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I think giving the humans a whole day was a little too generous, but if they're not bowing down when I arrive after they have that much time, there truly is no hope for the human race. How many chances have I given them, anyways? I was being nice to them when John first met me, but they saw me as a threat. I saved who knows how many lives by stopping Luke and Alex, but I was still seen as dangerous. I even left them alone entirely, and they send ships to attack me! Now I've chosen to be as "dangerous" as they constantly claimed me to be, and if they don't realize that they can't win this fight, it's time to get rid of these pests.

The flames seem to treat me with disgust, even though it's my choice. After all, I had more reason to choose violence over peace; the humans never understood peace. Why else would they constantly attack someone who just wanted to be nice? And why were the flames still trying to convince me that I should STILL try to be nice? It seems like I'm the only sane creature in the solar system at this point.

When their day had passed, I donned my suit of flames one more time, even though they still didn't approve of my actions. When I was ready, I took off for my destination, and made it to Earth's atmosphere in a matter of 8 minutes. It was then that I decided what area of the land I should visit first. It took longer than I wanted it to, but I eventually set my sights on a seahorse-shaped island located just to the right of the rest of the land. I flew to the land much slower than I did coming to Earth, because something told me that flying in at light-speed was going to destroy nearly everything before I knew whether man had realized their err.

When I showed up, there wasn't much around me, just a bunch of short, green stuff coming from the ground that burned to ash when I touched it. However, I could make out something in the distance; I wasn't sure what it was, but it looked man-made. As I made my way towards whatever it was, I saw more and more of the structures, until they they reached countless numbers. They were rectangular, shiny, and ranged in various sizes; some I knew would barely reach my knees, but some looked as though they would be even taller than me!

I continued walking when I realized the ground beneath me changed. The ground I stepped on was black with white dotted line splitting it down the middle. It was a thin strip, with the green stuff surrounding it on both sides. The sole of my foot was starting to burn from the strip of land, and when I lifted my foot, it left a black liquid footprint where what used to be more of the land. I can only assume that I melted whatever I was standing on...

I neared the structures until they were less than a mile away from my location when I heard voices. Voices coming from within the area I was walking towards. No doubt that they were human voices, but something was terribly wrong: they weren't in the one and only language I speak! Unless someone from this place spoke English, I was never going to see if they learned their lesson!

I walked past the first of the structures to see that the ground beneath my feet was different yet again! The areas around me were now either the black land or a grey land. The grey land that replaced the green from before was smooth like the black, but instead of melting beneath my feet, it would crumble and seemingly vanish! Maybe this stuff didn't melt, but immediately turn into a gas at a certain temperature?

I quickly saw a group of the people I heard earlier. I may not have been able to understand their vocal language, but the body language used was universal. They were bowing to me! Heh, I guess humans can learn, after all! After the show of respect, they began a prayer of some sort... though I would have loved to know what they were saying. After they finished the prayer, the silence between us seemed long and awkward. Eventually, I broke the silence, "Do any of you understand my language?"

One man eagerly stepped up to me, claiming to "know English very well." He explained to me that the prayer to me was one for protection and eventual peace, as they were one of the few nations to accept me as a kami (which I assume means god) and are seen as a potential enemy to the rest of the world at this point in time. I would normally say something about the stupidity of mankind at this point, but I didn't want to offend the few that actually learned.

"By the way," the man said after he explained the prayer, "Why do you wish to speak English with us? Isn't this your homeland, Amaterasu?"

Who the hell..? Was that a god they worshipped before I was created? Maybe I had some similarities with this "Amaterasu" but I highly doubt that she and I were the same... I tried to explain to them that I was not who they thought I was, but they didn't seem to accept it.

It was shortly afterwards that I felt something collide with and explode on my back. I felt pain where the object landed... for a second or two. I turned around to see another ship prepared to continue its "attack" on me. This one looked a little different from what I've usually seen, so it might be used for travel around the planet instead of the galaxy. I could easily shoot it down with a fireball, but I had new powers I had learned that I forgot to use on the ships from a day ago, so I decided now was a good time to use one of them. Let's see... Weaponry forging kinda sucks since it doesn't work like the actual weapon, and I never had experience with the other power, so I might screw up.

I saw the ship load another missile, and decided to gamble. I focused on the part of the ship causing the most heat, the engine, and tried to cause a spark from afar...

*cue another Michael Bay-esque explosion*

I knew the ship wouldn't have survived once the spark was formed in the engine, but I didn't expect THAT. I guess engines are more combustible than I thought. Nevertheless, the ship and its pilot were not going to be a problem anymore.

Although my words failed to explain to my group of worshippers that I wasn't Amaterasu, my actions seemed to have convinced them. According to their legends, Amaterasu Ōmikami was a peaceful, good-natured goddess that never harmed another creature, while I was not as kind and willing to attack anyone if they meant to harm me. However, despite my aggression, I was still divine - possibly a descendant of the Great Divinity that Illuminates the Heavens. I had my doubts, but since I wasn't 100% sure of my origin story (credible as Pruitt was) I allowed them to believe what they wanted.

Besides, it doesn't matter what anyone else believes about me as long as they believe that I'm a goddess, which I am. If this goes the way I want it to, I'm going to enjoy my godhood; not just over this island, but the whole world...

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