Good or Evil?

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Somehow, I regain consciousness, but I'm still too weak to open my eyes. Everything around me feels so cold; I know I'm not able to survive anything below freezing if it's too hard to stand at room temperature, so how am I alive, or even conscious?

Moments later, I realise that there's only one part of my body that isn't numb: the middle of my back. I try to reach behind me to feel if anything's on me, but my arm's paralyzed by the cold, just like every other part of my body. Slowly, that one part of my back gradually started feeling warmer and more relaxed, and it became the only part of me that feels comfort. Suddenly, I felt a familiar tickle on the warm part of my back, and I immediately knew what it was.

I didn't care how that little guy got there; I was just glad he was. I felt another flame land on my right shoulder, then another thing on my left ankle, then another on the back of my neck, and it continued until they covered my body. They started warming my body until it began to tickle, and I felt as strong as I did before I woke up in this hellhole.

I opened my eyes and saw John and Luke. John was laying on his stomach, much like I was, but he had a strange metal object sticking out of his back, and he was oozing some sort of red liquid out of the area the piece of metal was located. Luke, however, was standing over John, taunting him as if Luke was victorious in some sort of struggle. The only thing I cared about, however was that niether seemed to notice that I was awake.

This is my chance. I raised my hand, ready to put an end to my two 'biggest' problems: the pathetic sh*tstain who thought he could get away with torturing me, and the two-timing bastard who got me into this mess. I was finally about to kill them both, at the same time!

Wait... what was I doing? I can't kill them!

But why shouldn't I? They deserve death for what they did to me!

Killing a person? I could never do that - I was one of them!

I WAS one of them. Now that I'm not, they think that they're above me! They're not, and I'm about to prove that!

But... John loved me, and it hurt him when I was hurt. He never wanted to do this to me!

Then why did he? He'd put his job before his morality, and he must pay!

No, he mustn't, and neither must Luke. He was my mentor in NASA!

He was Amy's mentor. Amy is dead. I am the Sun-Girl, and he is my enemy!

He isn't my enemy. Neither is John.

I was torn between what I wanted and what was right. But I had to decide, before they knew I was alive.

As I considered my options, flee or kill, I watched them struggle like small children below me. I can see rage in Luke's eyes an realize he isn't the same man that mentored Amy Blesse. He stopped being that man a long time ago.

I raised up my hand, but stopped myself before I slammed my hand down upon them. Sure, Luke needs to be stopped, but what about John? I shouldn't hurt him!

Isn't that what I wanted? To finally rid myself of the 2 pests that caused me the most grief? I could finally do that, right now!

John doesn't deserve to die. He's risking his life to save mine, and that's how I repay him?

He's the one who let me get captured in the first place! He practically handed me to Luke! I HAVE TO KILL HIM!!

He had a family to feed. He thought about them when he turned on me, and regretted his decision every day since then. I can't kill him. There has to be another way...

Then I remembered: It's cold out there. I was able to get close to Luke, GRAB him, and he didn't burn. When I'm that weak, I can touch people without burning them. If I act quick enough, I can seperate the 2 bugs - no, the 2 people - and finally rid the world of the true 'monstrosity,' Luke.

I looked at the flames on my arm, and they looked back, understanding the plan. Like before, no words were needed, because our minds act as one. In fact, they might be what influenced me to spare John's life just moments ago. I nodded, and they retracted up my arm as I lunged it towards Luke.

It only took 3 fingers to break up the fight; my thumb and middle finger pinched around Luke's waist, and my index finger pushed his hands away from John's face. When he finally let go of John, I held the half-inch sadist in the palm of my hand, closing my fingers around his body to keep him from escaping as he struggled against my grip. Immediately afterwards, the flames returned to my bare skin, causing Luke to stop struggling. Deep down, I knew what had happened, but I opened my hand anyways. As I expected, only ashes remained in the palm of my hand. Luke was dead, at my hands.

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