A Message For Earth

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Before the flames could react in time to stop me, I lunged up towards the ship, grabbed it, and quickly threw it into the sun's awaiting flames, where it incinerated upon contact. I turned around to be greeted by the other six ships, who began firing at me before I could do anything. Luckily, the bullets smelted from my sheer body heat before they made contact, so the molten metal splashing against my fiery skin felt more like a warm shower than anything else. When they realized that all they were doing was merely annoying me, they began to retreat and scatter. I managed to throw a fireball at one of the ships before it got away, disabling the hunk of metal and sending it crashing into the sun below.

In response to another one of their comrades dying at my hands, the remaining five foreign humans immediately began to return in a vain attempt to avenge their fallen brothers. As I prepared for combat, one of the ships fired a strange-looking weapon. It was long, had a pointed front, and had more of the humans' "fake flames" coming out of the back of it. Something was telling me that this was going to do more than annoy me, so I quickly dodged to the side. As I was staring at that thing, wondering what it was, the most shocking thing happened: it TURNED AROUND. I started flying to the side to get out of its way, but it kept flying in my direction. It was following me!!

The chase lasted for about a minute before I made a B-line for the sun. Sure enough, it followed me, but when I turned away, it kept heading towards the sun! Obviously, that... thing... couldn't survive the heat of the sun, and burned to ash after a fiery explosion. Then, I had a theory: Maybe it wasn't following me, but just my body heat?

I wouldn't let them have a chance at helping me prove my theory. As soon as I possibly could, I flew towards the ship and crushed it between my hands like it was paper mâché. Undoubtedly, the pilot was killed in the process, leaving four ships left. Those ships knew fighting me one at a time was useless, and began swarming me with the same weapon that was used before, making me have to repeatedly go back and forth from the sun to them, until I managed to cause another ship to go down in the crossfire. 3 left...

Two of these three ships kept coming close to me before firing, so I decided to take advantage of it. The next time they tried to get in close, I grabbed them with one hand each, and smashed them together. Only one more remained, and I think I'll toy with this one...

The pilot was paralyzed with fear, unable to move the ship in any direction. I decided to send him home with a message; knowing how stupid the humans are, a squad going missing will just make more come my way, but sending one back to tell them that I'm too dangerous for them just might work. I slowly floated up to the human in the ship, ready to give him my message to the human race.

Peering through the windshield, I looked at the foreign human tremble from my presence alone. He was bald, with pale skin and forehead wrinkles that suggested that he was in his later years. His uniform looked similar to the uniform the other humans wore, but his was white instead of bluish-grey. Also, the logo was different; it had the same colors as the logo the other humans wore, but was arranged in 3 stripes going from left to right: white on top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom.

Before I give him the message, I first needed to make sure he spoke my language. After all, if he couldn't, giving him a message he couldn't understand would be pointless. "Do you understand me?" I asked the foreign human.

"Da!" came the reply, "Yes, I speak English!"

"Tell the people of Earth that their goddess is coming, and they have one day to ready themselves for Her arrival."

He quickly nodded and flew off. Tomorrow, I will see if my message got through to the people of Earth. If not, I guess the human race will be extinct...

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