippling experience to my hand as the emptiness of space did, except a flame couldn't make the pain go away this time! Unable to hold back, I let out an ear-piercing scream as I tried and failed to cope with the pain.

I looked at the hand that touched the liquid helium. The area of my hand that the drop landed on looked bruised, swollen, and slightly deformed. When I tried to touch it, or even move my hand, the pain just intensified. And just as I thought the pain couldn't get worse, another drop landed on the same hand, causing me to scream again.

What was making the ship leak? I looked at the damage I caused, trying to see if and where I broke the liquid's storage with an unlucky shot. But when I found where it was leaking, I realised that it wasn't from anything I did. That was a hatch trying to open through all the damage I caused! He was trying to freeze the sun, and I didn't know how to stop him without my dominant hand!

Just when I thought it was over, one of the ships (I'm assuming Pruitt's) crashed into his at a high velocity, though it barely left a dent in either one of the ships. I'm sure the result was an accident, but, because of that, even more liquid nitrogen sloshed out of the compartment! I quickly dodged to the side, not even wanting to guess how badly it would've hurt me if it touched me, and watched it land on the sun, causing the sun to flare up even more as it tried to evaporate the liquid helium once again.

Wait... the sun! The liquid helium is spilling out because the sun's gravity is giving it weight! If I could turn the ship around, then the liquid can't spill out! Well, unless the compartment can open from the other end, but it doesn't look that way at all. If it can't, the only problems I have are just what-ifs: What if I'm not strong enough to move it without my dominant hand, and what if I accidentally touch the liquid helium? But, at this stage, I'm going to have to try. After taking a deep breath, (don't know why I did; there's no air, and even if there was, I don't need to breathe it) I lunged forward and tried to turn his ship around...

...and it was easy! As if Alex and his ship was as light as a feather, I turned it around with ease, making sure my hand was nowhere near the partially open, liquid helium-filled compartment. As I made sure to keep a good grip on his ship, Alex was at my mercy once again.

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