How Do You Cure Yourself..?

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Pruitt gave an understanding nod before saying, "I promise not to tell anyone about you." As I turned to leave, he stopped me, "Wait, one more thing: John... is he really on the sun with you?" I simply nodded 'yes' and re-entered the sun's flames. I was too dangerous to be around humans anymore. As Pruitt left, I vowed to never return to the planet known as Earth ever again.


After a third of the year has passed, John has grown much bigger than before; he now reaches up to my knee in height. That's not the only way he's changed, however. His skin is starting to look as golden as mine, and his hair, though still black, is radiating a light the same shade of red as my hair. His body is also starting to feel much warmer, too, but not nearly as warm as mine. He's made a lot of progress since the first day, but he still has much to go.

When I was done admiring John's progress, I heard the familiar sound of a human's ship heading towards me. Why were they coming here? Didn't they know I was dangerous? Over the past four months, I never tried making contact with them, so why do they still come to me? "Stay back!" I began to plead, "I'm too dangerous for you people to be near me! Go away, before I hurt you, too!" Instead of leaving, a familiar voice spoke up, "Amy, I'm here to help you."

Pruitt? What was he doing here? "No, Pruitt, you shouldn't be here! Remember Alex, Luke, and John? Everyone that comes near me gets killed! I couldn't live with myself if it happened to you, or anyone else! Go to the base and never come back; I'm a monster!" After a brief pause, Pruitt tried to say something, but I quickly stopped him, "I SAID, LEAVE!!"

I got an unexpected response out of Pruitt after that outburst, "No. I'm not leaving."

The audacity of this man! How could he refuse one of my commands? Does he have a death wish? He should know what I'm capable of! Then again, it has been 4 months since we last met. Maybe he needs a reminder...

Damnit, I was doing it again! This is why I can't be near people; I always have thoughts about hurting them! Maybe...

...Maybe I do need help.

I had the flames assemble the flame-suit once more and I flew up to Pruitt's ship. When he entered my field of vision, it served as a reminder about how big I truly was: over 175 metres tall. Once again, I began feeling more dominant. If I could only imagine what was going through Pruitt's mind as he stared into my enormous eyes; he had to have been scared to death knowing that I could end his life in an instant.

AGH! Can I go 2 seconds without these thoughts entering my mind? If this keeps up, I'll end up wanting to destroy their planet or something!

Actually, that doesn't sound half-bad. Humans were nothing but trouble, anyways.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I end up doing just that! I need Pruitt's help in the worst way! "Pruitt," I began, "how do you cure yourself when you've gone mad with power?" The question seemed to be something he didn't expect me to ask. "Gee, Amy," he answered, "I, uh... I don't really know."

"The reason I asked is because... I think it might be happening to me."

Then, I told him everything. I started with the things he already knew, like how the transformation gave me incredible size, strength, and powers. After that, I told him how it's affecting the way I think, including how I believed humans were nothing but pests and other related thoughts. I mentioned how my actions were affected by my newfound power over man, specifically my toying with Luke and Alex. Finally, I talked about my sudden desires to keep a human as a pet, eat one as though it was food, and even destroying the planet they lived on.

I knew Pruitt was afraid of me. Whenever he talked, each word was filled with fear for his life. I can almost guarantee that my story served to frighten the man even further, and I felt terribly sorry about that. All I could do is hope that Pruitt wasn't too scared of myself. The fate of the humans' planet rests in his hands, afterall, because if he can't help me, I know that I'll end up helplessly giving in to my dark desires...

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