Followed and Haunted

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I look down at the earth as I finally leave for good this time. Looking down below, I see the ceiling of the facility closing. I'd be even happier if it closed its doors forever.

When we made it home, I laid John's body onto the core of the Sun, and the flames proceded to envelope the ground where he was located. This was it. In exactly one year, John should be back to full health. I was told that I was a completely different person from Amy before the accident; would John act differently, too? Would we fall in love all over again?

Ugh, I can't believe I still have feelings for the little runt after he double-crossed me. What was it about him that makes me love him anyways? It couldn't be his looks, because he was too small for me to clearly see his face. Was it his voice, or his presonality, or, maybe, was it the fact that he was the only one that cared about me? Whatever it was, it made me love him despite what he did to me.

I sat on the warm surface of the sun, stargazing once again. I couldn't describe how much I missed stargazing, or the sun's surface, or even sitting on my own. In fact, it would be impossible to mention everything I missed. What mattered was that it was all back, and I was finally happy once again.

My happy moment was short lived when I saw a ship heading in my direction. I should've known that they would follow me! Quickly, I retreated deep into the sun's flames, just hoping that they didn't see me so I didn't have to take another life.

I don't want to guess how long I've been hiding. I'm growing tired of hiding. But he won't go away. I might not have a choice but to fight. I perked my head up to see where he was. He was turned away from the sun and headed back to Earth. I was so relieved that I laid down on the fiery ground beneath me. Minutes later, I fell asleep.

As I slept, I had a dream. I was Amy Blesse again on the day of the accident, flying to the sun. This was going on National Television: Amy Blesse, the First Person to Walk on the Sun. I was so excited; I, Amy Blesse, was going to make history.

I looked just like I do now, except I was the colors of a normal human. I had dark brown eyes instead of orange, with light brown freckles beneath them. I had a light, peachy skin instead of golden. My hair was still red, but this red hair was darker, almost brown enough to not be red at all.

When I made it to the sun, I turned the autopilot on. I grabbed my exploration suit for the lack of oxygen in outer space and began putting it on. It was bulky, like the suits worn by the scientists when that room was hot, but instead of slick and metallic, it was white and leathery. On the right shoulder, it had some sort of rectangular logo: red and white stripes almost throughout, but a blue square covered with white stars in the upper-left corner.

All that was left to put on was the helmet, but I needed to drink that new serum the scientists made first. Trying to get that part over quickly, I knocked it back and chugged it. It didn't taste as bad as I inticipated. The REAL bad part, however, was just about to begin.

Suddenly, the warning buzzers began chiming. I rushed over to the control panel & clicked a few buttons to see what was going on, but it was too late; the ship was crashing! Trapped in a hopeless situation, I fell to my knees and began some prayer, "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee..." I only finished half of the prayer before I was flung out of the ship. I woke up from my nightmare just as my past self impacted the sun.

I'm guessing, like John, I remained knocked out for a year. A whole year I just lay motionless. I move over to where he lays, his body as white as the stars. I laid my hand on his cold skin. I assume that is what death feels like: cold and empty. As I touch him, the flames circle around his body, and he still remains cold. I wonder what the transformation will look like as he slowly becomes like me. Until then, I will have to protect him. I know the people from earth won't stop coming, and if that is true, I won't stop fighting.

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