Solar Flares

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Days passed. At least I THINK it's been days; there's no way to keep track of time here. There's been no hint of my past, no clue as to why I'm alive, and no way to leave safely. I haven't gotten even slightly peckish since the first day, so, hopefully, that means I don't have to eat, either. As far as I know, I'm almost invincible as long as I stay within reach of the sun's flames.

It doesn't exactly help my cause, however. I need to know why I'm even alive; even if I started out as just one of the sun's flames, something had to have happened. Nothing just starts out as an inanimate object and then suddenly comes to life. There has to be some sort of significant event that caused me to come alive, but what?

Whatever it was, I can't find out if all I do is stargaze. But if I try to leave the sun, or even part of me does, my body cripples until I return to the flames. There has to be some way to signal somebody, if they're even there, just to let them know I'm here! But, without anything but the endless sea of fire around me, I just don't know how to do that.

But, if I don't find out a way soon, I might never find out what happened to make life out of a mere flame.

I decide to sit and brings my knees to my chest. I rise my left hand and observe the tickling fire that crawl to my palm. Maybe I can do something with this. I join my left hand with my right hand. A spark flashed through my palm.

Maybe if I can somehow make the flame bigger and brighter, someone or something in the vast depths of space would notice it?

I began to practice on making it bigger, more powerful.

Finally, I can make a solar flare. But it's not enough to call someone. It would just be a natural Sun phenomenon.

What should I do?

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