Awake and Alive

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When I woke up, the only thing I could see was the dark, night sky above me. I didn't know where I was, or even who I was. I only knew that I was alone here, wherever "here" was. I tried to take a deep breath, but the air was so thin that it seemed like it wasn't there at all. The ground beneath me was warm, and it tickled my bare skin as I laid on it; it was a nice kind of tickle, that made me want to lay on the same spot for the rest of my life.

Eventually, I convinced myself that I had to sit up, and when I did, frightened couldn't even describe how I felt when I saw what was around me. Every inch of the ground around me, including the very spot I was sitting in, was completely ablaze! I knew I should be burned to a crisp, but... I wasn't even sweating. Even as one of the flames was creeping up my back, reaching all the way up to my neck, it didn't hurt in the slightest way; rather, it tickled more than anything else.

Suddenly, I realised something: when I put my hand over my heart to feel it beating, it wasn't. I wasn't breathing, either, but, somehow, I felt absolutely fine. None of this was making any sense to me; I had no beating heart, I wasn't breathing, and I was being burned alive, but I was able to sit here as though nothing was wrong with any of that. Confused, I uttered the first words I've said since I woke up half an hour ago, "What AM I?"

It seemed like I was trying to find an answer to that question for hours. The more I tried to find out, the harder it was for me to answer that. The colour of my skin was the exact same orangish-yellow as the base of the blazing fire around me; my hair and nails, the same bright red as the tips of the flames. That couldn't be simply a coincidence, but I didn't know what it could possibly mean. My tongue had no moisture, and my eyes couldn't shed a tear, though I really felt like I should've cried enough to put out the entire fire around me. My breasts had no areolas or nipples, and my crotch and posterior were both just smooth skin. I just didn't understand any of this.

I looked up and added another thing to the list of things that made no sense: I had to have been debating who I was for 6 hours, but it doesn't look like the sun's coming up anytime soon. That's when it all started to be clear; I was sitting on ground that practically wasn't there, and fire was all around me. There's no air in the atmosphere, and the only thing in the sky was the stars. Maybe the sun isn't coming up...

...because I'm ON the sun!

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