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As time passed, it became harder for me to be patient. Just how long does it take to find one of your friends? I had to remind myself that there are billions of people on that planet, but it quickly became too hard to do. I began to wonder if he may have forgotten about me, but realised that a giant, living flame on the sun wasn't something you simply forget. That's when the worst-case scenario came to mind:

What if there IS no friend that can help me? What if he lied to me because he wanted to get away from me? After I told him about how I wanted to keep him as a pet once before, he must've gotten scared, then made up a false story to escape becoming the personal slave of the Sun-Girl! NOW I'm mad! He thinks he can ditch his dear friend because of one incident?! I ought to fly straight to that god-forsaken planet and teach him how dangerous I--

A familiar sound broke me from my anger: the sound of Pruitt's ship heading towards the ship. Well... that was a little awkward. I'm just going to... forget I ever wanted to hurt him.

After a few moments, Pruitt spoke up, "Amy, could you please come up here?"

I was nervous. Who was Pruitt's friend? How was she going to try to help me? There was only one way to find out. I put on the flame-suit and slowly rose from the sun's surface. Through the ship's front window, I could see Pruitt in the pilot's seat, which wasn't a surprise, and a young woman -- I'd guess that she was in her mid-twenties -- in the co-pilot's seat beside him. She seemed to be shocked by my presence, which ALSO wasn't a surprise; how often do you meet a 575ft+ tall flame-woman?

"Amy," he began, "this is Rebecca. She's a therapist, and she's here to help you."

Wait, therapist? Therapist?! I ask Pruitt to help me avoid DESTROYING MANKIND AS WE KNOW IT, and he brings me a THERAPIST?!?! He might as well have brought the first person he saw on the street; what good is SHE going to do?!

"Hello, Amy," Rebecca spoke up, still trying to calm herself down, "It's nice to meet you."

Did she seriously think she could help me? 'Oh, you're a giant flame-woman who was tortured by U.S. military and now plan on getting revenge by destroying humanity? Here, let's talk about the obvious problems that everybody knows you have.' Pruitt may be my only conscious friend at the moment, but he's a f*cking idiot! Letting my anger over his stupidity get the best of me, I spoke up, "YOU'RE the help I get sent?!"

I watched her fake smile vanish after those words. She soon answered, "Y-Yes, Amy. I am. I've helped many people like you."

... Yep, time to kill her.

Before I got the chance to, she saw her blunder and tried to save herself, "W-well, obviously not like you in THAT way, but..."

"Whatever," I said in reply, "let me tell you what's been happening." I mean, what do I have to lose?

I told her everything I've ever told Pruitt, and she gave me her diagnosis, "Well, it appears to me that you have megalomania, or power-madness." Wow, what a f*cking newsflash. "It's not surprising -- you DO have superhuman size and powers -- but it's still treatable. Normally, I'd prescribe the usual medication, but due to... obvious reasons... a couple pills a day isn't an option. Therefore, I would reccomend seeing a professional like myself once a week. That is... if you want to."

"If it'll get these thoughts out of my head, I'll do anything."

"Great! Now, I'm available on Monday at 4:30. Will that work for you?"

That's when I realised I didn't know specific times of the day. All this time, I've been judging how many days had passed by what continents were showing; it was impossible for me to know which day of the week it was, let alone the specific hour and minute! At least all I can do is either stargaze or sleep up here, so I'm available whenever she arrives. "Yeah, that'll work."

"Alright, it's a date. See you then!"

She still hadn't earned my trust, so I simply nodded and floated into my home's awaiting flames. After that, Pruitt drove Rebecca back to THEIR home, Earth.

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