The Next Country

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As part of the country's tradition, the people of Japan built a ceremonial shrine dedicated to their worship of myself. However, instead of a "sacred object" to represent me, I was going to be the centerpiece of the shrine since I'm already walking the earth, unlike their previous gods like Amaterasu. When it was fully built, I stepped into the building and sat in the location designated for me...

... And the place burned to the ground in under a minute.

After I apologized for accidentally destroying their temple (even though it was inevitable that it would succumb to such a fate), they decided to build a new one. However, this time they decided that one of my flames would be a better idol as they are less likely to burn the second place to the ground. Fair enough. After I set the area designated for my flame on fire, I decided to see what the rest of the world thought of their new Goddess.

I continued to walk in the direction of the setting sun for as long as I could when I came across some blue stuff that I vaguely remember the humans calling it "water". I also remembered that something bad happens when fire comes into contact with water. Maybe since I'm living, however, it's safe to cross? I slowly lowered my foot over the "water" until my toe lightly touched it...

OH DEAR GOD!! After a few deep breaths to recover, I wondered how I was going to cross what I can now safely call "liquid death"...

...I can fly...

After my brief moment of stupidity, I flew upwards a little and continued to travel in the direction of my home. I knew when I was getting close because, once again, I heard humans talking about me from miles away, once again in a language other than English. Let's hope that I'm as lucky as I was when I came to that seahorse-shaped island.

Upon reaching dry land, I came across strange metal ships that looked like they floated on the liquid death that nearly extinguished me. A little ways past that, I saw humans staring at me like they didn't know what I was going to do. After a few seconds of this, I spoke up, "You gonna start bowing, or do I have to start burning this place to the ground?"

One by one, they dropped to their knees and bowed to me, causing me to smile. "Now," I continued, "do any of you care to tell me what country THIS is?" After a brief hesitation, most likely out of fear, someone responded with "Korea. South Korea."

"I'm guessing the North half of this country is the half that'll refuse to bow down to me? Why else would you separate?"

"The North Koreans and us, we've been separated for very long time. But yes, they won't bow to you. Their leader's making them believe he can protect them."

"I wonder how quickly I can change that..."

I began my journey to the north half of this land before being told to stop. "Please, Taeyang Sonyeo, if you harm those that are against us, it will start a Third World War!"

"The people that discovered me declared war four months ago when they tortured me. It's time that they discovered what kind of giant they've awoken..."

And with that, I decided to pay a visit to this so-called "leader" who thinks he can stop me...

So, this chapter took forever to come out, and I know at least some of you want to know why that is. Short answer: I'm not very motivated to do this story. Perhaps a change is in order, so I'm probably going to work on a different story for a bit and come back to this one later. The story I'll work on is to be determined, as is the time I'll spend on it. Please understand that I'm not giving up this story (and never will until it's finished) but need to come back to this story later due to lack of motivation. Thank you for your time. Be sure to follow me to see where my pen takes us next.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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